Rising fascism in the US

Mon 30 Oct, 2017 01:07 pm
give the Ruski anither bowl of Brschava with some pickled whitefish and as much vodka as he can gag down.

Watch out!

Your wife and daughter are watching you


0 Replies
Mon 30 Oct, 2017 01:24 pm
NBC opium dreams:

"This is a deep problem for the White House!

Three former Trump campaign key persons have been indicted.

One of them is cooperating with the FBI..."

Lots of fuss but nothing in concrete of a Russian collusion.

Having US people (officials and non officials) talking with Russian officials talking trash about Hillary Clinton is not a reason to called it "a crime".

What the hell?

Former French president called president of Israel "a liar" in front of everybody, no crimes.

Attempts to interfere with an election process is food for a crime, but talking crap about Hillary Clinton, Ciceron or Setanta is not a crime, it is just talking.

Now well, the indictments are none for Russian collision, and even when Manifort was known to be a corrupt dude, in politics all politicians are corrupt.

NBC and CNN are making good profit spreading false hope to fanatic liberals. This is a similar mischievous way to get fame and brainwash people's minds by these news media.

It reminds me the miserable relativists whom for many years fed with false illusions of "time traveling thanks to relativity" in order to make the theory credible at the cost of bringing false hope to the victims of WW2. What an abuse!

Dudes, NBC and CNN are pulling your legs manipulating the news.

What is going on is that Manifort was found of doing wrong business by his own in the past, a discovery made thanks to the investigation. That's all.

0 Replies
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 11:38 am
Suppressing major news stories for a political party.



The broadcast evening newscasts on three major networks on Thursday didn't mention bombshell revelations by former Democratic National Committee interim Chairwoman Donna Brazile.

Brazile has written in a new book that she discovered evidence that she said showed Hillary Clinton’s campaign "rigged" the Democratic presidential primary.

"ABC's World News Tonight," "NBC Nightly News" and "CBS Evening News" all didn't report the allegations by Brazile on Thursday evening despite it receiving considerable coverage on cable news and in print and online media. Brazile was also trending as one of Twitter's top topics on Thursday.

In excerpts released to Politico Thursday, Brazile writes in her new book, "Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns that Put Donald Trump in the White House," that it “broke [her] heart” upon discovering evidence that she said showed the Clinton campaign "rigged" the Democratic nomination system.

“By September 7, the day I called Bernie, I had found my proof and it broke my heart,” Brazile wrote about a Sept. 7, 2016, call to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who gave Clinton a far more serious challenge for the nomination than many had expected.
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 11:41 am
Probably because they aren't 'bombshells' or even really new news. This was all known for many, many months.

Fri 3 Nov, 2017 11:58 am

Josh Marshall is reporting today the Brazille seems to be flat-out wrong in what she's claiming. There doesn't seem to be anything in the agreements that resembles what she (or more accurately, her publicist) says.

But, don't let that get in the way of your regularly scheduled opprobrium


Edit: Brazille herself is now trying to walk this back via Twitter
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 12:42 pm
Nor, what was done is historically uncommon within either party.
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 06:35 pm

0 Replies
Sat 4 Nov, 2017 08:46 pm
“Nazi theory indeed specifically denies that such a thing as "the truth" exists. […] The implied objective of this line of thought is a nightmare world in which the Leader, or some ruling clique, controls not only the future but the past. If the Leader says of such and such an event, "It never happened"—well, it never happened. If he says that two and two are five—well, two and two are five. This prospect frightens me much more than bombs […]”

George Orwell

The post-truth world has arrived.
0 Replies
Sun 5 Nov, 2017 07:58 pm
Fake news, viral on the mega-powerful global social platforms.


There is ample talk, particularly of late, about the threats posed by social media to democracy and political discourse. Yet one of the primary ways that democracy is degraded by platforms such as Facebook and Twitter is, for obvious reasons, typically ignored in such discussions: the way they are used by American journalists to endorse factually false claims that quickly spread and become viral, entrenched into narratives, and thus can never be adequately corrected.

The design of Twitter, where many political journalists spend their time, is in large part responsible for this damage. Its space constraints mean that tweeted headlines or tiny summaries of reporting are often assumed to be true with no critical analysis of their accuracy, and are easily spread. Claims from journalists that people want to believe are shared like wildfire, while less popular, subsequent corrections or nuanced debunking are easily ignored. Whatever one’s views are on the actual impact of Twitter Russian bots, surely the propensity of journalistic falsehoods to spread far and wide is at least as significant.

Just in the last week alone, there have been four major factually false claims that have gone viral because journalists on Twitter endorsed and spread them: three about the controversy involving Donna Brazile and the DNC, and one about documents and emails published by WikiLeaks during the 2016 campaign. It’s well worth examining them, both to document what the actual truth is as well as to understand how often and easily this online journalistic misleading occurs:

Viral Falsehood #1: The Clinton/DNC agreement cited by Brazile only applied to the General Election, not the primary.

On Wednesday, Politico published a blockbuster accusation from Donna Brazile’s new book: that the DNC had “rigged” the 2016 primary election for Hillary Clinton through an agreement that gave Clinton control over key aspects of the DNC, a claim that Elizabeth Warren endorsed on CNN. The Clinton camp refused to comment publicly, but instead contacted their favorite reporters to publish their response as news.

The following day, NBC published an article by Alex Seitz-Wald that recited and endorsed the Clinton camp’s primary defense: that Brazile was wrong because the agreement in question (a copy of which they provided to Seitz-Wald) applied “only to preparations for the general election,” and had nothing to do with the primary season. That defense, if true, would be fatal to Brazile’s claims, and so DNC-loyal journalists all over Twitter instantly declared it to be true, thus pronouncing Brazile’s accusation to have been fully debunked. This post documents how quickly this claim was endorsed on Twitter by journalists and Democratic operatives, and how far and wide it therefore spread.

The problem with this claim is that it is blatantly and obviously false. All one has to do to know this is read the agreement. Unlike the journalists spreading this DNC defense, Campaign Legal Defense’s Brendan Fischer bothered to read it, and immediately saw, and documented, how obviously false this claim is:

0 Replies
Tue 5 Dec, 2017 04:19 am
America's Descent to Dystopia

0 Replies
Tue 12 Dec, 2017 08:01 am
The ancient Romans believed you must fight fire with fire. We as a society, have been conditioned to believe this is wrong. Only a Mussolini type dictator can force his way into the levels of power that control this nation for money, and use force and action to level this present apparatus of government we have that stands in the way of middle class control and economic balance. Yes, this is risky but as it stands now we are stagnant and will continue to remain so as they tighten their noose with technology and completely rape us. Even FDR had to force the new deal on the industrial leaders of the time. If it feels better to most then let it be a coast to coast Gandhi style insurrection. Most of us are intelligent, yes? What are we waiting for?
Tue 12 Dec, 2017 08:16 am
There’s already a controlling force in place, tightening its grip on liberty and the free flow of our money to them and their interests.

I think our time to dismantle it has passed.
0 Replies
Wed 13 Dec, 2017 11:33 am
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The lead investigator in the mass prosecution of leftist Inauguration Day protesters is a fan of Donald Trump’s right-wing internet tribe, attorneys showed jurors Tuesday.

Defense lawyers used cross-examination of Det. Gregg Pemberton to show jurors his affinity for Trump boosters like David Clarke and the One America News Network (OANN), and his antipathy toward the Black Lives Matter protest movement.

Lawyers juxtaposed Pemberton’s public comments with video of Inauguration Day protesters chanting “Black lives matter!” before their march, in an effort to establish that the government’s key witness is fundamentally biased against the people he was investigating.

The detective, who also serves as a public relations official for the union that represents Metropolitan Police Department officers, is a vital witness for prosecutors. He produced the video highlight reels and PowerPoint tools they will ask jurors to use to string together specific individual timelines from a chaotic day of protests and unrest.

Pemberton testified Tuesday that he used to believe the Movement for Black Lives was “anti-cop,” but claimed his opinion has changed “in the last year and a half.” But defense attorney Andrew Lazerow quickly pulled up one of Pemberton’s own tweets from April of this year signalling he continued to regard black organizers critical of police violence as paid propagandists.

“You know what I haven’t heard in a while? ‘Police shootings of unarmed black youth.’ Did they run out of funding for their false narrative?” Pemberton’s April tweet read.

On the stand Tuesday, the lead investigator in a case seeking to punish left-aligned protesters who opposed Donald Trump’s ascent and voiced support for Black Lives Matter tried to explain himself.

“Sometimes you have to say something bombastic to remain engaged in the conversation,” Pemberton told the jury.

“And have you ‘liked’ tweets calling it ‘Black Lies Matter’?” Lazerow asked.

“I may have,” Pemberton said.

Political bias at issue in collective-guilt case

Pemberton’s investigation made no distinction between individuals who can be seen smashing windows or brawling with cops and those who were merely nearby in the group of marchers, he testified Tuesday.

Lead prosecutor Jennifer Kerkhoff has explicitly acknowledged that she has no evidence that the six defendants in this first trial ever personally engaged in such direct crimes, but hopes jurors will convict them of multiple counts of destruction of property anyhow. This is just the first in a long series of trials to come in the case, with nearly 200 other defendants facing multiple felony counts based on similarly murky evidence of participation in violence.

With Pemberton’s disinterest in distinguishing between window-smashers and Black Lives Matter chanters established, Lazerow led jurors through the detective’s faves.

“America is upside down. Cops under attack threatens rule of law,” read one item tweeted by ex-sheriff David Clarke and “liked” by Pemberton. “That is the aim of the leftist goons. Push back before it is too late.”

“Is it true you didn’t draw a line between those who broke property and those who didn’t because you view the six people at this table as ‘leftist goons?’” Lazerow asked Pemberton. No, came the reply.

Pemberton also follows Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump Jr., Breitbart, James O’Keefe, and other key figures in laundering the racist invective of the so-called “alt-right” into a victorious mainstream political movement. And when the right-wing One America News Network needed an on-camera interview in 2016 for a story about which presidential candidate would get endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police, Pemberton was their man.

“I think [Trump’s] stance on policing is more favorable than it has been in the past,” Pemberton said in an interview clip shown to the jury Tuesday.

“Police officers want to hear that someone’s going to come in and not allow this false, divisive rhetoric that police officers are inherently racist,” he said.


Key officer in Trump protester trial slanders black neighborhood in bizarre testimony
Wed 13 Dec, 2017 05:39 pm
Sounds like Pemberton is a racist, probably much more also, and a determinate to the rule of law! Law is justice for ALL. He can't possibly be expected to uphold this dictum and should be immediately fired.
0 Replies
Thu 14 Dec, 2017 11:01 am
What the Deep State looks like.

Clinton Foundation, one of Clinton’s men in the FBI, his wife promoted in the SEC hours after Weiner’s laptop is seized,...


By the way, imagine the TruePundit is an FBI guy who hates the corruption...because it’s widely reputed that he/she is.


Hours after the FBI found classified Hillary Clinton emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop, the wife of the FBI agent running the high-profile probe was promoted to a powerful position in the Securities and Exchange Commission, FBI sources said.

This case keeps getting worse for the FBI and embattled agent Peter Strzok, the lead investigator on the Clinton probe. His wife Melissa Hodgman was promoted to deputy director of SEC’s Enforcement Division literally hours after Strzok and FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe were debriefed about the Clinton emails found on Weiner’s computer.

The FBI’s original warrant for Weiner’s laptop was issued in late September 2016 and a subsequent warrant was issued on Oct. 30, 2016 so that the FBI could use Huma Abedin’s & Hillary’s classified emails as evidence in the re-opened Clinton probe.

Hodgman was promoted Oct. 14, 2016, literally hours after investigators started to examine the laptop’s contents for Clinton emails and assorted files, federal sources confirm.

Federal sources said the FBI field office in New York, who handled the original Weiner warrant for then-US Attorney Preet Bharara, reported to Strzok and McCabe that they had found evidence pertaining to the Hillary Clinton email case on Oct. 12, 2016, federal sources said.

About 36 hours later, Hodgman was promoted in the SEC.

The Wall Street Journal’s reporting on the laptop case confirms the early October timeline divulged to True Pundit by FBI sources.

The latest development began in early October when New York-based FBI officials notified Andrew McCabe, the bureau’s second-in-command, that while investigating Mr. Weiner for possibly sending sexually charged messages to a teenage minor, they had recovered a laptop. Many of the 650,000 emails on the computer, they said, were from the accounts of Ms. Abedin, according to people familiar with the matter.

Thu 14 Dec, 2017 11:15 am
there are about four forensic inconsistencies in that paragraph alone. Surely you arent one of those people who believes we faked the moon landing? or are you?

I consider that most teachers are more capable in their fact gathering skills, unless they personally are in a deep state.
Thu 14 Dec, 2017 03:35 pm
Please do visit the site Lash has linked above. Please do. I'll try to tempt you. It's definitely a Bernie Sanders sort of place.
True Pundit
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Thu 14 Dec, 2017 04:55 pm
You're expecting Sofia Lash Goth to make sense? It should be obvious from this thread, and her performance in other threads that she doesn't know what constitutes fascism, but rather, yells fascism at anyone she doesn't like, which is principally the Clintons.
Thu 14 Dec, 2017 06:04 pm
First rule of Fascism, all money goes to the richest, such as, the current tax bill being not debate in congress.....
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Thu 14 Dec, 2017 11:25 pm
Who is True Pundit

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