Quote:I almost feel sorry for the female Trump surrogates who will still be expected to go out there and defend him. Almost.
I understand you're being snarky here and I suspect neither of us get anywhere near almost.
Thinking of Conway, she's a publicist for hire. A prior employer was Todd Akin.
If thinking of Ann Coulter or Laura Ingraham, both have become multi-millionaires as rabble-rousers and hate-mongers of the worst sort - the Limbaugh sort. They can each suffer the fate of Eva Braun and I'll be unfazed.
If the women who continue to work at Fox and who have allowed themselves to be staged as sex-Barbies for Murdoch's and Ailes' demented and destructive purposes, nah, I'm fine with them being smeared by attachment to this incredible civic ugliness they've helped bring into being.
What is going to drive me around the bend in the next while is a notion or framing implicit in a sentence from Huntsman's statement last night...
Quote:In a campaign cycle that has been nothing but a race to the bottom...
Perhaps, in his case, the framing is unintended but we'll see it broadly in right wing responses up to and past the election - that the degradation of the cycle is somehow the fault of both candidates and both campaigns.
Again, this will be a consequence of the modern right (to varying degrees individual to individual but an undeniable feature of American conservatism presently) being incapable of facing what has happened to them as a political movement and party.