"Survivor Amazon" -- Mars vs. Venus

Reply Fri 21 Feb, 2003 12:57 pm
It was surprising that the girls won the challenge again, I mean, they cant get their stuff together to make a shelter but, they can communicate enough to do blindfolded challenges....and the men were very very bad.
Its silly, really.
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Reply Sat 22 Feb, 2003 01:41 am
Hope you don't mind the long post, but this will fill you in on Ep. 2 if you missed it.

Survivor World

"Episode TWO opened in the Jaburu Camp as Day Four dawned on them. These women were sleeping all over the ground, wet, cold and miserable. First thing they did was try to delegate duties to each of them. They didn't have any structure or plan at all... they just kept going around in circles while the fire went out, they ran out of water and the shelter was STILL not built. So as they worked away, a torrential storm hit their camp and the ladies had nowhere to keep dry. The women dauntlessly continued to get wood and palm fronds to build their structure. Without fire, however they were cold, wet and miserable.

Meanwhile, over at Tambaqui, the well-organized men were sitting comfortably in their shelter and cooking themselves some hot cakes. Afterwards, they went out in the boat and cast their net to the water to try and get some fish. It was a co-ordinated effort that showed remarkable teamwork. After a while, they saw thunder clouds looming and were hit with a major storm. However, they were all dry and confortable in their shelter.

Both teams paddled over and met Jeff at Challenge Beach for the first Reward Challenge. This Challenge revolved around communication. The teams had to locate 30 pieces of a huge puzzle and put the puzzle together to win. . . One Tribe Member had to be the guide while the others were blind-folded. The guide had to direct the others to the scattered pieces, bring them back to the puzzle board and once all 30 pieces were there, they could remove the blind-folds and put the puzzle together. The first team to finish would win the Reward, which was fish bait. Since the women had one extra player, they sat Christy out . . . [The women quickly got out in front - the female guide was very good, the male guide really sucked - the women won easily.]

Back at Tambaqui, the men were moaning about not being accustomed to losing against women. They were definitely feeling the pressure of losing two in a row and vowed that they would do everything they could to win Immunity. A discussion ensued about people living their lives and not pushing their beliefs on anyone else. Alex and Roger had an argument, the upshot of it was that Roger seemed to be a bit of a bigot [Holy Homophobe, Batman!]. Later on, tree mail came announcing the next Immunity Challenge. With a do-or-die attitude, the men psyched themselves up to win this one.

Over at Jaburu, the women's spirits were up after their win. They had nibbles on their fish hooks with the bait but nothing yet. Janet actually caught one, got excited and dropped the pole. The fish came off the hook! LOL! As night fell, the women worked on keeping the fire going and did not sleep well as thunder rumbled above them. [Joanna whined that having the Immunity Idol violated her religious beliefs! Don't worship false idols, etc.]. She quoted chapter and verse from the Bible about not worshipping Idols and prayed for the rain to stay away. It was wearing on people's nerves. Jeanne and Christy went for a walk and Christy asked what the ladies talk about at night since she can't hear them. Jeanne told her that Joanna objected to the idol and Christy said, "Well that's stupid." Joanna heard that and came after Christy in a BIG way. Joanna got into her face and told her not to get in on her conversations or she'd stop it, and put her hand up in Christy's face. Christy was offended and they went sniping back and forth at each other like angry vipers. The last thing Joanna said to her, nose-to-nose, was: "Leave me alone and get out of my face." Christy said, "Okay" and turned back to face Jeanne (who had wisely stayed right out of it). Christy cried. Later, the women made a discovery in their food box. There was a Granola Bar wrapper at the bottom and no-one was fessing up to whose it was [This violated Survivor rules, someone sneaking in food from The Outside World]. They picked it up and put it in the fire, even though they were hungry. Jeanne was convinced it belonged to Janet and shared that theory with the rest of the women.

Over at Challenge Beach, Jeff greeted them with an explanation as to how their awareness and attention of their surroundings was critical. The challenge was going to be questions and answers on how well they recall what they see as they explore a miniature village that was set up. With two minutes, the teams went exploring. After Jeff had asked all of his questions, Tambaqui [Men] won by a score of 6 - 4. Jaburu would go to Tribal Council.

Back at camp, the women of Jaburu were quiet in contemplation. Christy was working on the shelter and asked for a volunteer to help her with it. No one did. So later when the girls brought palm fronds for the shelter to Christy, she said screw it, she wanted to go fishing. Christy told them that she felt everyone should work together and she had been working on that shelter with no help at all. So why should she drop what she was doing because they deemed it time to do so. Janet called them together and told them it was NOT her Granola Bar and if she was going to be voted out, it had better not be for that reason. Over at Tribal Council, Jeff asked how everything was going. They told him they have no shelter, they have no plan. Christy said she thought the shelter should have been built days ago. Joanna shook her head negatively. Jeff asked why. Joanna said, "After we came back with the palm fronds, somebody asked her about completing the shelter, and she was like, No! I want to go fishing!" Christy said, "Well that was today. Because I worked hard and people were sitting around and doing nothing, and here I am trying to put a shelter together and I get no help, no support. I ask questions, I get no answers... so I felt, and you want me to help you now?" Jeff asked if she thought she was being excluded. Yes. Did she feel it was because she was deaf? Yes. Without question. Christy said, "When there's something important going on, I have no idea what's going on. I don't know when I need to join the group, everytime I'm there people just move away or they just don't include me. I work harder than them and I don't feel like they're working. It's harder when your team doesn't accept you." Jenna disagreed that Christy was being excluded, she said it was about surviving in the jungle without food and water and attitudes were bound to be touchy. After the votes were cast, Janet was voted out."
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Reply Sat 22 Feb, 2003 09:08 am
That was really thorough. Thanks, LarryBS!
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Reply Sat 22 Feb, 2003 09:36 am
I've watched the series this time and whiel I do thing Christy is being excluded I think she's wrong in assuming it's being done on purpose. Perhaps one or two people are ignoring her on purpose but to a larger extent these are people who aren't used to dealing with someone that is hearing impaired on a daily basis. The rest of them are just doing what they've done their entire lives. They just haven't thought through the implications of them carrying on like they always have.

Christy needs to find a way to get that point across without being confrontational about it. If she can't, or comes across as demanding, she'll be gone in short order.

Overall, the women seem directionless. The men are split into 2 groups. Not good in the long run but better than the "everyone for themselves" situation that seems to be developing with the women.
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Reply Sat 22 Feb, 2003 10:57 am
Did Christy say it was on purpose? What I get from the quote is that she felt excluded, which I think is fair, not that people were, like, ganging up on her.

Wish I could have watched to catch more subtleties.

I've been really hoping throughout that she wouldn't get into the whole victim mentality thing. I used to do an exercise with my students (young deaf adults getting ready to enter the workplace) where I would tell them about a real-life situation and ask them if it was about a deaf or a hearing person. For example: A guy works at a factory with time cards that need to be punched. He needs to leave early to go meet his wife, and so he asks a friend to do the time card for him and he quietly leaves a few hours early. This transgression is caught, and the guy is fired. Was he hearing or deaf? The vast majority of the time, my students would assume he was deaf. "That's not fair. They wouldn't hire a hearing person for that." (Yes, he was actually hearing.) This stuff makes me crazy, and I've spent a fair amount of my career counteracting it, getting people out of the victim mentality and into something more proactive.

I can't tell yet if Christy is like that or not, though. Really hope not.
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Reply Sat 22 Feb, 2003 11:07 am
I'm with you Sozobe.
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Reply Sun 23 Feb, 2003 11:07 am
Survivor: The Amazon
As of February 22, 2003
Challenge wins: Women 2, Men 1
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Reply Sun 23 Feb, 2003 04:38 pm
The producers have so much leeway with editing the program that I think its hard to say what is really happening behind some of these conflicts. No doubt its a very frustrating situation for Christy. But I think there's no doubt that many of the contestants on this show wouldn't hesitate to take any advantage that they could over another contestant. Excluding Christy could be done subtly but very effectively, and it wouldn't take an organized conspiracy among all the contestants to use this tactic to make her feel excluded and frustrated. Maybe its hard for people who aren't normally around a deaf person to adjust their behavior so as to not exclude that person - but Survivor contestants aren't known for their empathy and concern for others, so I think most of them would practice these subtle slights while trying to look sincere and without providing Christy or the Survivor cameramen with ugly blatant examples of intentionally using her deafness to try to undermine her.

But it could be the producers are using the episodes like Christy's attempt to get help to build shelter to set the viewer up and make them think she is more frustrated than she really is. Who knows.
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Reply Sun 23 Feb, 2003 04:56 pm
Larry, I know just what you mean. I watched the first episode, checked Christy's approval rating, saw it was 89% (the highest of anyone) and went "Oh goody!" The "Survivor" producers have pulled a couple of fast ones, but yes, they are usually rather predictable. From what the challenges are (for example, they got the communication one out of the way when Christy could legitimately sit it out) to how they edit, they can totally manipulate the game and the viewer's opinions. They did the editing when they already knew what the dramatic arc would be and who would make it to the final two. (Heck, they know who won, too, probably.) So I'm hopeful that Christy will make it pretty far, though I hope she shows a bit more integrity and backbone on the way.
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Reply Sun 23 Feb, 2003 07:50 pm
sozobe wrote:
Did Christy say it was on purpose? What I get from the quote is that she felt excluded, which I think is fair, not that people were, like, ganging up on her.

She was asked directly if she thought it was being done on purpose and she said "Yes". I don't know if she meant everyone or just one or two people though. It could have been the latter. I was just sort of let down by the whole comment. She DID mess up some and I thought it was an easy excuse for her to use.

Larry is right though. The shows are edited and we are only seeing an hour out of a 2 day period. Hard to tell what else has gone on that we HAVEN'T seen that may have influenced things..
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Reply Mon 24 Feb, 2003 02:25 am
I agree with Fishin'. Crystie so far has been a bit of a disappointment. In fact all the women have been a disappointment. I don't understand what's going on there. It's possible that the producers decided to focus on Crystie for the second episode and ignored alliances that are forming. It's hard to tell.
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Reply Thu 27 Feb, 2003 07:09 pm
My prediction for the one to be eliminated tonight - Christy or Daniel.
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Reply Thu 27 Feb, 2003 08:08 pm
It was Daniel.

I was happy with Christy today! A little more whiny than she needed to be about the bathing thing -- I think one thing that the "cute" girls don't realize is that she (intelligently) gained weight for the game. I saw her audition tape and she was as skinny as they were -- but did you see how skinny they are now? Ouch!

But the communication challenge thing went great. Thank god for "shampoo". Smile
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Reply Thu 27 Feb, 2003 08:25 pm
sozobe - good to see your Rosie is back - she was missing all of yesterday, at least on my screen. Don't know why.

Its so rare on Survivor that the person most deserving to be eliminated actually is, but tonight they got it right - that guy was useless. You're right, Christy was much better, or the editing was.

The guys are getting their butts kicked, and deservedly so.
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Reply Thu 27 Feb, 2003 08:53 pm
The women certainly figure dout that they ARE a team. I was pretty happy to see that they actually sat down and agreed to go at the game as a team. Pretty amazing teh amount of stuff they accomplished in one day when they were all working together and not complaining. Sucess breeds sucess. After their "team building" they were on a mental high and rolled through the challenges.

The men are still split and disorganized.

Unless something drastic happens I'd give the women the edge for the next few days. Deana needs to dump that leadership roll amongst the women though. If she holds onto it she'll be the fall guy if things don't go perfectly.
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Reply Thu 27 Feb, 2003 09:26 pm
Agreed about Deena. I was pretty impressed with her, though. She's definitely doing what I'd be itching to do, and I think it is in her favor that she was thrust into that role rather than taking it, especially since she seems to be doing it well.

Daniel was another interesting example of "they're out to get me because I'm _______." Roger's a dork, but I really don't believe it's because Daniel's Asian -- he didn't like Mr. Pretty Boy who was voted out first, either. Interesting that there's all this talk of hooking up and the two young good-looking guys are the first voted off. Surprised I thought that was totally hilarious how the guys were all giggly and flustered and just looking for opportunities to talk to the hot girls in the matching challenge. Ha!
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Reply Fri 28 Feb, 2003 03:29 am
I don't see the guys as disorganized. I think they're flustered and frustrated. I don't know what the problem was with the last knot.

I'm glad the women have finally gotten their act together at home camp. And I'm truly impressed at the fish they caught.

I wondered why Christie thought she needed an invitation. We didn't see whether specific people were asked to go along, or whether some people just went.

As an old geezer, I resented the young skinnies making unkind remarks about the older women.

I'm glad Dan is gone. He was a pain in the butt.
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Reply Fri 28 Feb, 2003 10:39 am
It didnt seem like Dan was pulling his weight, that was for sure, and I certianly didnt see Roger as barking orders at him...a bit touchy there to be surviving in the rainforest.
I thought Christy did much better as well..yeah Shampoo is a good word!!! Smile The whole female team went great...glad for them.
Hysterical watching the guys intereacting with the women...like they hadnt seen a woman in days..oh wait..they havent. REally though...I liked the guy who said Im not supposed to look...well, hes just at that age where he looks but, he aint trippin over his tongue or making a jerk of himself...god for him,might help with this lot of guys.
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Reply Fri 28 Feb, 2003 10:46 am
Roberta wrote:
I wondered why Christie thought she needed an invitation. We didn't see whether specific people were asked to go along, or whether some people just went.

There are definitely non-verbal cues -- eye contact, body language, etc. -- that indicate whether someone is invited or not. Didn't see everything, but I think she read the situation correctly (that the three hot girls wanted to be off by themselves.)

Yeah, WHAT happened with that knot? Those guys really get flustered easily. I was impressed with the gals' composure and efficiency.
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Reply Fri 28 Feb, 2003 11:16 am
Sozobe, I'm sure you're right about the body language.

I am amazed at how inept the men seem in challenges. I almost feel sorry for them--almost.

This is what TV Guide has to say about the next episode:

"One tribe goes on a group expedition, but purposely leaves behind a vulnerable member who then crafts a new strategy to survive."

Sounds intriguiging, doesn't it?
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