Reply Fri 3 Feb, 2017 11:06 pm
izzythepush wrote:
It's the exact opposite of common sense, unless you want to alienate moderate Muslims, have another terrorist atrocity and use it as an excuse to clamp down even more on people's freedoms. Then it makes perfect sense.

We were attacked and thousands of our citizens were murdered. This is more than sufficient reason to retaliate. When someone is trying to kill you and has killed many of your people, it is stupid to worry that your justified retaliation for his attack will make him mad.
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sat 4 Feb, 2017 01:22 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:

izzythepush wrote:
It's the exact opposite of common sense, unless you want to alienate moderate Muslims, have another terrorist atrocity and use it as an excuse to clamp down even more on people's freedoms. Then it makes perfect sense.

We were attacked and thousands of our citizens were murdered. This is more than sufficient reason to retaliate. When someone is trying to kill you and has killed many of your people, it is stupid to worry that your justified retaliation for his attack will make him mad.

Funny how we don't seem to be reading or hearing much scolding of Muslims for "alienating" moderate Americans and Christians. America imposes a temporary travel ban on 7 countries and we're alienating moderate Muslims. Muslims slaughter us in public places and it's supposed to be kept in perspective by moderate Americans and Christians.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2017 04:09 am
he didn't do it for the good of the country, he did it cause he wanted to win, nothing more nothing less, He likes to hear himself talk, whether truth or fiction...mainly fiction.
Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2017 04:34 am
"We are thankful for this person who has arrived [President Trump]. Our thanks is for making our life easy as he showed the real face of America,"

"What we have been saying for more than 30 years about the political, economic, moral and social corruption in the US ruling system, this person arose during the election campaign and... has confirmed it."

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei<br />
As always Trump plays right into the hands of hardliners. Now it's going to be very hard for moderate Muslims to claim that America isn't anti Muslim.
Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2017 04:57 am
Yeah, but don't you forget, Russia loves him.
Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2017 05:10 am
Putin's one man, Islam is a global movement with 1.6 billion adherents, 23% of the World's population. We all know how much damage the tiny fraction of jihadis have caused, (less than 0.1%.) Alienating/radicalising the rest isn't the wisest of things the president could be doing now.
Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2017 09:32 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Trump is not a successful businessman. He inherited his wealth, and declared bankruptcy four times. Analysts have determined that if Trump had invested in index funds instead of properties, he would be much wealthier today.
Trump also lied about his wealth. He refuses to show his tax returns after promising to do so.. That Trump can hoodwink people like you is not surprising.

Yada yada yada same old refrain... You're like a broken record CI.
Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2017 09:34 am
visceral wrote:

he didn't do it for the good of the country, he did it cause he wanted to win, nothing more nothing less, He likes to hear himself talk, whether truth or fiction...mainly fiction.

Wow... there's and indictment, he wanted to win! Shame on him.
Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2017 10:44 am
"We are thankful for this person who has arrived [President Trump]. Our thanks is for making our life easy as he showed the real face of America,"

"What we have been saying for more than 30 years about the political, economic, moral and social corruption in the US ruling system, this person arose during the election campaign and... has confirmed it."

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei<br />
As always Trump plays right into the hands of hardliners. Now it's going to be very hard for moderate Muslims to claim that America isn't anti Muslim.

Why am I not surprised that you agree with the Ayatollah of Iran. It's never Iran that has to control what they do, it's always the West. Iran violates a treaty and it's America who better watch how they handle it and react.
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2017 11:25 am
I'm a broken record for people like you because you attack me rather than the message, and everybody sees that except you.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2017 12:29 pm
You never discuss the actual issue, just snide comments by deliberately misinterpreting what I said, and projecting your own twisted World view.

You have got more in common with the Ayatollah than I have, you both believe that the common person should show a certain amount of deference to the hierarchy, although probably not as much deference as you lavish on them. I have consistently argued that the progressives in Iran need to be encouraged, the hardliners marginalised.

Like you the Ayatollah welcomes the Trump presidency.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2017 12:36 pm
Baldimo wrote:
It's never Iran that has to control what they do, it's always the West.

You don't half talk a load of old bollocks. The Carter presidency thought it could control Iran by imposing sanctions confident that the Iranians would never act against their own self interest. The West didn't do a lot of controlling in Iraq when Iran funded Iraqi militias and put one of their guys in charge, all under the noses of the occupying American troops.

You've spent too much time being told what to think you haven't a clue. It's the same combination of wishful thinking and pig ignorance that lead to the debacle in Iraq.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2017 09:45 pm
We aint afraid of no Muslims. We got 49,000,000 18 to 30 year olds in the US for tRump to throw away in wars with them. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2017 11:43 pm
Hey Gooey, you're a Trump worshiper. Can you please explain to me why the White House press conferences are so full of ****? Is it a strategy of some kind or what? Is destroying their own credibility part of some new method of governance heretofore unseen in the world? Enlighten me.
Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2017 01:31 am
He knows his power base is made up of idiots who don't know what a leppo is. They'll believe any old cobblers, and can't process the truth.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2017 06:31 am
TomTomBinks wrote:

Hey Gooey, you're a Trump worshiper. Can you please explain to me why the White House press conferences are so full of ****? Is it a strategy of some kind or what? Is destroying their own credibility part of some new method of governance heretofore unseen in the world? Enlighten me.

What do you expect when you get that many "reporters" in a room? Of course the room is going to be full of ****.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2017 09:35 am
TomTomBinks wrote:

Hey Gooey, you're a Trump worshiper. Can you please explain to me why the White House press conferences are so full of ****? Is it a strategy of some kind or what? Is destroying their own credibility part of some new method of governance heretofore unseen in the world? Enlighten me.

Enlighten you? Hahahaha... you must be joking! You would have to have an open mind for me to do that. The only problem I have with their strategy when dealing with the Press is that if I were in charge I tell the press to go **** themselves and wouldn't hold any news conference at all until they were able to show that they're not the de-facto propaganda machine for the Democratic Party.
Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2017 10:55 am
giujohn wrote:

The only problem I have with their strategy when dealing with the Press is that if I were in charge I tell the press to go **** themselves and wouldn't hold any news conference at all until they were able to show that they're not the de-facto propaganda machine for the Democratic Party.

That's a good idea.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2017 11:01 am
McGentrix wrote:
That's a good idea.
So the world would have to rely just on twitter tweets to get informed by US-government?

Wouldn't it be better to establish an equivalent to the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda and establish a control and coordination over all aspects of communication and media?
Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2017 11:14 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

McGentrix wrote:
That's a good idea.
So the world would have to rely just on twitter tweets to get informed by US-government?

Wouldn't it be better to establish an equivalent to the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda and establish a control and coordination over all aspects of communication and media?

No, that sounds ridiculously German.

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