I put in about 2.5 years there. (Boyfriend lived there freshman year, I shared a dormroom with an insufferable Barbie, I spent most of my time at the co-op... had an apt. with boyfriend for a year... we broke up... I moved back to co-op... lived there solo [mostly] for a year... met E.G.... both lived there for only a few months before I went to England... then E.G. and I got an apartment together.)
By the way I fully expect to run into this old boyfriend. I always do. Just calling it like Babe Ruth calling a homer in case it happens during the gathering.
There were a lot of things I loved about the co-op and a lot of things I DIDN'T. For example, every decision had to be made by the whole co-op -- 35 people. Should we paint the walls? White or yellow? Or
purple? Had to be unanimous.

We had some LOoooooooooOOOOOOOooong meetings.