Bush AWOL documents fake?

Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 11:08 am
Ted Baxter --- Know that's just funny!


Why do TV commentators on CBS' forgery-gate insist on issuing lengthy caveats to the effect that of course this was an innocent mistake and no one is accusing Dan Rather of some sort of "conspiracy," and respected newsman Dan Rather would never intentionally foist phony National Guard documents on an unsuspecting public merely to smear George Bush, etc., etc.?

I'll admit, there's a certain sadistic quality to such overwrought decency toward Dan Rather. But how does Bill O'Reilly know what Dan Rather was thinking when he put forged documents on the air? I know liberals have the paranormal ability to detect racism and sexism, but who knew O'Reilly could read an anchorman's mind just by watching him read the news?

What are the odds that Dan Rather would have accepted such patently phony documents from, say, the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth?

As we now know, CBS' own expert told them there were problems with the documents - the main one being that they were clearly fakes dummied up at a Kinko's outlet from somebody's laptop at 4 a.m.

According to ABC News, document examiner Emily Will was hired by CBS to vet the documents. But when she raised questions about the documents' authenticity and strongly warned CBS not to use the documents on air, CBS ignored her. Will concluded: "I did not feel that they wanted to investigate it very deeply."

Within hours of the documents being posted on CBS' website, moderately observant fourth-graders across America noticed that the alleged early '70s National Guard documents were the product of Microsoft Word. If that wasn't bad enough, The New York Times spent the following week hailing Rather for his "journalistic coup" in obtaining the documents that no other newsman had (other than Jayson Blair).

By now, all reputable document examiners in the Northern Hemisphere dispute the documents' authenticity. Even the Los Angeles Times has concluded that the documents are fraudulent - and when you fail to meet the ethical standards of the L.A. Times, you're in trouble.

In Dan Rather's defense, it must be confessed, he is simply a newsreader. Now that Walter Cronkite is retired, Rather is TV's real-life Ted Baxter without Baxter's quiet dignity. No one would ever suggest that he has any role in the content of his broadcast. To blame Dan Rather for what appears on his program would be like blaming Susan Lucci for the plot of "All My Children."

The person to blame is Ted Baxter's producer, Mary Mapes. Mapes apparently decided: We'll run the documents calling Bush a shirker in the National Guard, and if the documents turn out to be fraudulent we'll:

a) Blame Karl Rove;
b) Say the documents don't matter.

But if the documents are irrelevant to the question of Bush's Guard duty, then why did CBS bring them up? Why not just say: "The important thing is for you to take our word for it!"

Interestingly, the elite (and increasingly unwatched) media always make "mistakes" in the same direction. They never move too quickly to report a story unfavorable to liberals.

In 1998, CNN broadcast its famous "Tailwind" story, falsely accusing the U.S. military of gassing American defectors in Laos during the Vietnam War. (This was part of liberals' long-standing support for "the troops.") The publishing industry regularly puts out proven frauds such as: "I, Rigoberta Menchu" (a native girl's torture at the hands of the right-wing Guatemalan military), "Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture" (a liberal fantasy of a gun-free colonial America), "Fortunate Son: George W. Bush and the Making of an American President" (a book by a convicted felon with wild stories of George Bush's drug use), and the unsourced nutty fantasies of Kitty Kelley.

In a book out this week, Kelley details many anonymous charges against the Bush family, such as that Laura Bush was a pot dealer in college, George W. Bush was the first person in America to use cocaine back in 1968, and he also regularly consorted with a prostitute in Texas who was then silenced by the CIA.

Kelley backs up her shocking allegations with names of highly credentialed people - who have absolutely no connection to the events she is describing. No one directly involved is on the record, and the people on the record have never met anyone in the Bush family. In other words, her stories have been "vetted" enough to be included on tonight's "CBS Evening News" with Dan Rather.

The New York Times review blamed Kelley's gossip mongering on "a cultural climate in which gossip and innuendo thrive on the Internet." Kelley has been writing these books for decades, so apparently, like the Texas Air National Guard, Kelley was on the Internet - and being influenced by it - back in the '70s. As I remember it, for the past few years it has been the Internet that keeps dissecting and discrediting the gossip and innuendo that the major media put out.

Curiously, all this comes at the precise moment that speculation is at a fever pitch about whether Kitty Kelley is in the advanced stages of syphilis. According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: "Approximately 3 percent to 7 percent of persons with untreated syphilis develop neurosyphilis, a sometimes serious disorder of the nervous system."

Dr. Jonathan Zenilman, M.D., associate professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University, has found there is an "inter-relationship" between STDs and truck routes in Baltimore. I'm not at liberty to reveal the names of my sources, but there are three or four highly placed individuals in the publishing industry who say Miss Kelley or someone who closely resembles her is a habitue of truck routes in Baltimore.

While opinions differ as to whether Miss Kelley's behavior can be explained by syphilis or some other STD, people who went to Harvard - and Harvard is one of the top universities in the nation - say her path is consistent with someone in the advanced stages.

Amid the swirling dispute over her STDs, there is only one way for Kelley to address this issue: Release her medical records. As someone who would like to be thought of as her friend said anonymously: "For your own good, Ms. Kelley, I would get those medical records out yesterday." This doesn't have to be public. She may release her medical records to me, or if she'd be more comfortable, to my brothers.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 11:12 am
Youre about !2 Hours late with that WP Kinkos article, BBB. And just wait 'till you see what's in store for Burkett and freinds.

What's really amusing is watching the Democrats scramble around tryin' to find somethin' to salvage. Well, its their call ... hang around and go down with the boat, or save themselves further pain and embarrassment. Anyone who thinks this latest Democrat blunder plays any way other than tremendously to The Incumbent's advantage is a valued opponent. With foes like that, Bush's freinds needn't stress themselves.
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Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 11:28 am
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Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 11:30 am
I like the 3 amigo's uniform...
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Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 11:44 am
This could be BIG TROUBLE for Bush:

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Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 11:50 am
LOL SmileSmileSmile
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Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 12:03 pm
OK, keep avoiding the topic.

Fine with me.

Bush is going down, and let's post funny pictures:

0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 01:14 pm
From The nation:

(a good read, and note the bold part for thread relevancy)

Why Bush Left Texas

[posted online on September 14, 2004]

Growing evidence suggests that George W. Bush abruptly left his Texas Air National Guard unit in 1972 for substantive reasons pertaining to his inability to continue piloting a fighter jet.

A months-long investigation, which includes examination of hundreds of government-released documents, interviews with former Guard members and officials, military experts and Bush associates, points toward the conclusion that Bush's personal behavior was causing alarm among his superior officers and would ultimately lead to his fleeing the state to avoid a physical exam he might have had difficulty passing. His failure to complete a physical exam became the official reason for his subsequent suspension from flying status.

This central issue, whether Bush did or did not complete his duty--and if not, why--has in recent days been obscured by a raging sideshow: a debate over the accuracy of documents aired on CBS's 60 Minutes. Last week CBS News reported on newly unearthed memos purportedly prepared by Bush's now-deceased commanding officer. In those documents, the officer, Lieut. Col. Jerry Killian, appeared to be establishing for the record events occurring at the time Bush abruptly left his Texas Air National Guard unit in May 1972. Among these: that Bush had failed to meet unspecified Guard standards and refused a direct order to take a physical exam, and that pressure was being applied on Killian and his superiors to whitewash whatever troubling circumstances Bush was in.

Questions have been raised about the authenticity of those memos, but the criticism of them appears at this time speculative and inconclusive, while their substance is consistent with a growing body of documentation and analysis.

If it is demonstrated that profound behavioral problems marred Bush's wartime performance and even cut short his service, it could seriously challenge Bush's essential appeal as a military steward and guardian of societal values. It could also explain the incomplete, contradictory and shifting explanations provided by the Bush camp for the President's striking invisibility from the military during the final two years of his six-year military obligation. And it would explain the savagery and rapidity of the attack on the CBS documents.

In 1972 Bush's unit activities underwent a change that could point to a degradation of his ability to fly a fighter jet. Last week, in response to a lawsuit, the White House released to the Associated Press Bush's flight logs, which show that he abruptly shifted his emphasis in February and March 1972 from his assigned F-102A fighter jet to a two-seat T-33 training jet, from which he had graduated several years earlier, and was put back onto a flight simulator. The logs also show that on two occasions he required multiple attempts to land a one-seat fighter and a fighter simulator. This after Bush had already logged more than 200 hours in the one-seat F-102A.

Military experts say that his new, apparently downgraded and accompanied training mode, which included Bush's sometimes moving into the co-pilot's seat, can, in theory, be explained a variety of ways. He could, for example, have been training for a new position that might involve carrying student pilots. But the reality is that Bush himself has never mentioned this chapter in his life, nor has he provided a credible explanation. In addition, Bush's highly detailed Officer Effectiveness Reports make no mention of this rather dramatic change.

A White House spokesman explained to AP that the heavy training in this more elementary capacity came at a time when Bush was trying to generate more hours in anticipation of a six-month leave to work on a political campaign. But, in fact, this scenario is implausible. For one thing, Guard regulations did not permit him to log additional hours in that manner as a substitute for missing six months of duty later on. As significantly, there is no sign that Bush even considered going to work on that campaign until shortly before he departed--nor that campaign officials had any inkling at all that Bush might join them in several months' time.

Bush told his commanding officers that he was going to Alabama for an opportunity with a political campaign. (His Texas Air National Guard supervisors--presumably relying on what Bush told them--would write in a report the following year, "A civilian occupation made it necessary for him to move to Montgomery, Alabama.") But the timing of Bush's decision to leave and his departure--about the same time that he failed to take a mandatory annual physical exam--indicate that the two may have been related.

Campaign staff members say they knew nothing of Bush's interest in participating until days before he arrived in Montgomery. Indeed, not one of numerous Bush friends from those days even recalls Bush talking about going to Alabama at any point before he took off.

Bush's behavior in Alabama suggests that he viewed Alabama not as an important career opportunity but as a kind of necessary evil.

Although his role in the campaign has been represented as substantial (in some newspaper accounts, he has been described as the assistant campaign manager), numerous campaign staffers say Bush's role was negligible, low level and that he routinely arrived at the campaign offices in the afternoon hours, bragging of drinking feats from the night before.

According to friends of his, he kept his Houston apartment during this period and, based on their recollections, may have been coming back into town repeatedly during the time he was supposedly working full-time on the Alabama campaign. Absences from the campaign have been explained as due to his responsibilities to travel to the further reaches of Alabama, but several staffers told me that organizing those counties was not Bush's de facto responsibility.

Even more significantly, in a July interview, Linda Allison, the widow of Jimmy Allison, the Alabama campaign manager and a close friend of Bush's father, revealed to me for the first time that Bush had come to Alabama not because the job had appeal or because his presence was required but because he needed to get out of Texas. "Well, you have to know Georgie," Allison said. "He really was a totally irresponsible person. Big George [George H.W. Bush] called Jimmy, and said, he's killing us in Houston, take him down there and let him work on that campaign.... The tenor of that was, Georgie is in and out of trouble seven days a week down here, and would you take him up there with you."

Allison said that the younger Bush's drinking problem was apparent. She also said that her husband, a circumspect man who did not gossip and held his cards closely, indicated to her that some use of drugs was involved. "I had the impression that he knew that Georgie was using pot, certainly, and perhaps cocaine," she said.

Now-prominent, established Texas figures in the military, arts, business and political worlds, some of them Republicans and Bush supporters, talk about Bush's alleged use of marijuana and cocaine based on what they say they have heard from trusted friends. One middle-aged woman whose general veracity could be confirmed told me that she met Bush in 1968 at Hemisfair 68, a fair in San Antonio, at which he tried to pick her up and offered her a white powder he was inhaling. She was then a teenager; Bush would have just graduated from Yale and have been starting the National Guard then. "He was getting really aggressive with me," she said. "I told him I'd call a policeman, and he laughed, and asked who would believe me." (Although cocaine was not a widespread phenomenon until the 1970s, US authorities were struggling more than a decade earlier to stanch the flow from Latin America; in 1967 border seizures amounted to twenty-six pounds.)

Bush himself has publicly admitted to being somewhat wild in his younger years, without offering any details. He has not explicitly denied charges of drug use; generally he has hedged. He has said that he could have passed the same security screening his father underwent upon his inauguration in 1989, which certifies no illegal drug use during the fifteen preceding years. In other words, George W. Bush seemed to be saying that if he had used drugs, that was before 1974 or during the period in which he left his Guard unit.

The family that rented Bush a house in Montgomery, Alabama, during that period told me that Bush did extensive, inexplicable damage to their property, including smashing a chandelier, and that they unsuccessfully billed him twice for the damage--which amounted to approximately $900, a considerable sum in 1972. Two unconnected close friends and acquaintances of a well-known Montgomery socialite, now deceased, told me that the socialite in question told them that he and Bush had been partying that evening at the Montgomery Country Club, combining drinking with use of illicit drugs, and that Bush, complaining about the brightness, had climbed on a table and smashed the chandelier when the duo stopped at his home briefly so Bush could change clothes before they headed out again.

It is notable that in 1972, the military was in the process of introducing widespread drug testing as part of the annual physical exams that pilots would undergo.

For years, military buffs and retired officers have speculated about the real reasons that Bush left his unit two years before his flying obligation was up. Bush and his staff have muddied the issue by not providing a clear, comprehensive and consistent explanation of his departure from the unit. And, peculiarly, the President has not made himself available to describe in detail what did take place at that time. Instead, the White House has adopted a policy of offering obscure explanations by officials who clearly do not know the specifics of what went on, and the periodic release of large numbers of confusing or inconclusive documents--particularly at the start of weekends and holiday periods, when attention is elsewhere.

In addition, the Bush camp has offered over the past few years a shifting panoply of explanations that subsequently failed to pass muster. One was that Bush had stopped flying his F-102A jet because it was being phased out (the plane continued to be used for at least another year). Another explanation was that he failed to take his physical exam in 1972 because his family doctor was unavailable. (Guard regulations require that physicals be conducted by doctors on the base, and would have been easily arranged either on a base in Texas or, after he left the state, in Alabama.)

One of the difficulties in getting to the truth about what really took place during this period is the frequently expressed fear of retribution from the Bush organization. Many sources refuse to speak on the record, or even to have their knowledge communicated publicly in any way. One source who did publicly evince doubts about Bush's activities in 1972 was Dean Roome, who flew formations often with Bush and was his roommate for a time. "You wonder if you know who George Bush is," Roome told USA Today in a little-appreciated interview back in 2002. "I think he digressed after awhile," he said. "In the first half, he was gung-ho. Where George failed was to fulfill his obligation as a pilot. It was an irrational time in his life." Yet in subsequent years, Roome has revised his comments to a firm insistence that nothing out of the ordinary took place at that time, and after one interview he e-mailed me material raising questions about John Kerry's military career. Roome, who operates a curio shop in a Texas hamlet, told me that Bush aides, including communications adviser Karen Hughes, and even the President himself stay in touch with him.

Several Bush associates from that period say that the Bush camp has argued strenuously about the importance of sources backing the President up on his military service, citing patriotism, personal loyalty and even the claim that he lacks friends in Washington and must count on those from early in his life.

In 1971 Bush took his annual physical exam in May. It's reasonable to conclude that he would also take his 1972 physical in the same month. Yet according to official Guard documents, Bush "cleared the base" on May 15 without doing so. Fellow Guard members uniformly agree that Bush should and could have easily taken the exam with unit doctors at Ellington Air Force Base before leaving town. (It is interesting to note that if the Killian memos released by CBS do hold up, one of them, dated May 4, 1972, orders Bush to report for his physical by May 14--one day before he took off.)

Bush has indicated that he departed from Ellington Air Force Base and his Guard unit because he had been offered an important employment opportunity with a political campaign in Alabama. The overwhelming evidence suggests, however, that the Alabama campaign was a convenient excuse for Bush to rapidly exit stage left from a Guard unit that found him and his behavior a growing problem. If that's not the case, now would be an excellent time for a President famed for his superlative memory to sit down and explain what really happened in that period.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 01:37 pm
o.k., o.k., funny pic of rather. maybe the cbs thing is bunk, i don't know. still waiting for the plus size lady to warble.

but i have seen more than enough to believe that o'neill's book and his whole sbvt crusade is balogne. if he wants to bitch about kerry's anti-war activity, fine. free speech. but the rest of his routine stinks. and it is really frustrating when right wingers keep insisting that o'neill's jive is "all true, all true". it's been debunked to death. it didn't pass the smell test any better than the memos seem to be.

and to be fair, i've never heard one person on the right calling for a congressional hearing regarding the use of fox news channel to launch the swiftboat campaign. they were hyping it for weeks before it came out.

in a few years or so, i'd bet you money, some democrat or moderate republican kid who did time in iraq and was awarded some medal is going to run for office. and when he does, there will be some weasel sniffing around and re-running this whole bad scenario. especially if it's a guy that comes back from iraq and dares to put the free speech he just finished fighting for to use and criticizes "this president" and his war.

once the twig is bent, the tree grows crooked.
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A Lone Voice
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 05:02 pm
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
o.k., o.k., funny pic of rather. maybe the cbs thing is bunk, i don't know. still waiting for the plus size lady to warble.

but i have seen more than enough to believe that o'neill's book and his whole sbvt crusade is balogne. if he wants to bitch about kerry's anti-war activity, fine. free speech. but the rest of his routine stinks. and it is really frustrating when right wingers keep insisting that o'neill's jive is "all true, all true". it's been debunked to death. it didn't pass the smell test any better than the memos seem to be.

and to be fair, i've never heard one person on the right calling for a congressional hearing regarding the use of fox news channel to launch the swiftboat campaign. they were hyping it for weeks before it came out.

in a few years or so, i'd bet you money, some democrat or moderate republican kid who did time in iraq and was awarded some medal is going to run for office. and when he does, there will be some weasel sniffing around and re-running this whole bad scenario. especially if it's a guy that comes back from iraq and dares to put the free speech he just finished fighting for to use and criticizes "this president" and his war.

once the twig is bent, the tree grows crooked.

Right. Except all of the libs feel righteous in their proclamations that Fox News is evil, slanted, and a right-wing tool for the bad guys.

Yet, if Repubs start claiming the same about Dan Rather/CBS, libs sniff and tell us we're being silly. Even though Dan is an admitted Dem donor and supporter.

Wee bit of a double standard by those who call themselves 'progressives', no?
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Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 05:22 pm
WASHINGTON - A federal judge has ordered the Pentagon (news - web sites) to find and make public by next week any unreleased files about President Bush (news - web sites)'s Vietnam-era Air National Guard service to resolve a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by The Associated Press.
U.S. District Judge Harold Baer Jr. handed down the order late Wednesday in New York. The AP lawsuit already has led to the disclosure of previously unreleased flight logs from Bush's days piloting F-102A fighters and other jets.
Pentagon officials told Baer they plan to have their search complete by Monday. Baer ordered the Pentagon to hand over the records to the AP by Sept. 24 and provide a written statement by Sept. 29 detailing the search for more records.

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Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 05:38 pm
Navy Contradicts Kerry on Release of Military Records

The U.S. Navy released documents Wednesday contradicting claims by Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry that all of his available military records have been released ...

... Navy Personnel Command FOIA Officer Dave German wrote in an e-mail to Judicial Watch that the Navy "withheld thirty-one pages of documents from the responsive military personnel service records as we were not provided a release authorization." ...

... The official U.S. Navy response was received by Judicial Watch on Wednesday, the same day that Kerry told syndicated radio and MSNBC TV host Don Imus that "We've posted my military records that they sent to me, or were posted on my website. You can go to my website, and all my -- you know, the documents are there." ...

... Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said the Navy's correspondence confirms that Kerry has not been forthright in releasing his military files.

"It's written confirmation from the U.S. Navy that there are additional documents from Kerry's service record that have yet to be made publicly available," Fitton told CNSNews.com.

Fitton called the Kerry campaign's contention that all of the candidate's military files have been released, "wrong."

"They (the Kerry campaign) are either ignorant or misleading us. The simple solution is to authorize the release of all records related to his service," Fitton said ...
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Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 06:51 pm
timberlandko wrote:
... The official U.S. Navy response was received by Judicial Watch on Wednesday, the same day that Kerry told syndicated radio and MSNBC TV host Don Imus that "We've posted my military records that they sent to me, or were posted on my website. You can go to my website, and all my -- you know, the documents are there." ...

I realize dyou didn't write that story but that's only a portion of what Kerry said o the Imus show (I happened to hear the interview on my way to work.) Kerry DID tell Imus that there were additional records (he said they were Medical records) that were a part of his file that he hadn't authorized release of. Imus asked him when those records would be release and the quote abocve was Kerry's reply (he basically ducked the question as politicians are known to do).
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Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 06:55 pm
Well, if a war hero wanted his injuries to be ballyhoo-ed, he'd release them.

If it details the scratch and bruise and rice imbedded in his butt, for which he was awarded a Purple Heart--I guess he wouldn't want those released...
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Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 07:34 pm
Kerry was even slicker than that, fishin' ... his remarks were well-thought out.

The official U.S. Navy response was received by Judicial Watch on Wednesday, the same day that Kerry told syndicated radio and MSNBC TV host Don Imus that "We've posted my military records that they sent to me, or were posted on my website. You can go to my website, and all my -- you know, the documents are there."
Pretty lawyerly ... in a weasely sorta way " ... my military records that they sent to me" lays blame off on The Navy, implying Kerry doesn't know just what they may or may not have sent. " ... all my -- you know, the documents are there." Very lawyerly ... once he caught himself and shifted from the unambiguous, and potentially damning, "all my" to the much more exculpable and noncommital "the documents". Good recovery from what coulda turned into a Gotchya Moment.

When Imus pressed Kerry as to whether all of his documents were in fact included on the campaign website, Kerry responded, "To the best of my knowledge."
Another good move ... establish plausible deniability. Gee ... wonder where he learned that Nixonian standby? :wink:

I think some of the medical stuff may still be out there. We're trying to get it.
Again noncommital ... maybe, maybe isn't anything else other than "The medical stuff" ... which, BTW, would include all his wound-related "stuff". "Trying to get it" don't cut it; all it takes ... what it takes ... the only way to get it ... is to sign a Standard Form 180, which Kerry has not done ... about the only 180 I think he's missed in his entire carreer.

"We released everything that they (the Navy) initially sent me," he added.
And another slick response ... just what did he say there? Has The Navy sent stuff other than what was sent initially? And, importantly, it redirects to, and reinforces the earlier statements " ... my military records that they sent to me" and "To the best of my knowledge." ... great loophole-opener, leaving an avenue of fault, should any exist, straight back to the Navy.

But then, he's a lawyer. He oughtta be able to talk lawyer-like. Clinton was better at it, though.

Oh, and speakin' of lawyerly, here's a tidbit about the jurist who issued the order pertaining to Bush the Younger's records:
Federal Judge Harold Baer has removed himself from the case that landed him at the center of a national controversy. The judge's decision to throw out $4 million worth of narcotics seized from a defendant's car was criticized by President Clinton and politicans from both parties. The judge later reversed himself, allowing the narcotics evdience to be used at trial. In THIS (click link to read -timber) opinion and order, he denied a defense motion that he recuse himself, and then recused himself.

Slated for retirement this year, with a replacement nominee already designated, 1994 Clinton Appointee Baer is one of the Federal Bench's most over-ruled members.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 07:45 pm
I don't know if those documents are fake and I really don't care. What I care about are the over 1,000 troops who have died in Iraq and the thousands more who have been maimed and injured.

This whole Dan Rather thing will blow over and he's gonna come out of it unscathed.

The media and politicians in this country has their priorities all screwed up. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 07:46 pm
A Lone Voice wrote:
Right. Except all of the libs feel righteous in their proclamations that Fox News is evil, slanted, and a right-wing tool for the bad guys.

Yet, if Repubs start claiming the same about Dan Rather/CBS, libs sniff and tell us we're being silly.

What do you call CBS News when they have lost all credibility?

FOX News.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 07:51 pm
Here's a thought ... if the story behind the evidence matters more than questions of the evidence's credibility, why isn't O. J. on Death Row?

A keystone of law is "Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus"; False in one, false in all. That'll blow a case premised in any part on discreditted evidence or witnesses no matter how sound the charges.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 07:54 pm
Because he was found not guilty by a jury of his peers, silly.

Of course, if this were a dictatorship, it would be a heckuva lot easier...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2004 07:55 pm
So, DNA evidence only counts when it gets people off...?
0 Replies

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