I really don't know when you all are going to get it through your heads, other than Trump supporters and those who hate Hillary no matter what, no one really cares about the emails to the point where it matters of who they think is qualified to be president. All the polls show people think Hillary is more qualified to be president regardless of whether they think she told the truth on her stupid email server or not.
On the question of Iraq, sure they had information at their fingertips, but it was presented to them with false and misleading information. Moreover, when they gave the authorization, they gave authorization to take it to the UN and let the inspection process play out before going to war.
Trump has made a big deal of Hillary being for the Iraq war, if he didn't, then it wouldn't be a big deal if he was for it before he was against it. It is called hypocrisy. Not only that but he keeps digging the hole bigger with the Iraq issue and the issue of Obama's birth certificate and he has never personally apologized to the President and he owes him one, publically.
Lastly, the man is not ready to be president of the United States, he can't handle standing still for ninety minutes without fidgeting around and making immature faces like a six year old during church prayers.