And it says a lot about a person if they support the corrupt liar that is Hillary Clinton.
If I run into anyone spouting Clinton talking points I would simply walk away as you would from the Trump trumpeter. That is forbearance.
If either of us launched into diatribe about how ignorant and contemptible the persons were, we would not be exhibiting tolerance
Quote:Tolerance is not synonymous with acceptance.
I think I know what you mean by this even though the definition you provide is
Quote:Tolerate: accept or endure (someone or something unpleasant or disliked) with forbearance.
If you meant "acceptance" as agreeing with or acknowledging as correct or normal, than I wholeheartedly agree with your statement.
Unfortunately, too many of your ideological comrades (no jibe intended) not only believe tolerance means
acceptance in the way I have explained, they've moved on to defining it as
Personally, I not only
tolerate homosexuality in the public sphere, I
accept it. I see no reason to specifically celebrate it though, and particularly when it comes to educating children. There are ways to teach tolerance and acceptance that do not require celebration.
We can't control people's thoughts, but if someone expresses that they believe a person with certain political views is mentally deficient or unstable, sinister, sadistic, blood thirsty, a traitor, de facto corrupt or evil, they are not being tolerant of that person.
If the person is a member of an extremist group that clearly extols and calls for violence, destruction, treason, and murder, there is no need, in my opinion, to tolerate his or views, and if their rhetoric goes so far as to incite violence they should be prosecuted. No matter how disgusting we may feel the views of Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump (or the Democratic Party and GOP in general) they don't rise (or fall as the case may be) to this level.
I am not blaming only one side of the equation here. I constantly read what I consider outrageous comments about Democrats, liberals, Obama, and Clinton outside of this forum. When I challenge them I become the target of equally outrageous attacks, but the same thing happens when I challenge outrageous comments about Republicans, conservatives and Trump.
For the most part the dialogue in A2K exists at a level of civility that is much higher than elsewhere in Social Media, but even here we see example of actual intolerance of political views that roughly 40% of the US population holds.
I could be wrong, but it seems to me that this division is wider than ever before; much wider, and continuing to get wider.
Much has been made about an obstructionist GOP congress during most of Obama's presidency, but anyone being honest would have to agree that if the parties had been reversed, the degree of obstructionism would have been the same. When the Democrats held the White House and both houses of Congress, they made no attempt to engage the Republican minority, quite the opposite. This is not to say the same disregard for the minority would not have occurred had the parties been reversed, because I'm sure it would have.
As much as we read that people want Democrats and Republicans to work together, I don't buy it. In a divided government that's what it takes but neither side is ever happy with the compromises that are required and inevitably, when a showdown occurs, partisans of both parties are urging their representatives to go for it all and not back down.
I think this is unsustainable and it will become even more so as the divide widens. Perhaps I am being pessimistic, but I don't foresee the rise of candidates who will divert from this trend. They will all spout the platitudes they think are required to be elected, but once in power they will revert to true form, just as they have over the last 20 years.
Every year, fewer and fewer people fall for the platitudes, and regardless, once the person is elected, the people whose views they represent are urging them to ignore all others.
I see it as a death spiral from which we won't recover and return to a nation where opposing views are tolerated.
If, at some point, one party is able to take over control of all branches of government, at least 40% of the population is going to be delighted and they will not be, magnanimously, urging engagement with a minority that has no power. In fact, I'm sure they will express a lot of anger if the ruling party should do so on any major issue.
Because of demographics, it appears that this scenario is most likely to involve Democrats in power, but it's not outside the realm of possibility that it could be Republicans (for instance after a particularly bad four years of Democratic rule). So no one should misjudge the effect of such a future simply because they imagine they will love it if their party reigns supreme.
Large swathes of the population are going to be unhappy if their views are ignored, and they are going to be seething mad if their views and they are held in contempt by the ruling majority.
I don't see it leading to armed insurrection, and if it did the "rebellion" would soon be crushed by the federal government, but it could lead to isolated acts of terrorism.
What is most likely, in my opinion, is that given the opportunity, opposing forces will split rather than attempt to mend the nation. That opportunity will likely only rise after a major calamity so it's nothing to be wished for.