Setanta will be here in 36 hours! We'll start on the 'official' journey about 12 hours later.
It's going to be weird being out of touch with everyone here until a week from today.
The colors are here!
Took this earlier this afternoon. I took a bunch more, and I'll upload them to a new album in my gallery and post a link here. May take a while ... be patient.
I figure peak color around Madison will occur right on time for us.
I've been noticing how fast the color change is progressing. I hope it doesn't go too fast.
fabulous, timber!
we'll have met in a week! and swimpy a week from tomorrow!
MacIntosh's, Coffee Crisp and Smarties have been acquired. Caramilk tomorrow.
For those who care, this oughta get you to the photos I took today. Hope the link works. Be advised its really just a bunch of snapshots ... not art or documentary journalism

Nice pix, timber. I love that you've got a whole pack of dogs.
errrrrr, one minor quibble. This is 2003, isn't it?

... I'll fix that. Thanks. Heck, that ain't even all of The Puppies. I don't think I've ever gotten 'em all in one session, let alone in one picture
I think I counted 6, maybe 7 in one photo. How many are there in total?
today's colour update
Quote:Peak fall color has arrived in many areas in Wisconsin. This week, the Florence, Birchwood and Neillsville areas are all reporting widespread peak conditions, and Pierce County, Bayfield County and the Cable area are seeing color at or near peak as well.
With balmy Indian summer weather predicted to continue for a few more days across most of the state, now is a great time to go fishing, biking, hiking or searching for that perfect pumpkin.
I'd be more impressed if I recognized the names of these places, but by next week I'll know some of them. I think.
Right now there are 8, with a visiting pup, a frequent guest, scheduled for the weekend. The dogsitter coming next week is bringing 2 or 3 of her own.
We take in abused or abandoned pups the local shelters consider unadoptable and rehabillitate them over however much time it takes ... months to years. There are 3 "Original Puppies" (now quite mature, verging on elderly, in doggy terms), and anywhere from 3 to 5 or 6 "in rotation". When they're ready to be with people, we find 'em a good home. Usually the turnover is 2 or 3 a year.
Swimpy, it's amazing how quickly it progresses, isn't it? We have been reading a lot of books about the change of seasons, fall, etc., and the kid was really excited about seeing fall colors. Monday morning, I showed her how one of the trees we could see from this window (you know, this one, where I'm pointing) was just starting to turn yellow. We kept checking it over the course of the day, and whereas in the morning it was green with just a slightly yellowish cast, by the time the sun went down it was yellow with a bit of green. Amazing.
She (sozlet) is really amped about fall colors. We drove downtown the other day and everytime she saw a tree with color she would exclaim, "Look at the be-you-tee-ful fall colors! Look, it's yellow! <gasp> Look, it's red!!" I thought it was cute, but I could tune it out by looking away from her, and I think the guy who was driving (playdate dad) got over the cuteness factor kinda fast. Ah well. (Perhaps she has a future as a tour guide?)
Timber, and dogsinspace, beautiful land. Wonderful array of photos, each necessary to the set, thank you for the view.
The first one with the batch of dogs made me, uh, tear. Very nice. But all the photos also worked together.
Damn! Lookit all them dogs! Damn, timb... can't tell you how much I admire what you're doing. (Gotta get me a farm. Farmland's damn cheap around here, ain't it? Aren't they pretty much paying farmers not to stay on it?)
Definitely color here, but it's mostly yellow, which is what I think I was told would happen with the sudden weather shift: not a wide array of colors. Some of the trees that get direct sunlight all day long have turned orange or red...
Timber - those shots are great! I also love that you're taking in dogs in need. I have a friend in GA who takes in dogs as a foster ma, but she gets attached. She has 6 or 7 dogs in a little house with a little yard. The dogs' sizes range from mini-beagel to standard poodle.
margo wrote:vicarious attendee here, too!
Me, too. This seems like it is going to be a big get-together, especially if you include the children, spousal units, and dogs!
I just got off the phone with a guy in Lansing, MI - he says the colours are big and bold and bright about 3 hours north of him - and expects Lansing to be red/gold/orange by the end of next weeks. I guess it depends in part (o.k. - I know - my degree is in environmental science) on the combo of trees out there, as well as how the weather is/has been.
Setanta called - he's packed - has his camera and phone and chargers and stuff ready to go for tonight. My list is done. I just have to shove everything into bags, and then into the car.
(antlers are on the packing list :wink: )
Hee hee...
Have a GREAT trip!!! See ya in a week (or less!)
I think the color depends on the soil, too -- and I wouldn't imagine the soil on the isthmus here is the healthiest in the world. Well, maybe over by the Oscar Mayer plant, but that's juxst off the isthmus, anyway...