I don't know if it's available in America, but Channel 4 are running a documentary on Trump tonight. They showed a taster last night where Trump's campaign manager walked out of an interview when asked a difficult question.
President Trump: Can He Really Win?
9pm, Channel 4
If the polls are to be believed, the answer to the titular question is a merciful “no”. Nevertheless, Matt Frei examines the chances of the people of the United States – the wealthiest, most powerful nation ever gathered beneath one flag – electing the orange reality show host. Frei meets members of the perplexingly numerous cohort who like the idea of entrusting Trump with launch codes, as well as Republicans openly unkeen on their nominee.
Yeah, but if he can pull off starting a new media monster with Ailes and Bannon, he can appear to have been playing the whole world all along. He can say he was robbed of the election, and that he's going off to make more billions.