Rising fascism in the US

Tue 7 Mar, 2023 12:05 pm
Lash wrote:
RFK has said he may primary Biden.

Who, exactly are you referring to?
Tue 7 Mar, 2023 12:08 pm
"Animals have always been going extinct and new ones are being discovered all the time."

After great extinction events, and the cause of the events disappeared, the recovery involved new species evolving. But since human activities are causing this last extension event, the cause--humans-- are not disappearing, therefore, there will be no recovery nor additional species. There is the possibility that humans will destroy themselves taking with some huge numbers of species, but this is not something to look forward to.
0 Replies
Tue 7 Mar, 2023 12:18 pm
Animals have always been going extinct and new ones are being discovered all the time...

Not at the rate which qualifies as a "mass extinction" event.
Does it really matter if the dodo is no more?

Yes. An ecosystem evolved and the dodo had a role to play in the network of interrelated plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria which characterize a healthy environment.
With respect to the rest of your last paragraph, what makes us think mankind will change with respect to how we treat each if we haven't over the last millennia?

Nothing makes me think that – that was my point. If a global environmental crisis that affects every living thing on the planet isn't enough to change our behavior then it probably won't change. And as conditions worsen it's likely that selfishness will overwhelm altruism as distressed humans fight to get as much of they can of what little is left.
On the second issue, how are you going to change behaviour?

It will continue to change on its own – and not for the better.
I believe the only way to correct our behaviour is to start with children...

Well, it's a good start but kids have a way of developing according to their own predilections despite our attempts to inculcate them with values like decency, honesty, and generosity.
Tue 7 Mar, 2023 12:25 pm
The truth is lately dropping like bombs in the US.


Former White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci repeatedly dismissed concerns that the COVID-19 pandemic began with a lab leak in Wuhan, China — after he commissioned a paper to “disprove” the theory, according to newly released emails.

Laughing at these revealing additional headlines…🤦‍♀️

CNN ex-boss Jeff Zucker told staff not to probe ‘lab leak’ theory because it was ‘Trump talking point’

Fauci commissioned paper to ‘disprove’ Wuhan lab leak — then pretended not to know author: the emails

Government misinfo has sparked a steep decline in the public’s trust

Ted Cruz argues that Dr. Fauci should be jailed for ‘lying’ to Congress

The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic released evidence Sunday that Fauci ordered, helped to edit, and gave final approval to a paper titled “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2,” which was published on Feb. 17, 2020. Exactly two months later, Fauci used that same publication to wave away concerns that the virus might have come from a Chinese facility.

Fauci, then director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, pointed reporters on April 17, 2020, to a paper by “a group of highly qualified evolutionary virologists” published in Nature Medicine that showed the coronavirus had “mutations” that were “totally consistent with a jump of a species from an animal to a human.”
(He had it written to his specifications, edited it, and lied about it. L)

Fauci also told the White House press corps that “the paper will be available. I don’t have the authors right now, but we can make it available to you.”

One of the paper’s co-authors, Dr. Kristian Andersen, said Fauci and then-National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins were two of several big scientific names who “prompted” him to write the study to debunk the lab leak theory, according to a cover email submitted with the article to Nature Medicine on Feb. 12, 2020.

There has been a lot of speculation, fear-mongering, and conspiracies put forward in this space. [This paper was] prompted by … Tony Fauci, and Francis Collins,” Andersen wrote. (That ******* lying, murdering bastard. L)

Sunday’s email release by the GOP-controlled House select committee calls into question repeated statements made by Fauci to members of Congress and the media during the pandemic — especially regarding the NIH funding of gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

In a high-profile clash during a July 2021 hearing, Fauci told Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) that “you do not know what you’re talking about, quite frankly,” when asked about his involvement with the research.

Last week, Paul’s wife, Kelley, claimed Fauci repeatedly lied to Congress about the issue, tweeting: “He knew NIH and NIAID money was sent to Wuhan via intermediary EcoHealth Alliance.”

In January 2022, Paul and Fauci were at loggerheads again over a Feb. 1, 2020, conference call convened by Fauci, Collins and at least 11 other scientists — four of whom put their names on a first draft of the “Proximal Origins” paper to Fauci and Collins three days later.

“Did you communicate with the five scientists who wrote the opinion piece in Nature, where they were describing, ‘Oh, there’s no way this could have come from a lab’?” asked Paul at the time.

“That was not me,” Fauci answered Paul. “You keep distorting the truth. It is stunning how you do that.”

However, Andersen suggested otherwise on Feb. 8, 2020, when he emailed a contact at the German Center for Infection Research: “Our main work over the last couple of weeks has been focused on trying to disprove any type of lab theory.”

Sometimes, Fauci has seemed to give the bare minimum of credence to the lab leak theory. In June 2021, for example, he told podcaster Kara Swisher that the theory was “a possibility. I think it’s a very, very, very, very remote possibility — but it’s a possibility.”

However, Fauci then changed tack in the same interview when asked about evidence supporting the lab theory, saying: “I haven’t seen it because I’m not sure it exists.”

Often, Fauci appeared to conflate the lab leak theory with the more extreme proposal that the virus was man-made.

“The idea, I think, is quite far-fetched that the Chinese deliberately engineered something so that they could kill themselves, as well as other people. I think that’s a bit far out,” he told CNN weeks before he spoke to Swisher.

However, emails published by Buzzfeed News in June 2021 showed that Andersen warned Fauci on Jan. 31, 2020 that the novel coronavirus had “unusual features” that “(potentially) look engineered.”

The next day, Fauci and Collins convened their conference call, apparently setting in motion the Nature Medicine article.

Meanwhile, emails made public in January 2022 show the same day that Fauci reassured the White House press corps about COVID origins, he also talked to Collins about the lab leak theory.

“Wondering if there is something NIH can do to help put down this very destructive conspiracy, with what seems to be growing momentum,” Collins had emailed Fauci on April 16, 2020. “I hoped the Nature Medicine article on the genomic sequence of SARS-CoV-2 would settle this. But probably didn’t get much visibility. Anything more we can do?”

“I would not do anything about this right now,” Fauci answered on the morning of April 17. “It is a shiny object that will go away in times [sic].”

On April 18, 2020, the president of EcoHealth Alliance, which redirected millions of taxpayer dollars to the Wuhan lab, emailed Fauci “to say a personal thank you on behalf of our staff and collaborators, for publicly standing up and stating that the scientific evidence supports a natural origin for COVID-19 from a bat-to-human spillover, not a lab release from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

“From my perspective,” Peter Daszak added, “your comments are brave, and coming from your trusted voice, will help dispel the myths being spun around the virus’s origins.”

“Many thanks for your kind note,” Fauci wrote back the next day.

As recently as last week, after reports emerged that the Energy Department had assessed with “low confidence” that the virus emerged from a lab, Fauci couldn’t bring himself to address the prospect in-depth, telling the Boston Globe: “I don’t see any data for a lab leak. That doesn’t mean it couldn’t have happened.”


When you’re in a room with the DOJ/CIA some collection of MIC spooks who are asking you to concoct a bioweapon for them, and you’re told that the media will cover for you—absolutely no investigative journalism to worry about—you can lie so confidently.

This is your world and it is going down fast.

0 Replies
Tue 7 Mar, 2023 12:27 pm
The Q-anons believe that JFK Jr is still alive, no reason his uncle isn't alive as well, just waiting to emerge at a pivotal moment!

(probably referring to RFK Jr, the anti-vaccination conspiratard who suffers from spasmodic dysphonia)
0 Replies
Tue 7 Mar, 2023 12:33 pm
The vaccines don’t prevent you from acquiring or transmitting Covid. What it has been able to do is mildly to moderately to fatally injure millions of people who were injected with it.

RFK is found to be correct; Fauci has been found to be a lying fraud.

The gullible public bought the conspiracies from the colluding media.
Tue 7 Mar, 2023 12:36 pm
So, basically, doom and gloom.

Walter Hinteler
Tue 7 Mar, 2023 12:56 pm
[quot"Lash"]The vaccines don’t prevent you from acquiring or transmitting Covid.[/quote]No pathogens, no vaccination - this is a kind of basic law of microbiology.

No single vaccination can protect all vaccinated people without exception, just as no medicine works for all patients.
However, vaccinations significantly reduce the probability of contracting the disease.

Why should the Covid vaccines be different from all other vaccines?
Tue 7 Mar, 2023 01:22 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
I was vaxxed against whooping cough, measles, mumps and rubella. Never got them.

Fully Covid vaxxed and boostered people still get and transmit Covid.

Fauci and others under his influence said that wouldn’t happen. Then, their tunes incrementally changed—meanwhile, those untested vaxxes have caused a lot of death and specifically a lot of miscarriages and female reproductive problems.
0 Replies
Tue 7 Mar, 2023 01:26 pm
Well, we'd like it to be different but it's not as if our hopes for a different outcome are based on reality. It doesn't seem tragic if we're simply playing out the hand dealt us by our genes. The traits we relied on early in our evolution haven't been as useful in modern society but there were never any guarantees that it would all work out the way we wanted anyway.
0 Replies
Tue 7 Mar, 2023 01:43 pm
Please specify who RFK is.
0 Replies
Tue 7 Mar, 2023 02:35 pm
The president is hiding from the people—just like he did in 2020. A dithering corrupt coward who is unilaterally robbing the US to launder hundreds of billions for the MIC in Ukraine.

We’re at the very nadir.

Somebody’s calling him out. In RFK’s substack.

Here is the open letter I sent today to the Democratic National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison and fellow Democrats at the DNC:

March 7, 2023

Dear DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison and Fellow Democrats at the DNC,

On Jan. 31, I sent you this letter objecting to the Democratic National Committee’s high-handed efforts to require New Hampshire to revoke its state law and move its iconic, century-old primary from the first-place position to make room for South Carolina, which the DNC apparently believes the President more likely to win.

This cynical maneuver transferred the contest away from the state with the gold standard for election integrity and, famous for having the most democratic process, to one where the DNC believes it can control the outcome.

On Friday, ABC confirmed that the DNC has decided that it will not host any primary debates, evidently to shield the President from having to engage with challengers who are also vying for the nomination. The policy you have chosen eliminates another vital step in representative democracy. Republican critics have predictably accused our party of adopting this “Soviet-style reform” because the DNC lacks faith in President Biden’s capacities.

I’m troubled by the party’s rush to adopt strategies that rig the election to favor one man at the expense of the democratic process. Our country is now torn by a dangerous polarization more toxic than at any time since the Civil War. The epicenter of the anger on both sides has focused on the belief that our elections in 2016 and 2020 were rigged. This belief has inspired radioactive passions hot enough to prompt some Americans into violent insurrection against our government.

Please take a moment to consider the disastrous optics of your recent choices and whether you believe they are likely to mitigate the polarization by persuading American citizens that our party is committed to open and fair elections. Shouldn’t we be showing people that we are the party of the New Deal, not the rigged deal?

Finally, Democratic Party kingpins are making a strategic mistake in trying to protect the President from a bruising primary. The Republican nominee will enter the general elections after triumphing in a series of robust debates between a host of capable opponents. Asking the President to engage a battle-hardened foe without preparation is like asking a prizefighter to train for the championship bout by sitting on a couch eating fast food. The Economist last week made this precise point: the DNC’s decision to forego primary debates will dull President Biden’s campaigning skills even further and undermine the chance of better candidates emerging.

We, Democrats, need a candidate ready to rumble in the general election.

Finally, the DNCs heavy-handed maneuver to screen the President from debate invites Republicans to say that a president too frail to debate is also too frail to govern.

I hope you will reconsider this ill-advised decision.


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Tue 7 Mar, 2023 03:07 pm
What is "the MIC in Ukraine?" It's not mentioned at all in the letter.
0 Replies
Tue 7 Mar, 2023 03:57 pm
Stiill shilling for Putin aren't you, shame.
Tue 7 Mar, 2023 04:54 pm
Yeah. I’m swimming in rubles, Einstein.
0 Replies
Tue 7 Mar, 2023 05:04 pm
RFK wrote:
I sent you this letter objecting to the Democratic National Committee’s high-handed efforts to require New Hampshire to revoke its state law and move its iconic, century-old primary from the first-place position to make room for South Carolina...

Wow, how visionary! How courageous!! How charismatic!!! Notice that he's saying nothing about policy – he's campaigning on the politics of the New Hampshire primary, that's all. The voters in the Granite State will eat this up. He knows he can't beat Biden on the issues and he doesn't want to push the conspiracy stuff (yet) so he tries to appeal to the New Hampshire voter, angry that their "first in the nation" primary is in jeopardy. Maybe he never noticed, but rank-and-file Democrats have been resentful of the NH primary's influence on the following primaries through many election cycles. This is hardly the first time that changing the order has been mentioned. Same with the Iowa caucuses.
0 Replies
Tue 7 Mar, 2023 05:21 pm
LOL! Nervous?
0 Replies
Wed 8 Mar, 2023 12:59 am
Transparency always supports the truth.

The nation now has proof that a group comprised of elected Democrats and unelected spies planned and facilitated a January 6 protest at the capital. The protest was designed to ensure that Donald Trump could never be elected again and to give an excuse to our multitude of spy agencies to use broader surveillance and methods of prosecution on citizens of this country under the auspices of ‘terrorism.’

Hundreds of hours of video footage from that day has been carefully edited to hide the truth about what happened on January 6. The video was demanded and released to the only news outlet that would defy the Democrat/CIA consortium and show it to the nation. A segment of it has been shown.

Notably in the halls of our nation’s capital, Chuck Schumer demanded that Rupert Murdoch stop his journalist from showing American citizens the truth about how Democrats and spooks created and carried out another disgusting deadly false flag manipulation on the American public.

It appears the Republican leadership at the time Mitch McConnell was in on it as well, just as desirous to be rid of Trump.

This searing evidence should upend the Democrats and spy agencies with arrests, trials, and incarceration. We’ll see if this band of criminals is above the law.
0 Replies
Wed 8 Mar, 2023 01:33 am
First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


Yet a powerful, utterly corrupt US Senator stood in the halls of Congress, demanding for a journalist to be silenced.

The power behind our government jails them, trump up false charges against them, slander them, pay them off, threaten them—so that in the US, we have access only to a handful of individual journalists who have had to leave corporate news and find other platforms to be able to do actual honest investigative journalism.

0 Replies
Wed 8 Mar, 2023 05:14 am
The January 6 Whitewash Will Backfire

Tucker Carlson and the GOP are trying to erase a dark day. Their public-relations gamble is already failing.

Tom Nichols wrote:
A Clumsy Gambit

When a mob tried to storm the Capitol on January 6, 2021, congressional Republicans—especially those in the Senate—seemed briefly to understand the magnitude of the events around them. Kevin McCarthy, then the GOP minority leader, said that President Donald Trump bore responsibility for the attack. Even Lindsey Graham swore he was done with Trump.

This new seriousness didn’t last. A year after the attack, most Republicans—including McCarthy—ducked a ceremony at the Capitol marking the anniversary and commemorating the lives lost. McCarthy would later be elected speaker on the say-so of a handful of extremist Republicans—some of whom openly sympathized with the 2021 insurrectionists—who made him grovel through more than a dozen rounds of voting. Insofar as other Republicans can bring themselves to even acknowledge January 6, many of them still portray it as a legitimate protest that somehow got out of hand rather than what it really was: a seditious conspiracy to attack the American system of government, instigated and encouraged by a sitting president of the United States.

Heading into the 2022 midterms, the Republicans hoped that an attempt by their party’s leader to overthrow the constitutional order would be no impediment to regaining national power. The midterms, however, proved that Americans still care about their democracy and that they could not be swayed to trade their freedom away merely because gas prices are too high. At this point, the Republicans are barely holding the House, and Trump is leading the pack of possible GOP presidential candidates while yawping about “retribution.” Most Americans continue to think January 6 was a terrible day for the United States and that Trump bears at least some responsibility for it.

Not to worry, Republicans. McCarthy and Fox News’s resident pluto-populist Tucker Carlson are on the case. Unfortunately, it’s going about as well as you’d expect from anything that involves the words Kevin McCarthy and Tucker Carlson.

To recap the events of the past few weeks: McCarthy apparently decided that Carlson was the person who could remove the stain of January 6 from the Republican Party. Remember, once Trump was elected in 2016, the GOP was a national majority, holding the House, the Senate, the White House, most governor’s mansions, and most state legislatures across the country. Trump destroyed much of that, and his decision to run again meant that January 6 could not somehow be memory-holed. So the speaker gave the ever-perplexed Carlson access to thousands of hours of video from the attack.

The objective here was clear from the start. If the GOP is going to make a run at national power again, it must find a way to deny the reality of January 6 and neutralize the cloud of seditious stink that still clings to every Republican because of Trump and the insurrectionists. Who better than Carlson to sneer his way through a dismissal of one of the worst days in the history of the United States?

Unfortunately, the attempt to gaslight millions of people isn’t going very well. Carlson, as my colleague David Graham points out, is engaging in a “long-standing Donald Trump approach of demanding that his supporters believe him rather than their lying eyes.” But there are likely limits to that gambit even for Carlson, who is presenting as bombshells things we already knew. It is not a revelation, for example, that the “QAnon Shaman,” Jacob Chansley, walked along with Capitol cops who were trying to keep the fur-hatted weirdo calm even while he was howling in the Senate chamber. Carlson’s attempt to deny the danger of that moment is not only silly but also a gobsmackingly incompetent attempt to use footage depicting a rioter whose bizarre behavior was already well-known to the public.

It’s one thing to assume that the Fox audience isn’t very bright and will believe almost anything—I will gladly stipulate to that—but it’s another to ask them to leap across a chasm of credulity. Sedition-friendly Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, for example, tried to capitalize on Carlson’s after-school-video special by immediately calling for a new trial for Chansley. But even Fox viewers probably know that Chansley wasn’t convicted in a trial: He loquaciously pleaded guilty and got a stiff sentence of 41 months in prison.

I realize that, for many reasons, I am not Carlson’s target demographic. (He’s not much of a fan of my work either.) But when Republican members of Congress are pushing back on a major propaganda effort to help … well, to help the future fortunes of Republican members of Congress, things are not going well. You might have expected someone like Senator Mitt Romney of Utah to zing Carlson, and he did, saying the Fox host had gone “off the rails” and describing him as a radio “shock jock.” But conservative Senators Kevin Cramer of North Dakota and Mike Rounds of South Dakota both criticized Carlson. (Even Senate Minority Leader and ongoing profile in courage Mitch McConnell carefully opined that Fox “made a mistake” in depicting January 6 in a way that was “completely at variance” with how the head of the Capitol Police “correctly” described the day.) Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina said Carlson’s presentation was “inexcusable” and, for good measure, “bullshit.”

Trump, of course, thanked both Carlson and McCarthy. Because, really, if the point was to reassure the American public about whether the GOP is still in the grip of violent seditionists, what better way to do it than to clumsily cherry-pick some video and then elicit an all-caps tirade from the leader of the Republican Party?


Well then. As Sonny Bunch from The Bulwark wryly observed this morning: “Going to be kind of funny to watch GOP candidates dance around acknowledging that the presidential frontrunner and the party’s semi-official media organ are more or less pro-storming-the-Capitol at this point.”

As counterintuitive as it might be, perhaps the best thing for American democracy would be for Carlson to keep bumbling his way through more January 6 footage and to keep images of the insurrection in front of millions of viewers for as long as possible. If that’s how McCarthy and Carlson intend to restore the image of the GOP as a normal political party, who are any of us to argue with such public-relations geniuses?


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