Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. A republican mantra.
How true, Rabel. The brouhaha over Clinton's private server which really belongs to the former President Clinton is conducted through a prism of distortion, i.e., sheer fear! The current poll rating for Hillary Clinton is 86%.
Hillary Clinton has a predisposition for secrecy...this is her nature, a part of her personal makeup. Unfortunately, this often conveys the appearance of one not forthcoming. Hillary Clinton has this type of personality either you love her or you hate her. I can understand her psychological reluctance to be open with the press spurred by the unscrupulous punitive Republicans. They did a fishing expedition regarding White Water...nothing there. The GOP inferred she murdered Vince Foster, an aid to the Clintons....nothing there and it was proven Foster committed suicide. There is the unresolved, in the minds of the GOP, the Benghazi murder of the US ambassador.
The current Republican Party is so contemptuous of Hillary Clinton that it's almost on a par with their deep-seated scornful racial hatred of President Obama. Hillary Clinton is leaving all the Republican candidates in the dust and there is no way in hell mainstream America would vote for a Repuke. The Republicans' policies are medieval and they act as if they have never seen the inside of an institution of higher learning.
There is the remote possibility that the intense GOP pressure might induce Hillary to give up her run for the presidency, but something tells me the harder it gets the more dug in she will become...the prize is almost in her grasp.
I don't like it that Hillary is so close to Wall Street and that she is something of a hawk...she voted to go to GWB's illegal war in Iraq...but the contradistinction between the malevolent tactics of the Republicans and the faults of Hillary Clinton, Lordy, Hillary seems like pure heaven!