Oh, hey! Thanks! (I knew that, and plumb forgot...

MAN...I would have forgotten myself!!!!!!!!
dang..how to rid myself of customers pre-survivor time, and not be arrested due to high speed....hummmm
you guys will fill me in if I miss it..wont you?? sniff
Okay...I finally get home....and I get to watch..the new coverage of what..nothing...gosh, I miss it all.
Was survivor on?
It was! Just got here for the synopsis. Give me a sec.
Great..I get to watch the President...okay, so its socially more acceptable..still, after two 12 hour days...Id rather watch someone else be social
Ill wait....
thanks soz
Christy rocked. ROCKED. The reward challenge was for a bunch of fruit and veggies and spices, and was a barrel over a mud pit. Pairs of the same sex squared off on the barrel and tried to balance while trying to make the other fall off. The first team to get to 5 won. There were 11 people (6 on one team, 5 on the other), so Deena sat out to make it even. Heidi lost hers both times, (against Shawna) and Christy WON hers both times (against Jenna), the second time to win the whole shebang! It was great, and Christy looked so happy.
Afterwards, back at camp, enjoying the goodies, Roger (Roger? I get him and Butch mixed up) talked about most important times in his life, times that will stay with him forever. And oh have to back up a bit -- after the tribal council, when their tribe voted off Jeanne, Christy asked why? Why Jeanne? She thought Jeanne was one of the strongest members. Dave had decided on Jeanne just 'cause that was who Jenna had said was next to go from her tribe, when they were off on their little cozy interlude. But Roger (right?? someone correct me if not) told Christy that they admired her persistence, and she was obviously really happy about that, that they saw something in her.
So anyway, AFTER the reward challenge, back at camp, munching good stuff, Roger told Christy that seeing her face when he had told her why they didn't vote her off, and then seeing how happy she was after she won the reward challenge, was something he would always remember. "You don't have a disability." It was cool.
OK so meanwhile Shawna was being muy... well I started to say slutty but flirty is really more accurate. All this rubbing of Alex's head and snuggling up with him. Semi-threesome going on with Matt, who's sweet on her too, as he goes in there and uses her tummy as a pillow while she's all nestled next to Alex. And Rob isn't so happy about all of this, either. Deena and Rob start talking while they're washing clothes and realize they can help each other out. They make an alliance. They decide that Matt is too valuable for his fishing prowess. That makes it look like they're going for Alex, since the alliance is three gals plus Rob.
Rob, by the way, revealed more of a Macchiavelian side. Very plotty.
To cut to the chase: Shawna and Alex voted for Matt, everyone else (including, yes, Jenna and Deena) voted for Shawna. Bye bye Shawna. Very sad Alex.
Wait wait Matt -- not sure who he voted for.
Oh I forgot to do the whole immunity challenge... DUH. A coupla more secs...
OK so the immunity challenge was a bit odd -- they had to be piranhas.

There were these two big-a$$ chunks of beef dangling from a string, and everyone had their hands tied behind their backs and had to rip at the thing with their teeth, then spit mouthfulls into this scale. Jenna sat it out. It was nasty. There was some kinda kinky stuff where a mouthful would get stuck and another team member would get it out with their own mouth. They figured out eventually how to rip off great big chunks, and that was big strategically. (Much better than little tiny mouthfulls.) It was harder to single out a hero, but both teams did really quite well on the teamwork aspect (helping each other in various ways) and it was CLOSE, but Tambaqui (? -- the good guys) won.
thanks for the update...sorry to have missed it..especially that Christy was so happy and all....and Shawnas gone? WOW...heheheheeysterical!
Especially 'cause she was all bright and peppy and "Awesome!!" after being li'l miss sad sack. I mean, that she escaped when she was sad sack and got sacked when she was all peppy. Ya know.
true...she asked for it, didnt she...just came a little later than she wanted
poor guys must be all lonely...humm..now looking at the votes again....interesting, huh?
Yeah. I'm trying to figure out who has the power in the Deena- Rob relationship, or if it worked out perfectly for both of them. I know Deena really didn't like Shawna, but I'm still a bit surprised she'd choose her to go over Alex. Same with Rob -- didn't Rob totally have a crush on Shawna? Seems like he'd want to get rid of the competition...
I really enjoyed the show tonight. Things are getting interesting in the alliance department. I loved the reward challenge when Christie won it for her tribe. But my favorite moment had to be when Shawna was voted off. I did not like her at all.
Am I the only one who thought it was strange that the Shawna tribe had an open discussion about who would be voted off?
Most enjoyable show. Excellent review Soz - it was Butch, not Roger (I get them mixed up too!) and I was tickled to see Heidi a little unsure about her position coz the team was VERY pleased with Christy.
Yeah! I felt a little sorry for her, actually, but if it means she'll go before Christy...
And right, it was Butch. Roger
seems butchier than Butch, ya know?
Meanwhile, I'm kind of wondering what Dave is up to. I think he chose Roger and Butch because he thought that if they were the last three left, he could beat them. But I think he's a wee bit irritated with them right now, and I wonder if something could come of that. (Either action on his part or action on their part if they figure it out; Roger-Butch-Christy against Dave-Heidi.)
(Have I mentioned that I can boast of a 1-degree separation for both Christy and Dave?

I know someone who knows Christy, I know someone who knows Dave.)
Survivor on tonight at 8:00, not Thursday.
thank goodness for you guys or Id never know what was going on