"Survivor Amazon" -- Mars vs. Venus

Reply Thu 1 May, 2003 08:35 pm
Hi there Azue! I just checked back in because I thought "oh, I forgot an update for Azue!" Wink

Christy got the boot. Sad She thought she was in the driver's seat -- Jenna and Heidi were trying to get her to vote with them, Rob wanted her to vote with him. She got too cocky. Rob was asking her which way her vote would go -- against Heidi/ Jenna or against Rob -- and she answered, honestly, that she didn't know. That didn't sit well with Rob, he did his usual Machiavellian schtick (taking into account that Heidi and Jenna don't like Christy much) and ba-boom, she was out.

Matt and Butch voted for Jenna, so they don't seem to know about Rob's defection. So Matt and Butch are on the outside looking in, again. However they gotta know that Rob isn't to be trusted, and the girls don't like Rob one bit either, so who knows.

At this point, I think I'm rooting for Matt. Both the girls irritate the heck out of me and while I have some grudging admiration for Rob, he's just too slimy. (OK, I liked him a lot better before he got rid of Christy. Grrrrrrr...)
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Reply Thu 1 May, 2003 08:38 pm
A good example of letting 'power' go to your head. She had been convinced she was the swing vote, and she stopped checking out clues to other's body language.

She felt confident being honest to Rob. Sorest loser tape at the end I've seen yet.

Rob amazes me! How do the crumbs get so far! And, don't you hate those girls???? EEwwwwwww!
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Reply Thu 1 May, 2003 09:20 pm
I think she WAS the swing vote at that time -- it wasn't a body language thing. (Eh?) Just, she didn't play the game in terms of lying to Rob about whether she would vote for him. Her strength until then had been her under-the-radar-ness, her apparent meekness, and she didn't have to take that opportunity to say, "See, I'm no pushover." But she did.
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Reply Thu 1 May, 2003 09:29 pm
I thought in her discussion with Rob, she should have noticed his facial expression and body language in the way he recieved her "I don't know how I'm going to vote" statement. It was all over him.

Couldn't you tell he turned off on her? I thought she'd notice, and say, "Nah! Of course I'm still with you."

It would've saved her.

Your right about her being the swing vote. That is why she let her guard down and was soruthful to Rob, IMO. And that is part of what made her not notice he'd turned off on her. Alliances change like the wind on those shows. I think she was a little too secure, and forgot everything you do and say can switch alliances on you.

She and Matt were the most decent people. Rob and the two girls are hideous, IMO. Don't know about the old guy, cept he cain't hold his vino.
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Reply Thu 1 May, 2003 09:35 pm
It was all over him, to be sure. I'm sure she saw it but didn't realize import -- she just wanted her little moment of revenge. Rob, Jenna and Heidi are all people who didn't give her the time of day until they needed her. So she enjoyed his consternation a little too much, I think. I wonder if she knew what the impetus was with Alex? If she knew when Rob turned on him?

Anyway, not smart.

Butch seems sweet enough, but a bit too malleable -- just kinda gettin' along. I liked Matt's sense of humor about himself last week and that he gave up the chance to see family this week. Rob says anyone would've, but can you imagine Heidi or Jenna doing it, for example?

I'm SO sick of their poor-me weepiness. And SO sick of Jenna's high horse act, after all the crap she's pulled. Laying there in the sun because she was sure of the alliance while everyone else did the work -- yeah, that's real moral of ya. There seemed to be some indication that the girls (only two of 'em left now... hmph) turn on each other next week. That'd be interesting.
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Reply Thu 1 May, 2003 09:36 pm
oh.. poor Christy!! :-( why Christy..... so now only 2 girsl left. i'm worry about Matt and Butch if Rob stick to his alliance with that 2 girls.

i cannot predict anymore. sure wrong. anymore comments about this week episode?? i'm waiting yaa..

anyway thanks Sozobe.. really i'm 'hanging on your words'.
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Reply Thu 1 May, 2003 09:43 pm
I know Azue, it sucks.

Lesse... the reward challenge. It was a combination boat race/ puzzle, with elimination at each stage. So first they had to find paddles -- only 4 for 6 people. The 4 people who found paddles had to go to a boat and paddle out to a bouy and pick up a bag of puzzle pieces based on the right answer to a question about the amazon (if that makes any sense.) Then go back to shore, and set up at one of two puzzle stations. (Only 2 for 4 people.)

It was between Matt and Rob at the puzzle station, and Matt won handily. The reward was to spend time with a loved one. Jeff gave Matt the choice of seeing his own loved one or letting everyone else (the five others) see their loved ones. Jenna and Heidi were being weepy, Christy was rather verklempt too. Matt said go ahead. I'll give it up.

So then a big slo-mo scene of joyous running reunions. Christy saw her boyfriend, Butch saw his wife, Jenna saw her dad, the rest were moms. They had 10 minutes to chat, and lots o' liquor.

So, with Matt watching a little wistfully, after everyone had gone, Jeff said "I think it is better to give than receive, too", and up came Matt's mom in a boat. Then they went off into the jungle and had a feast.

Everyone else went back to camp with their liquor and had WAY too much to drink. The girls had been MAD MAD MAD at Rob, and they all kinda hung out drunk and Rob was his goofy self and somehow insinuated himself back into their somewhat good graces. Hmph.

Immunity next.
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Reply Thu 1 May, 2003 09:46 pm
Rob had a point tonight.
I'd never vote to let Jenna have the loot. She is the worst! I wouldn't have the nerve to lay about and not help out.

How many times did she and Heidi break into tears? Four? I started saying, "Boo-hooooo" along with them, like Rocky Horror.

But at least Heidi told Matt not to do it (when he gave up his win for them). Heidi is partially human. I think just too much of a follower where Jenna is concerned.

Plus-- Jenna is a model? Confused

I think Christy is gonna be fun on the jury.... Maybe she'll rival Sue from Survivor I!!!! Laughing
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Reply Thu 1 May, 2003 09:53 pm
Immunity was a combination of slingshot and, what's that game in Florida? shuffleboard, basically. There were plates suspended with people's names, and pucks attached. If you broke the plate with your name on it, your puck became available. I think 5 was the max you could get -- Butch had 5, others had 4, 3, or 2. (Matt, surprisingly, didn't do too well at this one -- not sure if he was pulling his punches.) Then they went to this big shuffleboard with an X in the center, and the goal was to get their pucks as close to the center as possible, including bonking other people's pucks out of the way. There was some intrigue -- who was bonking who's puck out of the way -- and the next-to-final position was Heidi in a position of immunity. Jenna had the last shot. Jeff tried to tell her what her options were and she said, "I have my own plan" and bonked Heidi out of the way and gave herself immunity. Heidi didn't look too pleased.

Intervening stuff I don't remember.

At tribal council, Jeff asked how many people were surprised they'd gotten that far, and all the hands shot up. Jenna prattled on about how with the way she looks she has to work twice as hard to be taken seriously, which would be fine if she worked at all and didn't keep resorting to damsel in distress tactics. Ahem. Rob said something about, "well I'm lucky that I'm not good looking so I didn't have that handicap" which was pretty good. Smile Christy put the nail in her coffin (if things were not already sealed) by saying that she had just been so excited to get this far and then had only recently started thinking "Hey I can win this!" and was totally in the driver's seat. Alex, on the jury (and with funky facial hair) exchanged a rather incredulous look with Dave.

Then Jeff said his usual "Do you want to keep the immunity necklace or give it to someone" and Jenna said "Give it to someone" and gave it to Heidi! Christy et al looked rather stricken. But she and Butch and Matt... oh hey just one of those two guys I guess, there were only 2 votes for Jenna. Hmmm... anyway, they voted for Jenna, then the rest for Christy.


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Reply Thu 1 May, 2003 09:55 pm
man o man - I'm out
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Reply Thu 1 May, 2003 11:06 pm
thanks sozobe..
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Reply Thu 1 May, 2003 11:07 pm
Matt is still Rob's flunky. Butch stayed with the original plan. He is an honorable man, if not an overly astute game-player.

Christie got too confident. And I thought that her final remarks were ungracious, bordering on childish. She didn't deserve to be voted out? Who among them thinks they should be voted out?

If the final three remaining players are Rob, Jenna, and Heidi, is there any way that no one can win? Yuck.

At this point I'm rooting for Butch, then Matt.

I wonder what the jury makes of what's going on.
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Reply Fri 2 May, 2003 07:45 am
Oof. Boy was I pissed last night! I yelled at the TV and then laughed when Christy said neither of the step-sisters would get the money!

Understandably she was upset but I cringed when she was talking to the girls (when they wanted her to go in with them) and then with Rob (it was so obvious from his face last night that he was really scared and had to do some shuffling to replay his hand) and worst of all at the tribal council where she said she felt secure. Hoo boy, I knew it was all over for her then!

Matt definitely voted off Christy - Rob must have gotten to him and we never saw footage of that!!!! As far as the girls saying they would not behave life Rob has, helloooo, they just did last night!! That puts them both in the same league as him.

I am afraid that the final two WILL come down to Rob and someone else, and it could be another Survivor I, where the nasty lying game-player wins the cash!

Sooo my friends, the game is afoot!
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Reply Fri 2 May, 2003 07:56 am
Survivor - Night 33
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Reply Fri 2 May, 2003 08:46 am
Yeah, the vote thing threw me for a loop...must have been Matt who voted for Christy....then again though, couldve been Butch...funny how we dont know...must be something to do with the outcome of the game me thinks...or heck, they just want to aggrevate us.
One of the girls or Rob has got to go next week..depending on immunity...its the only smart thing to do..although the really smart thing would have been to boot Rob out this time and see what goes from there. Those two girls though...argh...I hope niether makes it even close...they dont deserve it..really.
Cat fight even perhaps??
I say Jenna gets whiney and Heidi tells her to go take a leap.
Two nights next week too.

yeah, lifeless almost..aint it Wink
Its all good.
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Reply Fri 2 May, 2003 09:33 am
I had a little mind-picture of Butch holding up the card with "Jenna" written on it, so that would mean that Matt voted for Christy. Can't swear to it, though.

There's hope for Matt vs. Rob in the final if Matt starts winning immunity challenges. I really think he coulda got the plate thing -- do you remember how great he was with all of the various target practice stuff that happened in an earlier challenge -- and was trying to stay off of Rob's radar. I think Matt might have been rather clueless at the beginning, but I think he's been figuring things out, especially as he observes Rob's machinations. So I could see that he waits until the obvious people are gone -- Christy, then Butch -- and then really unleashes things, immunity-wise.

Heeven, I didn't know about that evil stepsisters thing! Funny. They stop captioning decently for the part with credits (grr) and they cut away from her after she signed "I didn't deserve to be voted out, I didn't." So that's all I knew. The evil stepsisters thing is funny.

By the way that's another smart move by Rob -- he betrayed her as much as the girls did, but Christy is mad at the girls. So he manages to be bad but if he's up against one of the girls, he still gets Christy's vote.
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Reply Fri 2 May, 2003 09:41 am
Next week's previews promises trouble between Heidi and Jenna.
I am looking forward to this!

(Hey-- Doesn't something always happen to camp? Washed out to sea, burned, washed away in a flash flood... How can they all be so similarly unlucky?)
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Reply Fri 2 May, 2003 02:45 pm
They showed who voted for whom at the end of the show. Butch and Christy voted for Jenna. Everyone else voted for Christy.

They did show Rob talking to Matt about Christy. Matt readily agreed.

As much as I dislike him, Rob is playing this game very well. Maybe he does deserve to win.
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Reply Fri 2 May, 2003 05:11 pm
Evocative of my confoundment every week on the first Survivor, when Richard wasn't voted off.

I couldn't understand it!!!!

Are their personalities really that strong? 'Cause in the vote before last night, didn't Rob bail on his alliance? I didn't see that one, but I thought Rob was known to have stabbed an alliance member in the back without telling his other buds before hand... I would have thought that would have busted him with his buds...
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Reply Fri 2 May, 2003 05:32 pm
Well, they're not exactly buds. Everyone's playing the game at this point, with the possible exception of Butch. But Jenna and Heidi were purely scheming by going in with Rob -- one of them, or Christy. Not much of a choice there.

I was wondering something. There have been a lot of these Survivors, now. I remember the first one and Richard well, but the rest are a blur. I remember the one where the nice Texas guy chose the nice lady to go with him to the final 2, even though he would have handily beat an evil guy (Keith?), since he didn't want the evil guy to even have a chance. I barely watched last year's at all, but read about the guy who won being another yucky Richard-type.

I totally think they manipulate the game, from choice of challenges to who they leave together when someone wins and goes off on a reward. So I think they (producers) want variety instead of a bunch of bad guys winning. I think they're setting things up so that everyone's worried that Rob will win, but he loses to _______. And that's what I'm curious about. What demographic has been underrepresented? Nice old guys? Hot (Confused ya right) young women? Perfectly decent youngish guys?
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