With forecasters predicting sunny 50-degree days, this weekend will be the perfect time to head outside, enjoy a fall festival, and take in the beautiful autumn colors. Many areas of the state are now reporting substantial color, particularly in the state's scenic Northwoods. The Phillips area is reporting colors at 80 to 100 percent peak, while the Hurley, Mercer and the Cable are all checking in at the 60 to 80 percent mark. The color band has reached central Wisconsin as well, with 40-60 percent peak in Fond du Lac, Neillsville and Waupaca.
Wisconsin is a beautiful state, Beth. Enjoy the ride.
...sunny 50-degree days...
Huh. Our forecast is way warmer. Must be some one of those lines across the middle of the state where the weather changes or sumthin...
It's the forecast for the weekend.
It's supposed to be much warmer here, but we are heading north, so I guess it could be quite a bit cooler.
I am soooooooooooooooooooo looking forward to this - though the mini-cooler seems to have vanished. Maybe it's at hamburger's?
It's 87 here!!!!
Great day to spend downtown (playdate outing), but was weird. It's fall no it's summer no it's fall no...
Layers of clothing, layers. It's the only answer. (mental packing note)
Gorgeous here the last couple days ... lots of color already, but plenty more to come. If anything, the color is running a little later this year than last. It could well be at peak around Madison for our get together. The local extended forecast, a couple hundred miles North of Madison, calls for relatively mild temperatures for the next 10 days, though with declining temperatiures from later this week on. I'd figure daytime highs in the mid-fifties, night-time lows just around or a little below freezing. A lot is gonna depend on wind and cloudcover as far as the "Feel" goes. Layers is the right idea ... and a fairly heavy outer layer might be very good dea.
Timber it has always been my experience that Madison is one cold mo-fo town. (Can I say that?)
lotsa sweaters, fleecies and a windbreaker layer
one hat, mittens, scarves
more socks
more socks
i think that's about got it covered, other than the dogs' requirements
looks weird!
soz is talking 87 degrees - i'm talking mittens!
oh well - a lot can happen to the weather in 10 days.
ok - less than 10 days now!
layers, layers! the windbreaker + fleece is especially good. start with basic t and overalls, and you're pretty much set.
we get to meet the sozlet soon!
and the twerp!
(is the twerp set?)
any special candies for soz, the sozlet, E.G. or the twerp?
I thought Santa came from the pole. Apparently she comes from Ontario.
Hee hee! Apparently she does.
Twerp is not set. I need to set up the twerp. I'll do that now -- contact my two top choices and go from there. If none of my choices are available, I'll contact the guy in charge of an interpreter agency, who I hired to replace me before I left for L.A., (different job), bringing him to Madison from Seattle. Madison is full of connections like that. (Happy smile... gonna go to Madison! FINALLY!!)
Just contacted the twerp, who I have to say for the record is one of the sweetest people on the face of the earth. Hopefully she can do it... that would be fun.
still waiting to hear if the sozGang has any candy cravings ...
sobe - c'mon back to abuzz, you are needed and missed!