@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
Q1: Mr Trump, Why did you discriminate against blacks from renting any of your apartments?
I'd rather they asked something he couldn't equivocate about. He could always say that was never proved in court -that it was just an accusation - because he settled out of court.
I'd rather they quote back to him some of the dozens of quotes of himstirring birther crap
long after he says he "ended" it, and get him to try to explain that. Or quote him saying he met and has a good relationship with Putin, then saying he never met him and has never spoken directly or indirectly to him, and ask him to explain that. Or quote him saying he supports the war in Iraq, then quote him saying he's been against it from the start, and ask for an explanation. Or any of a couple dozen other lies they can produce in quotes, and ask him to account for them.