the big fella hasn't posted any
i've got a coupla more angles of timber, one more of swimpy I think and one of timber and swimpy discussing something intently - i only took one pic of the peppermintpuppy and none of soz - i do have quite a few nice photos of dead fish if yer interested!
I'm pretty big on dead fish ... I don't even mind cleanin' 'em, long as nobody else volunteers. They cook up lots better that way.
prolly not quite what you had in mind ...
<as soon as we get bulk upload here, i'll move a few more pix into the travel album>
loved Swimpy's framed motto, and ... the earrings!
Good dead fish photo, great contrasts..
That's one of the charms that Beth gave me. She said I was supposed to share the other one, but sharing is soooo hard!
I wish I could have given everybody there all of those little charms. It took forever to pick them out to begin with - then divvying them up ... each one was perfect for everyone.
I wonder if timber found his under the candy bars?
Oh, yeah! I found 'em ... Thanks! I forgot to mention then earlier. They're dangling from the pullchains that operate the ceiling fan/overhead light in the bedroom. I'd have worn 'em as earings, but I just couldn't find an outfit they worked well with :wink:
I was kinda worried that you might have just started in on the candy and kept going and going and crunch crunch crunch 'what were those, anyway?'
Two of ours are doorknob decorations (where sozlet put 'em), one goes with me in my purse and recently helped pass the time at the pediatrician's office.
Really like 'em.
LOL ... Nah, the cute little box gave 'em away ... I new right off it prolly wasn't candy

I've been meaning to ask this about one of mine: is "When pigs fly" a Chinese saying? 'Cuz that's what one of ours is: a little pig with knitted wings.
Since the gallery seems to have vanished, and we're inviting people back to see the thread, thought I'd throw a pic of the peppermintpatiodog in here
the first time we met timber ....
I've just spent 20 minutes with a smile on my face. Thanks for the invite to share your memories!
J_B - this is a super group of people. I can hardly wait to meet even more A2K'rs.
Nothing like an internet friends vacations! I've done it a bunch of times - Cambridge and Salem, Ma., Winter Harbor, Me., Tucson, Az., Cape Cod, a cool spot in the Catskills, the Madison trip ... all of them trips I wouldn't have taken without the incentive of meeting A2K'rs. What's next? maybe New York City? who knows ...
and I've got to get back to Columbus, Oh. as well.
I've got shorter hair now. I'll post some pics in a minute. Ive been smiling, too. I only wish the meeting place we'd chosen (I can't blame anyone else. I preapproved it) hadn't been so loud. Sozobe had the advantage of an interpretor at least. Next time we'll meet at a church or sumpin. do I post pictures directly?
That was definitely the noisiest gathering spot I've been at. The best, in some ways - particularly sound - was the first one I went to - it was in a gazebo in Salem, Ma. Outdoors - easy to move around and talk to different people at different times. There are great pix of that at littlek's site.