Rising fascism in the US

Tue 21 Mar, 2023 05:09 am
Understood. What can ya do? Some folks are dim.
Tue 21 Mar, 2023 11:07 am
Vote and convince those close to me to vote. Also try to convince others why to not vote for an obvious fascist! If they are too dim - I have no answer...
Tue 21 Mar, 2023 06:22 pm
Sure. And we can try to educate and point out disinformation when we bump into it.
Tue 21 Mar, 2023 06:37 pm
and, always should!
0 Replies
Wed 22 Mar, 2023 01:25 am
As the US ramps up for war with Russia and China, libs respond but Trump's pornstar hush money 🙃
0 Replies
Wed 22 Mar, 2023 05:12 am
Putin's fascists: The Russian state's long history of cultivating homegrown neo-Nazis
0 Replies
Wed 22 Mar, 2023 05:18 am
Putin’s Fascism

The admiration of religious traditionalism and hatred of cosmopolitan liberalism is part of the Kremlin’s fascist ideology

On March 2, Yale’s Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies published a statement on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It condemns “Vladimir Putin’s deliberate, coldhearted, and Orwellian abuse of the language of the Holocaust.” In Putin’s claim “that Russia must invade Ukraine to “denazify” and end a “genocide,” it finds numerous evils, including “a diversion from his own fascism” and “an expression of antisemitism.”

If Putin’s invasion has been justified in part by employing expressions of antisemitism, how does this square with the fact that Putin has made it a point to disassociate himself from the racist and antisemitic legacy of Nazism? To help decode the Russian leader’s position, it’s instructive to look at the positions espoused by Alexander Dugin, a Russian intellectual who has done much over the years to formulate what appears to now be the Kremlin’s dominant ideology. While often described in Western media as “Putin’s brain,” Dugin’s influence on Russian leaders has waxed and waned over the years. More than political influence, his major contribution has been his ability to make the geopolitical ambitions of Putin’s post-Soviet Russia intelligible.

Dugin began his intellectual career as a critic of the Soviet Union, identifying with underground nationalist and spiritual movements. Some of these groups, such as the ultranationalist Pamyat, promoted antisemitic sentiments. Eventually he disavowed these ties and emerged as a leading spokesperson for Eurasianism, a political movement that sees Russia playing a central role in the geopolitical order bridging the divide between Europe and Asia.

The French scholar Marlene Laruelle has described Dugin’s political philosophy as an attempt “to rehabilitate fascism in Russia” by stressing its nationalist orientation while disowning its associations with Nazism and racism. Tellingly, Putin’s invasion of neighboring Ukraine has exemplified this vision.

Fascism embraces a mythic past, where the nation, once great, has experienced humiliation and loss of land, the result of weakness and decadence brought on by liberal democracy. To make up for these losses, real and supposed, fascist leaders encourage violent reassertion of previous greatness, as well as the destruction of liberal democracy in favor of a one-party state or, more typically, a single autocratic ruler who is synonymous with the nation.

In the Russian nationalist version of the mythic past, Ukraine is central. According to this mythology, there are no Ukrainians—just lost Russians living, whether they know it or not, in the heart of historic Russia. Under Putin, Russia has been harshly sexist and homophobic, familiar manifestations of fascist ideology. But Russia’s violent imperial war against a neighboring cosmopolitan democracy that it seeks to absorb is the clearest manifestation yet that its animating ideology is something akin to classical fascism.

Dugin and Putin both claim to be opposed to racism and Nazism. They insist that their primary enemy is not any one people, religion, or race, but rather “confused” cosmopolitans, liberals, and secularists. This 20th-century set of chiefly antisemitic stereotypes is also used to describe liberal democracy.

Putin has enjoyed the support of Russia’s chief rabbi, Berel Lazar, and Dugin counts right-wing Israeli Zionists among his comrades. As Dugin explained in April 2021 in the Israeli journal Dehak:

The Gaon of Vilna said: in the End of Days the main enemy will not be the husk of Ishmael [Islam] or the husk of Rome [Christianity], but rather the husk of Jacob [Jews], those who are designated as the mixed multitude, the assimilated people who, according to the Gaon of Vilna, have underwent modernization and colonization. [In the End of Days], the chief enemy of the Jewish tradition will come from its own house and not from the outside in the form of Christianity and Islam. The chief enemy … is the Jewish People. They are the chief enemy of traditional Judaism … Perhaps this is not well understood, but I think this interpretation is very important. In our own community, in a similar way, the chief enemy of the Russian nation are liberal Russians and not the representatives of other groups. ... In my opinion, it follows, we need a deep de-colonization of [the forces of modernization] from Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Israel, in Russia and Europe and in the United States. In the United States this means being made free from the heavy hand of the elite-racist ultra-liberal that seeks to annihilate American values.

Here, Dugin represents himself as the champion of Judaism—or at least his conception of traditional Judaism—against the forces that would destroy it: Jews themselves. Dugin represents “traditional” Jews as those who are attached to the land of Israel. The enemy of Judaism are the assimilated, cosmopolitan Jews, those who are part of “modernization.” More generally, Dugin says that each national community’s existential threat consists of members of that community—the ones who embrace cosmopolitanism, liberalism, tolerance, and democracy.

Dugin’s appeal here is transnational—it is made to the traditionalists in every group opposed to feminism, secularism, LGBT rights, and liberal tolerance. For Dugin, the enemy of each group is to be found within its midst: those who support multicultural, liberal societies. Traditionalists can and do operate within the parameters of liberal democracy, of course. But in the new Russian fascism, traditionalism is seen as inconsistent with and opposed to liberal democracy.

Increasingly, the global far right denounces racism and antisemitism even while working to extinguish liberalism and multiculturalism. By identifying “real” Jews as the ones connected with the land—specifically Israeli nationalists—the global far right believes it is justified in its repeated use of antisemitic tropes aimed at Jewish targets.

Thus, for many in Putin’s circle, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is not really Jewish. Similarly, former New York City Mayor and Donald Trump lawyer Rudolph Giuliani—along with Brexit backers Raheem Kassam and Andy Wigmore—have sought to challenge the Jewish identity of George Soros, in the context of attacking him for his philanthropic and political efforts. Never mind that the rabbis, the State of Israel, and Adolf Hitler would all consider Soros a Jew—“I’m more of a Jew than Soros is,” said Giuliani. That’s because for them, “real” Jews are religiously traditionalist and quintessentially nationalist—and not invested in, say, liberalism or democracy.

According to nationalists and traditionalists, liberals, cosmopolitans, and progressives undermine defined and necessary ethnic and religious identities. It is this set of values that contemporary Russian nationalism associates with democracy. Dugin’s Russian nationalism tries to appeal to what it imagines as traditionalist Jewish allies in an attempt to justify violent opposition to liberal democracy.

The Duginist invocation of traditionalism is clearly meant to appeal to members of minority groups historically targeted by fascism, above and beyond merely using them as tokens for narrow political purposes. But is Russian fascism free from racial, ethnic, gender, and religious hierarchies? Is it free from the antisemitism that is central to so many traditional European versions of fascism?

When a contemporary society’s institutions were formed under conditions of explicit discrimination, they will continue to contain practices that perpetuate various disparities, even if no one within those structures has an explicitly discriminatory attitude (a key insight of critical race theory). Far-right movements and political parties often campaign on a platform of eliminating attempts to reform or replace these discriminatory practices, as well as introducing new ones, like opposing immigrants, women’s rights, religious and sexual freedoms, and the freedom to teach history.

In a very straightforward sense, this traditionalism is not free from antisemitism. A majority of the world’s Jews still choose to live outside of Israel, and most of them would not meet Dugin’s standards of religious traditionalism. A majority of Jews, then, are Dugin’s—and Putin’s—enemies.

It is one thing to wage cultural battles within the boundaries of liberal democratic politics, which preserve minority rights and allow the regular replacement of political leaders by democratic means. Traditionalists can and often do operate within this sphere.

Fascism breaks these boundaries. In fascist ideology, liberal democracy is itself the existential threat to traditionalism. Putin’s willingness to massacre people he falsely regards as his own points to his real enemy: cosmopolitan liberal democracy.

In Putin’s ideology, it is Ukrainian liberal democratic citizenship that represents the real threat to Russian greatness. Traditionalism demands a “deep decolonization” of these modernizers everywhere, perhaps especially the Jewish ones.

0 Replies
Wed 22 Mar, 2023 06:30 am
BRICS+++ is coalescing much more publicly and quickly than most people expected. The security state and Biden miscalculated gravely. Guess Xi read the Rand Corporation’s blueprint, eh?

The multipolar world is here. The dollar is rapidly losing real value though our government can mask that a bit longer—wonder how much longer… I hope you have access to clean water and you know how to grow food. You’ll need firearms. Might want to sit in cash from now on. Buying precious metals might help through difficult times.

If you live in a big city, think seriously about moving to rural areas. This is probably the most important thing to do.

Good luck.
Wed 22 Mar, 2023 10:13 am
The gov is going to use this crisis to push us to CBCD. Please try to oppose it.
Wed 22 Mar, 2023 06:01 pm
What the **** is CBCD? Screw all new impenetrable acronyms especiallly from lash._
Wed 22 Mar, 2023 06:05 pm
You crack me up - I had to look it up.

Central Bank Digital Currencies

0 Replies
Wed 22 Mar, 2023 06:32 pm
You’re not that helpless.
Well, maybe you are.
0 Replies
Thu 23 Mar, 2023 03:25 am
Screw all new impenetrable acronyms especiallly from lash.

It's a new phenomenon – the coded jeremiad! Because when you're unleashing a dire warning to humanity, you definitely don't want people to understand what you mean. It's always clever to hide behind abbreviations only recognized by a few people – it makes the posts forgettable and easy to ignore. Great lesson on how to post ineffective propaganda.
Thu 23 Mar, 2023 05:59 am
People here used to be more informed than the general public. I see that is no longer the case. I will keep that in mind the next time I consider using the violent and scary capitalized alphabet.
Walter Hinteler
Thu 23 Mar, 2023 06:14 am
Russia already has finished the pilot phases of its central bank digital currency development - according to the Bank of Russia’s latest monetary policy update, the authority will begin to connect all banks and credit institutions to the digital rouble platform in in late 2023/early 2024.

This will have been a advantage to your specialised knowledge about this acronym.
0 Replies
Thu 23 Mar, 2023 06:59 am

Egypt Becomes A Member Of The BRICS New Development Bank
Mar 23, 2023 Posted by Silk Road Briefing
Joins the original five members plus Bangladesh and UAE in acquiring a position within the BRICS bank equity

In a sure-fire move that can be expected to usher in Egypt as a full member of the BRICS grouping, Cairo has taken an equity position within the New Development Bank (NDB). Previous equity was divided equally among the initial members: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. It makes Egypt the first new member of the proposed expanded BRICS+ along with Bangladesh and the UAE.

The New Development Bank was set up by BRICS nations on the basis of the intergovernmental agreement signed at the sixth BRICS summit in Fortaleza in July 2014.

The NBD approved Egypt’s accession in December 2021, while in September 2021 a similar decision was made regarding the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Uruguay and Bangladesh. With the exception of Uruguay, they all became members of the bank this month after jumping through the necessary hoops.

The bank’s goal is to finance infrastructure projects and sustainable development projects in BRICS member states and developing countries. The bank previously received an “АА+” international credit rating from Fitch Ratings and S&P Global Ratings, allowing it to effectively attract long-term funding on international and local capital markets.

Since its founding, the bank has approved more than 90 projects totaling US$32 billion in support of such areas as transportation, water, clean energy, digital and social infrastructure, as well as urban construction. Several other countries have also expressed interest in joining the BRICS grouping – an overview of these can be viewed here.

Egypt is an energy and agricultural play, with important exports including petroleum and petroleum products, followed by raw cotton, cotton yarn, and textiles. Raw materials, mineral and chemical products, and capital goods are also exported. Among agricultural exports are rice, onions, garlic, and citrus fruit. Egypt is a member of the Arab Trade Zone which also includes Algeria, Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the UAE and Yemen. Egypt is also a member of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) which reduces tariffs to zero on 98% of all intra-African trade.

Egypt is a dialogue partner to the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation which includes China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan as full members, while Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, Cambodia, Kuwait, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Turkiye, Turkmenistan, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates are all in various status as SCO dialogue partners and observers. Egypt’s most important trading partners include China, the United States, Italy, Germany, and the Gulf Arab countries.

The development of BRICS was touched upon during this week’s meetings between President’s Xi and Putin in Moscow; and was mentioned as part of their “Joint Comprehensive Strategic Development Plan For A New Era.” Xi had mentioned to Putin that changes were coming – with the immediate announcement of Egypt’s joining BRICS a signal the world order maybe changing rather more rapidly than initially thought.

Egypt is also negotiating a Free Trade Agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union.

Egypt’s accession to the BRICS means the trade group now has both north and south access to the African Union markets with South Africa as the southern member.

Thu 23 Mar, 2023 07:14 am
Random article re Germany and CBDC.



European Central Bank tries to quell Germans' doubts about digital euro

A future digital euro wouldn't be a threat to savers, say officials from the European Central Bank.

Balance of article at the link.
Thu 23 Mar, 2023 07:30 am

Biden Wants to Renew the NSA Surveillance Program Exposed by Edward Snowden
BreakThrough News March 16, 2023

The Biden administration has formally urged Congress to reauthorize Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, the program exposed by Edward Snowden. Section 702 allows the NSA to conduct its unlawful mass surveillance program of Americans’ online communications, without requiring a warrant. Kevin Gosztola, managing editor of Shadowproof.com, curator of TheDissenter.org newsletter & co-host of the podcast Unauthorized Disclosure, discusses how Section 702, continues to operate with very little oversight and why progressives (and Republicans) are not pushing back against the reauthorization.

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Walter Hinteler
Thu 23 Mar, 2023 07:48 am
In mid-July 2021, the Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) decided to launch a two-year investigation phase on the digital euro starting in October 2021.
Only after the conclusion of the investigation phase will it be decided whether the digital euro will actually be introduced. In this case, it would be followed by a market launch phase of around three years.

The German finance minister Lindner(from the liberal FDP party) is, like his economy-supporting party, a big proponent of this additional digital currency.

If you would have been interested and informed, you should have known that.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Thu 23 Mar, 2023 09:40 am
Lash wrote:
The BRICS New Development Bank
According to their website, the bank is called "New Development Bank" - the 7th BRICS summit in July 2015 marked the entry into force of the Agreement on the New Development Bank.

(It isn't the BRICS' bank neither, since any UN member country can be a member [however, BRICS nations can never be less than 55% of voting power].
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