Thanks swimpy and patiodog for your info. I just need timber's, then I'll put it all together and send out to everyone.
Yer probably right about 8-ish. (So thoughtful.) I worry a bit about peak time at the Great Dane, tho. Also I'd need to leave by 10 at the latest, probably, for sozlet reasons. Maybe 7:30?
I'm starting to get WAY booked.

Plan to visit with five old friends (in addition to the A2K gathering) in the time I'm there.
We plan to leave here around 2:00 PM on Friday. E.G. was turning blue and clutching his heart when I told him my plan to leave Thurs afternoon -- he has a TON to do this week. We briefly discussed sozlet and I going first, him joining us later, but his car (the one we got for $1) is acting weird.
So, we should be there 5-ish on Friday. Then will be leaving Sunday morning or afternoon, haven't decided. Depends on when some people are available. (All of this means I won't be very available beyond gathering itself and farmer's market the next a.m., btw.)
Terp is waiting to find out if she can have another job canceled... it ends at 6:30, but she would be tired. That's another reason I would prefer closer to 7 if possible -- she's a mom too and probably doesn't want to stay too late.
Swimpy, what's your take on when we should meet?