Immunity was a combination of slingshot and, what's that game in Florida? shuffleboard, basically. There were plates suspended with people's names, and pucks attached. If you broke the plate with your name on it, your puck became available. I think 5 was the max you could get -- Butch had 5, others had 4, 3, or 2. (Matt, surprisingly, didn't do too well at this one -- not sure if he was pulling his punches.) Then they went to this big shuffleboard with an X in the center, and the goal was to get their pucks as close to the center as possible, including bonking other people's pucks out of the way. There was some intrigue -- who was bonking who's puck out of the way -- and the next-to-final position was Heidi in a position of immunity. Jenna had the last shot. Jeff tried to tell her what her options were and she said, "I have my own plan" and bonked Heidi out of the way and gave herself immunity. Heidi didn't look too pleased.
Intervening stuff I don't remember.
At tribal council, Jeff asked how many people were surprised they'd gotten that far, and all the hands shot up. Jenna prattled on about how with the way she looks she has to work twice as hard to be taken seriously, which would be fine if she worked at all and didn't keep resorting to damsel in distress tactics. Ahem. Rob said something about, "well I'm lucky that I'm not good looking so I didn't have that handicap" which was pretty good.

Christy put the nail in her coffin (if things were not already sealed) by saying that she had just been so excited to get this far and then had only recently started thinking "Hey I can win this!" and was totally in the driver's seat. Alex, on the jury (and with funky facial hair) exchanged a rather incredulous look with Dave.
Then Jeff said his usual "Do you want to keep the immunity necklace or give it to someone" and Jenna said "Give it to someone" and gave it to Heidi! Christy et al looked rather stricken. But she and Butch and Matt... oh hey just one of those two guys I guess, there were only 2 votes for Jenna. Hmmm... anyway, they voted for Jenna, then the rest for Christy.