I'd have to see evidence of the argument that they made, before judging it as casually as you are doing here.
Let's see. Any of this sound familiar?
- Poor economic situation for many if not most citizens
- Demonization of minorities and foreigners, blaming problems on them
- Desire for a 'restoration of national pride'
- Promises of a restored economic future for all
- Growing political instability, which led to the rise of extremist parties and factions
- A feeling that government was stymied or incapable of addressing problems
- Drumbeats of war as external threats are hyped up
- Lionization and glorification of the military
- Demonization of the press, constant claims that the press is lying to the citizens and can't be trusted
- Charismatic leadership who relies on emotions to sway opinion
- An ideology of Nationalism above any other factor
- Acceptance of police violence
I could go on. The problem here is that you think I'm claiming that Trump is a Nazi, or even like one. He's not. But the situation we find ourselves in as a country is
markedly similar to the one that allowed the RISE of the Nazi party to occur. And it's clear that the segments of our society who most resemble the Nazis feel emboldened and think that Trump's election shows that they are on the rise. I say that, because THEY are saying that. You should listen to them instead of just blowing them off.
Now, we see a situation in which the GOP is going to be under assault from within by Nationalists and far right-wingers. Trump is going to support that next cycle, he has no friends in Congress right now. What's going to happen if the GOP does turn into a farther-right, more extreme version of themselves, and their charismatic leader is cheering them on?
I can't stand people who think that the US is somehow rock-solid, and that bad things can't happen here. We're not and they can, and things can spiral out of control very quickly indeed. It behooves citizens to look out for upcoming problems and do what they can to stop it, not just shove our heads in the sand while muttering "it's insignificant, you both suck, you're equivalent, just shut up and let the people who were elected run things."