Quote:I don't recall anybody praising or excusing Hamas' actions.
I don't recall anyone condemning them either. One person even suggested that no atrocities occurred.
Quote:Since then Israel's actions have been entirely disproportionate.
I don't dispute that. Never have.
Quote:You may think that's no big deal and dismiss concern as virtue signalling.
u/glennn was the one that made that charge, not I. My comment was about "virtue signalling in reverse" which is equally lacking in compassion, a signal to a certain audience that "I'm
not concerned about this." When Haley claimed the US Civil War was fought over government restrictions on "freedom", that was an example of virtue signalling in reverse.
Quote:You may find this hard to believe but outside of America people get upset at children being killed.
What's hard to believe is the apparent selectivity of some people's outrage. Great to use the Gazan tragedy as a cudgel but when it comes to school shootings here, losing access to firearms would be the real tragedy.
Quote:Virtue signalling is a phrase used by people incapable of compassion.
And it's always applied to people on "the other side" of the debate. It may have been a useful term once but it's just become another way to shift responsibility and diminish other people's concerns.