This is like a definitive article for the Pro Hillary Thread. Written by Richard Patterson, it lays out better than I've seen to date 'Why Hillary Clinton' should be president. It doesn't gloss over her problems with reconciling her wall street speech making or her emails or other negatives, but it makes a compelling case why she is better than Trump...or Bernie Sanders for the job. For those of you who still claim some open-mindedness - it's just a tad longish but please read it.
Why Hillary Clinton
short excerpt:
During their primary contest, Bernie Sanders has cited Iraq as proof that his judgment is superior, and that experience alone is not enough. But the latter truism is no substitute for an ongoing absorption in the complications of a complex world. That was never a priority for Sanders and, when it comes to picking a president, this matters. And being right on a single vote in 2002, however critical, is no guarantee of mastery of difficult issues in, say, 2018.
In any event, the alternative to Clinton in November is not Sanders, but the ignorant, xenophobic, chronically offensive, Putin-loving moron Donald Trump. She is as fit to be president as Trump is not. The gap is daunting — the wrong result would be dangerous to America and the world. But to win Clinton must address her own weaknesses as a candidate, reflected in uncomfortably high negatives, and rooted in difficulties which cannot be wished away.