Well don't forget Trump is a gift from God as long as you're nice. If you're not nice to him, he pouts and lashes out. Take a look at his family, both sons wear their hair slicked backed like someone from a different decade. His daughter, DIL's and wife have the same hairstyles and wear the same shade of lipstick. I think you have to have a healthy ego to run for office, that seems right to me, if you don't believe in yourself, you can't convince others to follow your lead. But Trump doesn't think he needs anyone,he's so freaking special, he is entitled to be President. He has a 10 year old' s notion of POTUS, he seems to think will be a supreme leader. That won't happen, there are too many strong personalities in the house and senate. Those folks understand their powers and are not afraid to use them, in fact they love to use them. There will not be a wall, there will not be a deportation of 11 million people and there will not be a ban on Muslims.
Our enemies are licking their lips.