Rising fascism in the US

Sun 5 Mar, 2023 08:18 am
If the government can control what information can and cannot be found on the monopolistic search engine Google, they now control what is considered truth, propaganda, news, slander, conspiracy.

A government.

Now, they can do no wrong. Their dissenters can be canceled. Their crimes, erased.

I can’t be the only one who sees this.

Journalists write what they’re told or they’re marginalized as crazy.

You are living this time now.
Sun 5 Mar, 2023 08:31 am
Marianne Williamson entered the 2024 presidential race on the Democrat ticket. She says she’s going to primary Biden. In her short announcement, she didn’t mention Biden’s name once. She didn’t draw any distinctions between herself and Biden. I’m sure Biden is her good friend—like Bernie.

She’s positioned to sheep herd (like Bernie) confused people who think they’re progressive to vote for whichever corporatist neoliberal claws his way to the top of the heap by November 2024.

She’s a racist, an elitist, a narcissist, a weirdo, a classist.

She’s a Zionist.


Watch her funding.
0 Replies
Sun 5 Mar, 2023 09:01 am
#WorkersStrikeBack foundational address to the public, featuring a guy whose name you’re going to be hearing—Nick Cruze.

0 Replies
Sun 5 Mar, 2023 10:32 am
That is Lasb. Never met a conspifacy theory she didn'love.
0 Replies
Sun 5 Mar, 2023 10:56 am
Florida Is Trying to Take Away the American Right to Speak Freely

A homeowner gets angry at a county commission over a zoning dispute and writes a Facebook post accusing a local buildings official of being in the pocket of developers.

A right-wing broadcaster criticizing border policies accuses the secretary of homeland security of being a traitor.

A parent upset about the removal of a gay-themed book from library shelves goes to a school board meeting and calls the board chair a bigot and a homophobe.

All three are examples of Americans engaging in clamorous but perfectly legal speech about public figures that is broadly protected by the Constitution. The Supreme Court, in a case that dates back nearly 60 years, ruled that even if that speech might be damaging or include errors, it should generally be protected against claims of libel and slander. All three would lose that protection — and be subject to ruinous defamation lawsuits — under a bill that is moving through the Florida House and is based on longstanding goals of Gov. Ron DeSantis.

The bill represents a dangerous threat to free expression in the United States, not only for the news media, but for all Americans, whatever their political beliefs. There’s still time for Florida lawmakers to reject this crude pandering and ensure that their constituents retain the right to free speech.

“This isn’t just a press issue,” said Bobby Block, executive director of Florida’s First Amendment Foundation. “This is a death-to-public-discourse bill. Everyone, even conservatives, would have to second-guess themselves whenever they open their mouths to speak or sit in front of a keyboard.”

The bill is an explicit effort to eviscerate a 1964 Supreme Court decision, The New York Times Company v. Sullivan. This bulwark of First Amendment law requires public figures to prove a news organization engaged in what the court called “actual malice” to win a defamation case. By preventing lawsuits based on unintentional mistakes, the decision freed news organizations to pursue vigorous reporting about public officials without fear of paying damages. The decision has even been applied by lower courts to bloggers and other speakers who make allegations about public figures.

Many conservatives, including Mr. DeSantis, have long chafed at the freedom that this decision gives to a news industry they consider to be too liberal. The new bill embodies that antagonism. It would sharply limit the definition of public figures, eliminating public employees like police officers from the category, even if they become public figures because of their actions.

It would change the definition of actual malice to include any allegation that is “inherently improbable” — an impossibly vague standard — or that is based on what it calls an “unverified” statement by an anonymous source. In fact, it says that all anonymous statements, a crucial tool for investigative reporting, are “presumptively false” for the purposes of a defamation case. Anonymous sources were the basis for much of The Washington Post’s coverage of Watergate and The Times’s exposure of the Bush administration’s domestic eavesdropping program in 2005, among many other examples of journalism with significant impact.

Under the bill, a public figure would no longer need to show actual malice to win a defamation case if the allegation against the figure wasn’t related to the reason for the person’s public status. So if a person is publicly known for being elected president or governor, and a news organization publishes an investigation about that person’s private or business life unrelated to elected office, that report would not get the special liability protection provided by the Sullivan decision.

The bill goes much further than this attempt to hobble the press. It makes it clear that the new defamation rules would also apply to any single “utterance on the internet,” which could mean a tweet or a Facebook post written by anyone, or “any one presentation to an audience,” which could include statements made at school board hearings and other public meetings.

In a direct attack on a key aspect of free expression, it says that whenever someone is accused of discriminating against others on the basis of race, gender or sexual orientation, that accusation is automatically considered enough to sue for defamation. Any person accused of bigotry based on sexual orientation or gender identity could file a defamation lawsuit and be virtually guaranteed of winning by saying the discrimination was based on personal religious or scientific beliefs. The penalty for calling someone a bigot would be a minimum of $35,000.

Mr. DeSantis, who appears to be preparing for a 2024 presidential campaign, has been railing against press freedoms for several years in a clear appeal to likely Republican primary voters. The bill was recently introduced in the Florida House by one of his allies and has a strong chance of passage; a similar if slightly milder version was filed in the State Senate.

If enacted, the House bill would almost instantly be challenged in court, but its backers are counting on that. In public statements, they have said they want the bill to be used as a vehicle to get the Supreme Court to overturn New York Times v. Sullivan and have noted that two justices, Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch, have called on the court to reconsider that decision. The current court has repeatedly demonstrated that it can’t be counted on to respect long-term precedents that are widely supported by the public.

There may be room for discussion on the precise definition of “public figure,” which has been interpreted in various ways by the Supreme Court and lower courts over the past six decades. Even Justice Elena Kagan, in a 1993 journal article long before she joined the court, expressed interest in determining whether the term had been too broadly defined in the years after Sullivan, though she applauded the overall decision.

A sledgehammer bill like the one in Florida, however, wielded for transparent political reasons, would create enormous damage on the way to the high court, particularly if other states decide to copy its language. In 1964, Justice William J. Brennan Jr., who wrote the court’s opinion, said it was based on “the principle that debate on public issues should be uninhibited, robust and wide open.” That may well include, he wrote, “vehement, caustic and sometimes unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials.” That principle has not changed through the decades, and any citizen who treasures the right to speak freely should resist politicians like Mr. DeSantis who want to silence them.

0 Replies
Real Music
Sun 5 Mar, 2023 11:28 am
If the government can control what information can and cannot be found on the monopolistic search engine Google, they now control what is considered truth, propaganda, news, slander, conspiracy.

A government.

Now, they can do no wrong. Their dissenters can be canceled. Their crimes, erased.

I can’t be the only one who sees this.

Journalists write what they’re told or they’re marginalized as crazy.

You are living this time now.

Are you referring to (1) Sidney Powell, (2) Rudy Giuliani, (3) Donald Trump, (4) Tucker Carlson, (5) Laura Ingraham,
(6) Sean Hannity, (7) Rupert Murdoch, (8) Marjorie Taylor Greene, (9) Jim Jordan, (10) Oath Keepers, (11) Proud Boys,
(12) Stewart Rhodes, (13) Mike Lindell, (14) Steve Bannon, (15) Newsmax, (16) One America News, (17) Matt Gaetz,
or (18) all of the above?

I personally don't trust (1) Sidney Powell, (2) Rudy Giuliani, (3) Donald Trump, (4) Tucker Carlson, (5) Laura Ingraham,
(6) Sean Hannity, (7) Rupert Murdoch, (8) Marjorie Taylor Greene, (9) Jim Jordan, (10) Oath Keepers, (11) Proud Boys,
(12) Stewart Rhodes, (13) Mike Lindell, (14) Steve Bannon, (15) Newsmax, (16) One America News, or (17) Matt Gaetz.
Frank Apisa
Sun 5 Mar, 2023 11:51 am
@Real Music,
Real Music wrote:

I personally don't trust (1) Sidney Powell, (2) Rudy Giuliani, (3) Donald Trump, (4) Tucker Carlson, (5) Laura Ingraham,
(6) Sean Hannity, (7) Rupert Murdoch, (8) Marjorie Taylor Greene, (9) Jim Jordan, (10) Oath Keepers, (11) Proud Boys,
(12) Stewart Rhodes, (13) Mike Lindell, (14) Steve Bannon, (15) Newsmax, (16) One America News, or (17) Matt Gaetz.

No one with a functioning brain should trust any of them.

Sun 5 Mar, 2023 12:05 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

Real Music wrote:

I personally don't trust (1) Sidney Powell, (2) Rudy Giuliani, (3) Donald Trump, (4) Tucker Carlson, (5) Laura Ingraham,
(6) Sean Hannity, (7) Rupert Murdoch, (8) Marjorie Taylor Greene, (9) Jim Jordan, (10) Oath Keepers, (11) Proud Boys,
(12) Stewart Rhodes, (13) Mike Lindell, (14) Steve Bannon, (15) Newsmax, (16) One America News, or (17) Matt Gaetz.

No one with a functioning brain should trust any of them.

There should be at least 30 or 40 others, so; I will go with (58) all the above!
Frank Apisa
Sun 5 Mar, 2023 12:45 pm
BillW wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:

Real Music wrote:

I personally don't trust (1) Sidney Powell, (2) Rudy Giuliani, (3) Donald Trump, (4) Tucker Carlson, (5) Laura Ingraham,
(6) Sean Hannity, (7) Rupert Murdoch, (8) Marjorie Taylor Greene, (9) Jim Jordan, (10) Oath Keepers, (11) Proud Boys,
(12) Stewart Rhodes, (13) Mike Lindell, (14) Steve Bannon, (15) Newsmax, (16) One America News, or (17) Matt Gaetz.

No one with a functioning brain should trust any of them.

There should be at least 30 or 40 others, so; I will go with (58) all the above!

Indeed! It is amazing what has happened to us during the last 6 years.
0 Replies
Sun 5 Mar, 2023 02:21 pm
Facebook and Google are handing over user data to help police prosecute abortion seekers
Sun 5 Mar, 2023 03:44 pm
RFK has said he may primary Biden.
Real Music
Sun 5 Mar, 2023 11:48 pm
There should be at least 30 or 40 others, so; I will go with (58) all the above!

1. Yes. I agree with you.

2. I would also that these nutjob MAGA Republicans are showing themselves to be (hateful), (detestable),
(reprehensible), (awful), (repugnant), (repulsive), (revolting), (horrible), (horrifying), (obnoxious), (nauseating),
(offensive), (vile), (unscrupulous), and (unsavory).
0 Replies
Tue 7 Mar, 2023 08:27 am
France is setting such a great example for workers everywhere.
Back to the streets.
General strike!
0 Replies
Tue 7 Mar, 2023 08:38 am
God, it is an ugly time; I am hoping it is merely a fad which hopefully will fade in under a decade. It is almost too depressing to keep up with, but, unless a person wants to hide under an ostrich, you got to keep up with the depressing era.
Frank Apisa
Tue 7 Mar, 2023 08:46 am
revelette1 wrote:

God, it is an ugly time; I am hoping it is merely a fad which hopefully will fade in under a decade. It is almost too depressing to keep up with, but, unless a person wants to hide under an ostrich, you got to keep up with the depressing era.

As Charles Dickens said in his opening to A Tale of Two Cities,

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”
Tue 7 Mar, 2023 08:55 am
@Frank Apisa,
For me, all I am seeing is the season of darkness overtaking any past wisdom we've had since the time of FDR and the civil rights movement or even the better parts of the Founding Fathers and the constitution and bill of rights.
0 Replies
Tue 7 Mar, 2023 09:24 am
God, it is an ugly time...

It really is. I used to think that, in the face of a prospective global environmental catastrophe, we'd see more international cooperation and that the constructive competition between nation states would be centered on who could sequester the most carbon, who could find the best method of recycling plastic, who could come up with the best solution for climate migration, who could develop the greenest economy. Like we'd all put our heads together, join hands, and work to save ourselves and the countless other species with whom we share our little planet.

Yeah, sure:


What's left of Marinka, Ukraine

And that's just one example.
0 Replies
Tue 7 Mar, 2023 09:36 am
It has always been an ugly time for many. Go back in history - millions of people being displaced, tortured, indentured, killed - it has always been man's nature.

If you're speaking particularly about the US - go read its history. Brother fought brother, cousin, and neighbour in the Civil War and the American Revolution. Slavery and hatred have always existed. Of course, the Europeans brought it with them, what else? Look at what Spain (and Portugal) did to South America and Mexico. Greed killed millions of Indios.

Ghengis Khan, Atilla the Hun, Hitler, Stalin, and the list is endless.

Don't really know why you think now is worse than then.
Tue 7 Mar, 2023 10:03 am
Don't really know why you think now is worse than then.

Because we have a global population of over 8 billion, for starters. Because we're faced with a rapidly changing climate which threatens weather patterns around the world, lowering the productivity of agriculture. Because the worldwide loss of species amounts to a "sixth mass extinction". Because the polar ice sheets are melting. Because even the oceans are threatened by acidification and pollution by microplastics. And because we see the liberal democracies which promised human rights and decent lives for citizens being degraded as tribalism, nurtured by populist demagogues and social media, instigates cultural conflict between classes, races, and religions. Yes, it has always been in our nature, but our world has become too small, and change is happening too quickly, for the species which inhabit this planet to simply absorb these assaults from which there is no longer any escape.
Tue 7 Mar, 2023 10:35 am
Well, we (as a global population) don't seem to be doing much about it so we're going to have to face the music.

Animals have always been going extinct and new ones are being discovered all the time (https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/29/world/new-species-discoveries-2022-scn/index.html, https://news.mongabay.com/2021/12/top-15-species-discoveries-from-2021-photos/, https://www.discoverwildlife.com/news/new-species-discovered-this-year/). Does it really matter if the dodo is no more?

What we have done to the ocean and land environments is undeniable - can't argue with anything you said there.

With respect to the rest of your last paragraph, what makes us think mankind will change with respect to how we treat each if we haven't over the last millennia? I don't hold out any hope for that. There will always be corrupt people, cheaters, liars, defrauders, scammers, etc. This means the rest of us need to and should be better informed and more on the alert.

Let's separate the two issues. All we can do anything about is the environment (banning some plastics, recycling, stricter laws about effluence, etc.), and some countries are doing that, but so many more are not. Does it not defeat the purpose when so much of the world is not committed to saving the environment? On the second issue, how are you going to change behaviour? That's the biggest cause of upset in the world right now. The huge migrations occurring world-wide due to famine, war, discrimination, etc.

It is what it is. What I do in my country is pitiful in the larger scheme of things.

I believe the only way to correct our behaviour is to start with children - teaching them from the earliest days about how to treat people and the planet with respect. If we don't do that, we can't win.


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