Bush AWOL documents fake?

Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2004 08:04 am
What I believe, PDiddie, is that The Democrats, in their collective embrace of fantasy, have done themselves no favors in this race. I would not have their supporters believe that, however, for were they to do so, they might actually have a chance to pull out a squeaker, even at this late date. As it is, I see no historic precedent for a Republican defeat this time around, a circumstance from which I happen to draw some comfort. None the less, it is also my feeling that it is important The Republicans continue press this fight as though it were close, lest it become so; anything less than a resounding victory will be less than gratifying.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2004 08:09 am
Well, I certainly hope you will be deeply disappointed, and you should take discomfort in knowing that I personally am doing much more beyond posting to a discussion forum to make sure that you go to sleep on the night of November 2nd that way.

No offense.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2004 08:10 am
Hate to dissapoint the "expert" on the typewriters of that era. My IBM had an offset "st" and "th" key and a mechanical centering device to accomplish what I learned manually in Jr. High School typewriting. It's not that time consuming or difficult to center a heading even manually. More obvious poppycock.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2004 08:11 am
(That typeface was also available on IBM and Smith Coronas).
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2004 08:20 am
Timber - here's someone who agrees with you (and me).

Bush Will Bury Kerry

The Democrat will be lucky to exceed Michael Dukakis's share of the popular vote.

Tuesday, September 7, 2004 12:01 a.m. EDT

NEW YORK--For nearly four years now, we've been told this is a 50-50 nation, that red and blue America are so evenly divided that even a small misstep could swing this presidential election either way. The media may have their own reasons for sticking to the story line--drama is good for ratings, after all--but there's mounting evidence that the electorate is not nearly as evenly divided as it was in 2000; that come Nov. 2, newscasters are going to be putting a lot more red than blue on their electoral maps. I will make a prediction here: Mr. Kerry will be lucky to top the 45.7% of the popular vote Michael Dukakis got in 1988.

Perhaps my prediction is buoyed by the euphoric Republicans who flooded this city last week. Indeed, from the convention floor to lavish after-parties, the Republicans I met carried with them the presumption that of course there will be a second Bush administration--although I must point out that in floating my theory, I couldn't find anyone who agreed with the spread, and that one reason for the confidence among conventioneers is the feeling that there has to be a second term. That if the party loses this election, the nation will lose the war on terror. That sense of urgency is only heightened by the fact that Mr. Kerry will have a few more opportunities to turn things around on Mr. Bush--at the debates, for example. And there's always a chance that bad news out of Iraq or a terrorist attack in America could knock the legs out from under the president's campaign. But of course, it is this sense of urgency that is helping put the Republicans over the top.

The media may finally be catching up to the idea that the nation may have turned decidedly in Mr. Bush's favor. Coming out of the convention Time and Newsweek conducted separate polls, each of which found that the president had opened up an 11-point lead over Mr. Kerry. These surveys seem to have oversampled Republicans, but a new Gallup Poll puts Mr. Bush up by a still impressive seven points, 52% to 45%.Even as convention euphoria fades, there are plenty of reasons to disbelieve the "50-50 nation" story line:

• Central to Mr. Kerry's campaign is his promise to raise taxes. Walter Mondale had a similar idea, and he went down in a landslide defeat at the hands of the last Republican president to be re-elected. Similarly, the last Republican president to lose his re-election bid, George H.W. Bush, lost partly because he raised taxes. When skeptical voters--otherwise known as independents--are worried about taxes, they are looking for an unequivocal position. They know that promises to only tax the "rich" almost always morph into taxes on the middle class. Mr. Bush is already capitalizing on this. In his speech Thursday night, he noted that Mr. Kerry is "running on a platform to increase taxes--and that's the kind of promise a politician usually keeps."

• Americans may be the most highly scrutinized and studied electorate in the world, but there's still plenty of activity going on under the radar. Voter turnout is going to be crucial to this election. Indeed, presidential adviser Karl Rove is banking on it. As many as four million evangelical Christians--a group that overwhelmingly supports Mr. Bush--sat out the 2000 election. Getting them to the polls will likely make the difference in several key states. Meanwhile perhaps another 80 million eligible voters didn't cast ballots in the last presidential election. After a close election in 2000 and a sense that this year will be a "historic election" because it will decide whether the nation aggressively pursues terrorists, many are predicting a record turnout in November. Mr. Kerry may be hoping for an anti-Bush surge, but concern for national security is a better motivator for new voters.

• The McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform is a bigger factor in this election than most people realize. Everyone now knows that the law gave rise to the much-maligned "527s," named for the section of the tax code that allows them to raise and spend unlimited amounts of money. With the gloves off, Democrats hoped these groups would beat Mr. Bush into unconsciousness or at least bloody him a little. Instead, it is Mr. Kerry who's been battered by a band of dissenting Vietnam veterans who spent just a few million dollars.

What most people don't realize is that McCain-Feingold moved much of corporate America out of the business of writing large checks to the political parties and into the business of building grassroots support for candidates who share their concerns. In South Carolina, The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday, International Paper helped pro-trade candidate Jim DeMint win the Republican senatorial primary by e-mailing employees in the state to encourage them to vote and educate them on the value of free trade to the company. Mr. DeMint is happy the company used its resources this way rather than by writing checks to the party. "I'd rather have the voters," he told the Journal. Meanwhile, Wal-Mart gave similar support to Sen. Blanche Lincoln, an Arkansas Democrat, because she's been a good friend to the retailer.

The Federal Election Commission keeps track of checks to politicians and parties, but keeping up with what's going on at the grassroots level is much harder. With corporate America now in the game and many churches helping to mobilize voter turnout (regular church attendees overwhelmingly vote Republican), Republicans may finally have found a counterweight to labor union get-out-the-vote efforts.

• Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia are swing states with strong unions, but many of the union members there are actually Republicans or are the kind of Democrats who will find it hard to pull the lever for Mr. Kerry. These are the union Democrats who drink beer, watch Nascar and own guns. They have no cultural affinity for a Northeastern liberal who spends his time on the Idaho ski slopes outside one of his billionaire wife's many mansions or windsurfing off Nantucket. Pennsylvania's Gov. Ed Rendell, a Democrat, picked up on this and told a reporter: "I might have gone windsurfing--you certainly have a right to clear your head. But I'm not sure I would have taken the press with me." Look for all three states to show up red on election night.

• The economy is actually pretty good in several swing states. In West Virginia, Mr. Bush told a cheering crowd recently that the state's unemployment rate of 5.2% is below the national average of 5.4%. In Ohio the unemployment rate is in line with national figures, but even that is lower than the average unemployment rate for the entire decade of the 1990s. With yet another hurricane pounding Florida, the economy there may not be in good shape come Election Day--but it's unlikely voters will punish Mr. Bush for that if he responds quickly with federal assistance.

• Even Mr. Kerry doesn't believe the nation is evenly split, despite the Democrats' public insistence that everyone who voted for Al Gore in 2000 will automatically vote against Mr. Bush this time. Mr. Kerry is flip-flopping in hopes of appealing to voters on both sides of the aisle. On the big issue--the war--Mr. Kerry at times is officially in line with Mr. Bush's policy goals. Indeed, he said last month that even knowing what he knows now, he would have voted for the war. Then, in an angry midnight speech last Thursday, Mr. Kerry sounded like Michael Moore when he accused the administration of having "misled the nation into Iraq." Mr. Kerry's fickleness on the most important issue of the day does not bespeak confidence about his own chances.

• Despite Mr. Kerry's war credentials, Democrats are now expressing doubt that he can win unless he changes the subject from national security to the economy. Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh told the New York Times this weekend that "so much of the [Democratic] convention was focused on national security--if that's where the election is, I don't think he can win. He has got to try to turn the election to domestic issues." Harold Ickes, who served as Bill Clinton's deputy White House chief of staff and is now running an anti-Bush 527, also thinks Mr. Kerry needs to turn the conversation away from national security. He told the New York Times that Mr. Kerry "just needs to hammer home jobs, the economy, health care and education."

Other Democrats now doubt Mr. Kerry's ability to fight back in the political arena, let alone on far off battlefields in Iraq and Afghanistan. After weeks of punishing attacks on his Vietnam record with no effective response from the Kerry campaign, there's a hint of panic among Democrats that their guy may not know how to fight after all. That's one reason why, before heading into surgery, Bill Clinton counseled Mr. Kerry from his hospital bed and why several former Clinton hands joined the Kerry campaign over the weekend. Meanwhile Michigan's Gov. Jennifer Granholm and Florida's Sen. Bob Graham (both from important swing states) told reporters that Mr. Kerry needs to simplify his message so it will effectively reach voters. What these pols are trying to tell Mr. Kerry is that "nuance" doesn't translate into sound bites very well.

• Which brings us to the final reason Mr. Bush is probably going to walk away with the election: Mr. Kerry is not a very good politician. He's cultivated a reputation as a fighter, a good "closer," because of his last-minute surge past William Weld to win re-election in 1996. But that was in Massachusetts. Why was a two-term Democratic senator having trouble beating a Republican challenger in the only state George McGovern carried? One reason is that unlike Ted Kennedy, Mr. Kerry is not seen as a man who can get things done. No significant legislation bears his name.

Mr. Kerry's problem is much worse than having phoned it in for 20 years in the Senate. Somehow he has built a political career without ever developing the skill of connecting with people or being able to read the pulse of the electorate. In the 1980s, he opposed nearly every new weapons system the Reagan administration rolled out. In the 1990s he fought to slash intelligence funding. Both look like clear mistakes now. On Vietnam, he misread how the electorate would react to his antiwar record. Some Democrats actually argued Mr. Kerry would be popular among veterans. So Mr. Kerry thought he was giving voters what they wanted to hear when he responded to the GOP convention by getting on TV at midnight to talk about Vietnam and whine about imagined attacks on his patriotism. Democrats politely say that he's not very charismatic, but the truth is that he's like a tone-deaf musician who stumbles into a gig at Carnegie Hall and can't understand why the crowd doesn't cheer.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2004 08:42 am
Re: I have to prove the history of typewriters?
Debra_Law wrote:
sozobe wrote:
But Debra, you haven't proven anything, either.

I have to prove the history of typewriters? You can't take my word that IBM golf-ball typewriters were popular with both government and private businesses? [IBM dominated the office equipment industry for decades!]

How about this informative article:

IBM Typewriter Innovation

Proportional spacing

Proportional spacing, as developed by IBM, was the last
major advance in electric typebar typewriters. Interest-
ingly, the proportional (or variable or differential) spacing
concept was not new when IBM introduced its product in
Over one hundred years previously, Progin in his
1833 model allotted different spaces for upper-case and
lower-case letters [2]. A number of other inventors employed
the principle and several manufacturers produced
machines in the 188Os, including the Maskelyne (1889)
[2, 31. Probably due to mechanism complexity and cost,
differential spacing was abandoned around the turn of the
century [2]. Many years later, new impetus for a typewriter
that would more closely reproduce the product of the
professional printer came from Electromatic customers
who desired higher-quality printing at typewriter costs.
Ever since the invention of movable type, each letter in
the alphabet had been given a unique width to make its
appearance pleasing to the eye. The conventional fixed-
escapement typewriter required that all characters be of
equal width. This squeezed large characters such as M
and W and provided more than ample space for the
thinner characters such as i and 1. To provide variable
spacing for different letters, IBM's first proportional
spacing typewriter
used a rotary type of escapement
mechanism of three separate escapement wheels designed
to provide 2, 3, or 4 units of carriage motion [Fig.
2(a)]. Used in combinations, it was possible to obtain 2,3,
4, 5, or 6 units of carriage travel, which provided a wide
range of possible character widths and a more pleasing
quality of print. A subsequent design employing a multiple-
pawl linear escapement [Fig. 2(b)] was first used in
the Model A Executive and has remained basically unchanged
for more than thirty years.


. . . the basic SELECTRIC Typewriter configuration emerged in
the early 1950s: a spherical single printing element mounted
on a moving carrier . . . .

Since all characters were engraved on a single part, the
SELECTRIC Typewriter offered the opportunity to interchange
type styles. . . .

Supplies innovations in support of typewriters have not
been limited to ribbons. As mentioned, a key benefit of
the SELECTRIC Typewriter was the ability to easily and
quickly change the print element. . . .

Print quality plus -the IBM SELECTRIC Composer

Typebar typewriters with proportional spacing had never
achieved the print quality needed to compete favorably
with "hot-type'' composition. Previous shortcomings,
IBM believed, could be overcome with a machine based
on single-element principles. This belief culminated in the
announcement of the IBM SELECTRIC Composer, which
amazed professional printers with its superior impact
print quality.

BTW: The Selectric Composer (which also produced proportional font) was available in 1966.



Missed Debra's post which gives some of the history. The Times Roman font with a curved comma and the offset "st" and "th" was also available at the time those documents were supposed to be generated. It is damning that one of those who generated the documents apparantly wasn't in the service. All this tit-for-tat politics is boring. It's Kerry's election to lose and he's trying awfully hard to make that come true IMHO. As the military would put it, "Shape up or ship out."
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2004 09:21 am
Don't Tread on Me, Frank, and I seem to be saying the same thing via a kind of sub-thread within this thread. My post (on page 11) still stands: none of "this" is gonna matter.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2004 10:07 am
So far, despite many efforts, no one, media or blogger, has managed to duplicate the questioned documents with a typewriter, despite numerous attempts and great effort and ingenuity expended theretoward. That probably says something.

A humorous find:

From Selectric.org
Sorry, but due to excessive hits, this page is temporarily out of service.

Please check back after the election.

For those who want my opinion...the documents appear to be done in Word, and then copied repeatedly to make them "fuzzy". They use features that were not available on office typewriters the 1970s, specifically the combination of proportional spacing with superscript font. The IBM Executive has proportional spacing, but used fixed type bars. The Selectric has changeable type elements, but fixed spacing (some models could be selected at 10 or 12 pitch, but that's all). The Selectric Composer was not an office typewriter, but apparently did use proportional spacing. These were very expensive machines, used by printing offices, not administrative offices.

(font links removed)

Another update: I did an experiment, so you all can see for yourselves what different typewritten and computer printed words look like.


The first line was written using Microsoft Word 2000, on a PC, printed on a Laserjet 4. The font is New Times Roman, size is 12 point. The second line was typed using my mid 1960s IBM Executive typewriter, which has proportional spacing, but it is in bad shape, some of the letters are not striking, as the mechanism is sticky and the rubber wheel which powers the keystrokes is worn. The last line was typed using an IBM Selectric III typewriter with the Prestige Elite type ball, set to 12 characters per inch (elite spacing).

Yet another update: Look here for a comparison of one line of faked memo to genuine Selectric typewriting.

At least my low opinion of TV news remains intact.

It appears the only typewriter extant at the time capable even of closely approximating the features displayed by the contested documents was the IBM Selectric Composer Series, as referenced by Ms Law, and the machine pictured in her relevant post. These were not office machines, but very complex, specialized, multi-component desk-sized behemoths costing then somewhat more than a contemporary Cadillac or Lincoln, intended specifically for, and used almost exclusively by, the printing trade.

Here's the TitlePage of a Composer User Manual

And for the real curious, here's the entire 110 page manual ... note: this is a BIG PDF file.

Somehow, I doubt many ANG offices were equipped with IBM Composer Series typewriters.

I suspect those who think
none of "this" is gonna matter
are in for another think. As I mentioned earlier, the absolute best The Democrats can hope from this is that Kerry and The Democratic Party do not themselves become implicated in the fraud.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2004 10:23 am
What I meant was that none of this is going to matter in the general election.

It's almost laughable to hear the indignitation being voiced by some at the Dems playing dirty. This Bush crowd wrote the book.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2004 11:36 am
Further scrutiny lessens doubts on Bush memos
Further scrutiny lessens doubts on Bush memos
Some skeptics now say IBM typewriter could have been used

Francie Latour, Michael Rezendes, Boston Globe
Saturday, September 11, 2004

After CBS News trumpeted newly discovered documents Wednesday that referred to a 1973 effort to "sugar coat" President Bush's service record in the Texas Air National Guard, the network almost immediately faced charges that the memos were forgeries with typography that was not available on typewriters used at that time.

But specialists interviewed by the Globe and some other news organizations say the specialized characters used in the documents, and the type format, were common to electric typewriters in wide use in the early 1970s, when Bush was a first lieutenant.

Philip Bouffard, a forensic document examiner in Ohio who has analyzed typewritten samples for 30 years, had expressed suspicions about the documents in an interview with the New York Times, one in a wave of similar media reports. But Bouffard told the Globe Friday that after further study, he now believed the documents could have been prepared on an IBM Selectric Composer typewriter available at the time.

Analysts who have examined the documents focus on several facets of their typography, among them the use of a curved apostrophe, a raised, or superscript, "th," and the proportional spacing between the characters -- spacing that varies with the width of the letters. In older typewriters, each letter was allotted the same space.

Those who doubt the documents say those typographical elements would not have been commonly available at the time of Bush's service. But such characters were common features on electric typewriters of that era, the Globe determined through interviews with specialists and examination of documents from the period. In fact, one such raised "th," used to describe a Guard unit, the 187th, appears in a document in Bush's official record the White House made public this year.

Meanwhile, "CBS Evening News" Friday night explained how it had sought to authenticate the documents, focusing primarily on its examiner's conclusion that two of the records were signed by Bush's guard commander, Lt. Col. Jerry Killian. CBS also said other sources -- among Killian's friends and colleagues -- verified that the content of the documents reflected Killian's views at the time.

One of them, Robert Strong, a Guard colleague, said the language in the documents was "compatible with the way business was done at that time. They are compatible with the man I remember Jerry Killian being."

But William Flynn, a Phoenix document examiner cited in a Washington Post report Friday, said he had not changed his mind because he did not believe that the proportional spacing between characters, and between lines, in the documents obtained by CBS was possible on typewriters used by the military at the time.

Flynn said his doubts were also based on his belief that the curved apostrophe was not available on electric typewriters at the time, although documents from the period reviewed by the Globe show it was. He acknowledged that the quality of the copies of the documents he examined was poor.

The controversy over the authenticity of the documents has all but blocked out discussion of their content. They say Killian was under pressure to "sugar coat" Bush's record, and Bush refused a direct order to take a required medical examination and discussed how he could skip drills.

Bouffard, the Ohio document specialist, said that he had first dismissed the Bush documents because the letters and formatting of the memos did not match any of the 4,000 samples in his database. But Friday, Bouffard said that he had not considered the IBM Selectric Composer. Once he compared the memos to Selectric Composer samples, Bouffard said, his view shifted.

In the Times interview, Bouffard had also questioned whether the military would have used the Composer, a large machine. But Friday he provided a document indicating that as early as April 1969 the Air Force had completed service testing for the Composer, possibly in preparation for purchasing the typewriters.

As for the raised "th" that appears in the Bush memos, Bouffard said that custom characters on the Composer's metal typehead ball were available in the 1970s.

"You can't just say that this is definitively the mark of a computer," Bouffard said.

1941: IBM announces the Electromatic Model 04 electric typewriter, featuring the revolutionary concept of proportional spacing. By assigning varied rather than uniform spacing to different sized characters, the Type 4 recreated the appearance of a printed page, an effect that was further enhanced by a typewriter ribbon innovation that produced clearer, sharper words on the page. The proportional spacing feature became a staple of the IBM Executive series typewriters.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2004 12:08 pm
The controversy over the authenticity of the documents has all but blocked out discussion of their content. They say Killian was under pressure to "sugar coat" Bush's record, and Bush refused a direct order to take a required medical examination and discussed how he could skip drills.

well yeah... that's the whole point isn't it?

karl rove's whole strategy (and the only one he could use for a bush campaign) is "if ya can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bull***t".

take any obfuscation of any aspect of the "vietnam issue", throw as much green wood on the fire as you want, make everyone with a larynx their own little 527, point and yammer about any document you want to, the bottom line doesn't go away...

kerry - 1968-1969 = vietnam ..... bush - 1968-1969 = texas

bada bing!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2004 12:12 pm
i could be wrong (gasp!?!?), but i seem to recall that the "little ball with the letters on it" was called an "element" back then.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2004 01:46 pm
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
The controversy over the authenticity of the documents has all but blocked out discussion of their content. They say Killian was under pressure to "sugar coat" Bush's record, and Bush refused a direct order to take a required medical examination and discussed how he could skip drills.

well yeah... that's the whole point isn't it?

karl rove's whole strategy (and the only one he could use for a bush campaign) is "if ya can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bull***t".

take any obfuscation of any aspect of the "vietnam issue", throw as much green wood on the fire as you want, make everyone with a larynx their own little 527, point and yammer about any document you want to, the bottom line doesn't go away...

kerry - 1968-1969 = vietnam ..... bush - 1968-1969 = texas

bada bing!

Not to nit pick, but if the letters are forgeries, doesn't that tell you that the content is meaningless?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2004 01:58 pm
McGentrix wrote:

Not to nit pick, but if the letters are forgeries, doesn't that tell you that the content is meaningless?

well mackers, the forgery claim seems to be losing steam pretty damn quick.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2004 02:04 pm
They do?! Shocked
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2004 02:55 pm
Having convinced no one but themselves of many things, The Democrats now set their sights on The Memos. As customary in these matters, they have carefully loaded their guns, placed the target squarely across both their feet, taken precise aim, and pulled the trigger.

This is wonderful.
0 Replies
Brand X
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2004 03:06 pm
The only expert cited by CBS in this case, Marcel Matley, wrote in the September 27, 2002 issue of the journal, "The Practical Litigator":

"In fact, modern copiers and computer printers are so good that they permit easy fabrication of quality forgeries. From a copy, the document examiner cannot authenticate the unseen original but may well be able to determine that the unseen original is false. Further, a definite finding of authenticity for a signature is not possible from a photocopy, while a definite finding of falsity is possible."
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2004 03:10 pm
The documents are not false, but the issues of what Bush and Kerry did 40 years ago are not worth getting worked up over anyway. Just bashing instead of discussing issues.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2004 04:17 pm
What difference does it make whether these were original documents typed on an IBM Selectric?

If they were forgeries they would still corroborate what we know by the testimony of the fellow members of Bushes squadron. And they aren't forgeries from the look of it. In fact suggesting that the are forgeries is in the category of: methinks they do too much protest.

If the docs are fake, cough up the originals and show that they aren't identical! Not likely. More likely CBS has the original. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes for this one.
0 Replies
A Lone Voice
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2004 04:48 pm
The saga continues:And more here:

Today from ABC.go.com:

The 60 Minutes Documents:

Retired Maj. General Hodges, Killian's supervisor at the Grd, tells ABC News that he feels CBS misled him about the documents they uncovered. According to Hodges, CBS told him the documents were "handwritten" and after CBS read him excerpts he said, "well if he wrote them that's what he felt."

Hodges also said he did not see the documents in the 70's and he cannot authenticate the documents or the contents. His personal belief is that the documents have been "computer generated" and are a "fraud".

CBS responds: ""We believed Col. Hodges the first time we spoke with him. We believe the documents to be genuine. We stand by our story and will continue to report on it."

.....As much as the Dems are trying to make this go away, they can't. But then again, as some of our more wacky lib friends have said, maybe Karl Rove and the GOP are behind this!......

My guess:

These documents are part of the DNC's "Operation Fortunate Son" campaign, and were released now instead of the week before the election (like the Dems did with the DUI story about Bush in 2000) because the DNC panicked when Bush's lead swelled to double digits.

Why did the DNC launch "Operation Fortunate Son" instead of talking about the issues currently facing the US? Why are we not talking about both candidates and their record on terrorism, the economy, the military, and Homeland security? Why are we not comparing Bush and Kerry by examining bills that Bush has signed and vetoed and votes Kerry has made on these issues?

Oh. Maybe now I understand why the Democratic National Committee has launched "Operation Fortunate Son".......
0 Replies

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