Rising fascism in the US

Sun 30 Oct, 2022 01:37 pm
Thanks a lot. I’d just gotten rid of the mental images of naked men on the bad end of the age / weight continuum, jauntily hawking their wares, passing me on the sidewalks of the Castro.

If Paul is closeted, that’s ok with me.

…wouldn’t this be a delicious anti-Trump spin if this story is true?

There are a LOT of logical holes in the White House version.
Sun 30 Oct, 2022 08:50 pm
Lash wrote:
The US is the aggressor.


Lash wrote:
The most critical events that have been airbrushed out of the West’s political narrative are the violation of agreements that Western leaders made at the end of the Cold War not to expand NATO into Eastern Europe,

No such agreement was ever made.

Lash wrote:
and the U.S.-backed coup in Ukraine in February 2014. Western mainstream media accounts instead date the crisis in Ukraine back to Russia’s reintegration of Crimea in 2014, and the decision by ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine to secede from Ukraine as the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics.
But these were not unprovoked actions; they were responses to the U.S.-backed coup,

Our support for the Ukrainian people when they overthrew a corrupt dictator hardly makes us responsible for Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Lash wrote:
in which an armed mob led by the neo-Nazi Right Sector militia stormed the Ukrainian parliament, forcing the elected President Viktor Yanukovich and members of his party to flee for their lives.

The only neonazis in Ukraine are the invading Russians.

Lash wrote:
Can you deny this happened?

We did offer support to the Ukrainian people when they overthrew a corrupt dictator. But yes, I can certainly deny all the rest.
0 Replies
Sun 30 Oct, 2022 08:51 pm
Lash wrote:
But that account is highly misleading, because it leaves out the crucial role the U.S. has played in escalating tensions in the region. In nearly every case we looked at, the reports omitted the U.S.’s extensive role in the 2014 coup that preceded Russia’s annexation of Crimea.

Our role in the coup was hardly extensive. It was the Ukrainian people who overthrew their dictator.

Lash wrote:
A key tool for this has been the International Monetary Fund, which leverages aid loans to push governments to adopt policies friendly to foreign investors. The IMF is funded by and represents Western financial capital and governments and has been at the forefront of efforts to reshape economies around the world for decades, often with disastrous results. The civil war in Yemen and the coup in Bolivia both followed a rejection of IMF terms.

The IMF makes economies better. The disastrous results come when people disregard the IMF.
0 Replies
Sun 30 Oct, 2022 08:52 pm
Lash wrote:
To the point: do you deny the US was largely behind the coup in Ukraine in 2014?

I'll deny it. Our role was hardly large.

It was the Ukrainian people who played the largest role in the coup.

But even if we had actually played a large role, so what? That wouldn't make us responsible for Russia's aggression.
0 Replies
Mon 31 Oct, 2022 04:26 am
Lash wrote:

Thanks a lot. I’d just gotten rid of the mental images of naked men on the bad end of the age / weight continuum, jauntily hawking their wares, passing me on the sidewalks of the Castro.

If Paul is closeted, that’s ok with me.

…wouldn’t this be a delicious anti-Trump spin if this story is true?

There are a LOT of logical holes in the White House version.

Get a good look at how your government operates.

#pelosisgaylover is trending on Twitter
For even the most circumspect, devoted Democrat—this story was obviously illogical and incomplete—for anyone trying to make it make sense.

The official story has changed more than once.

Pelosi’s house has security as good as the White House.

Where’s the camera footage from any of her exterior or interior security cameras?

David Depape likely entered with Pelosi.

They were either naked or in underwear—admitted by cops.

Pelosi referred to Depape as his friend. There’s a record of that.
Some cop or security guard is going to refuse to file a bogus report to cover for them and this story will come out. A lot about Nancy and Paul will be coming out soon.

The glass at the proposed break in site is on the outside of the house.

Nancy’s team has tried to cobble together a story that makes it look like this was politically motivated to cover for the fact that her horndog husband got sloppy with who he brought home.

Initially, I thought this version of events was too wacky to consider.
When considered though, it makes a hell of a lot more sense than anything else.

The truth is increasingly stranger than fiction.
0 Replies
Mon 31 Oct, 2022 05:14 am
AnstaSoli wrote:
A few of us have leaked unredacted Epstein flight and guest lists. lots of people are on it. princes. movie stars. very high ups. every US passenger airplane company and a few international ones, many other corporations and hotel chains. every US president the past 40 years minus biden, INCLUDING THE WHOLE TRUMP FAMILY (minus Baron) since the 1980s. alec baldwin. Pharrell "Happy" Williams. Michael Jackson. Bruce Willis. And many, many more are in those elite perv psycho lists. Mr "Neuralink" Elon Musk is a Ghislaine Maxwell client. We are all living lies, most of us refuse to wake up. “The glory which is built upon a lie soon becomes a most unpleasant incumbrance. … How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!” - Samuel Clemens. "It's a big club, and you ain't in it!" - George Carlin. Etc. OUR "VOTE" DOESN'T MATTER! (I'm registered Independent and that's that.) It's only a CIA census to know how to control the masses. BTW, many of those Epstein club Maxwell clients are also pushing the depop agenda. All the living US presidents. Many celebs. "Q" is nothing but deep PsyOp to mislead the masses and idolize an antichrist puppet by the initials of "DJT", his orange skin spray is Orange No. "33". https://www.worlddyevariety.com/acid-dyes/acid-orange-33.html Etc. It all goes a lot deeper and the "rabbit hole" goes everywhere. So if one wishes to blame anyone, blame the whole species, the players knowing what they're doing that control and the played that are nescient and ignorant refusing to stop being controlled. The idolizing of giants by the little people since the beginning never stopped, now we have the commoner as "little people" and people in "giant" positions of power but it's all generally the same. BTW, ultimately the giants don't care about the little people yet the commoner still idolize people in "giant" positions. The biggest "giants" now are the ones in secret societies, DJT is member and buddy to many and absolutely not an "outsider"; there are no "outsider" people allowed in top worldly positions and thus there are no "outsider" people in top positions: everything's been globally "owned and operated" for at least a century, the US Corp is less the exception and more the example as are all "world powers". Be "American" and support the Bill of Rights and (original) Constitution all you would like of which is fine and good but remember the Christian belief that the "Prince of the Air", that "Serpent", the "great Deceiver" rules the world. Also remember what the Christians' Christ said about/to and did to politicians, religious leaders and "money changers". Those are the times that Christ was wroth the most. So why idolize Trump, you so-called "Christians"? It is very clear, evident and present by his track record and your own belief and Christ that DONALD J TRUMP IS AN ANTICHRIST! HE WOULD KILL CHRIST AND WASH HIS HANDS OF CHRIST WITHIN A NEW YORK MINUTE! All those "giants" aka: people in "giant" and/or global "master" positions would including nearly every pope in history yet so many people stay in Catholicism that's famous for being a "giant" religion of PEDOPHELIA. All one has to do is read the "RED LETTERS" of Christ to see how antichrist Catholicism really is, so easy to see and understand yet nearly nobody does it. A child can figure it out. Yea, I noticed a lot of "evil" since childhood in the world that was less "taught" and more observed/felt/experienced. As I have said many times, "what a wonderful species". "Nothing new under the sun." - King Solomon. "And I repent that I created man and shall wipe him off the face of the earth." - "God". Like in the times of Noah and Lot: people were perverted and violent during Noah's time and the great Deluge happened; people were into debauchery and homosexuality in the city (Tel Aviv has been a top "Sodom and Gomorrah" of the world for quite a while, Azrael is currently doing some major reaping and just begun) that Lot was in and it got bathed in fire and brimstone. Today, the world has become like in the times of Noah and Lot. Enoch said God will turn water into fire and the shepherds and animals (leaders and people, it's a "dream" folks) will turn against each other; John the Revelator said 1/3 of all life will die and neighbor will turn against neighbor and family against family. THE FOUR HORSEMEN ARE HERE, folks. Gallop, gallop, gallop. Invest in treasure that the thief cannot steal and the moth cannot corrupt for WE ARE DONE HERE. "Eat, drink, be merry for tomorrow we die!" Better than idolizing those dividing us, destroying and restricting our resources, killing us off and causing WW3 since we are not in their WEF club of demons. RED LETTERS are all that matters now, all that matters.
0 Replies
Mon 31 Oct, 2022 05:19 am
In the earliest reports from police interviews, a third party answered the door. Now, mention of the third party is removed from the narrative.

A neighbor states there was more than one person with Pelosi and this group has been at Pelosi’s before.

Pelosi is forcing law enforcement to lie.

Clinton did this same damn thing.
Embarrassed to lose what should be a cakewalk national election to a buffoon? Blame Russia. Get the democrats’ media to back it up.

Problem solved.

And this is why Democrats are more dangerous than Republicans—Democrats have the media covering for them.

And this is why speech shouldn’t be shut down.
People questioning the false Democrat narrative will lose speech rights on social media.

Watch what happens.
0 Replies
Region Philbis
Mon 31 Oct, 2022 05:44 am
Musk, in a tweet, shares link from site known to publish false news
The tweet on Sunday, later deleted, made baseless allegations about the attack on Pelosi’s husband

Three days after Elon Musk purchased Twitter, the billionaire posted a tweet that advanced baseless allegations about the recent attack on the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The tweet, on Sunday, raised anew questions about how, or if, Mr. Musk will act to combat misinformation and hate speech on the social media site.

On Saturday, Hillary Clinton, the former first lady and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, posted a tweet assailing Republicans for spreading “hate and deranged conspiracy theories” that she said had emboldened the man who attacked Ms. Pelosi’s husband, Paul, inside the couple’s home in San Francisco early Friday.

In a reply to Mrs. Clinton’s tweet, Mr. Musk wrote, “There is a tiny possibility there might be more to this story than meets the eye” and then shared a link to an article in the Santa Monica Observer. The article alleges that Mr. Pelosi was drunk and in a fight with a male prostitute.

Mr. Musk’s tweet was later deleted, and it was not immediately clear who had deleted it.

A 2021 editorial in The Los Angeles Times about websites that “masquerade as legitimate local newspapers” noted that the Santa Monica Observer, “owned by onetime City Council candidate David Ganezer, is notorious for publishing false news.” In 2016, for example, the publication advanced a claim that Mrs. Clinton had died and that a body double was sent to debate the Republican presidential nominee, Donald J. Trump.

The police have said that Mr. Pelosi, 82, was attacked with a hammer inside his home by a man, David DePape, who had entered through the back door. The police have said that when they arrived at the home, they found the two men wrestling for control of a hammer. The authorities have said that Mr. DePape, 42, would probably face several charges, including attempted homicide and assault with a deadly weapon. At one point, Mr. DePape is said to have shouted, “Where is Nancy? Where is Nancy?”

In an interview on Sunday, Brooke Jenkins, the San Francisco district attorney, said she had seen nothing to support the idea that Mr. Pelosi and the attacker knew each other.

The tweet from Mr. Musk on Sunday came on the heels of his vow in an open letter to advertisers that Twitter would not become a freewheeling site that allowed entirely unfettered commentary.

“Twitter obviously cannot become a free-for-all hellscape, where anything can be said with no consequences,” he wrote. “Twitter aspires to be the most respected advertising platform in the world.”

Mr. Musk’s purchase of Twitter for $44 billion was completed on Thursday, the same day he fired several of the company’s top leaders, including the chief executive Parag Agrawal.

Ahead of the possibility of sweeping changes at the platform, like reinstating the account of Mr. Trump, who was barred from the site after the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, Mr. Musk has said he would create a content moderation council.

“No major content decisions or account reinstatements will happen before that council convenes,” he wrote.
0 Replies
Mon 31 Oct, 2022 06:56 am
I’ll take a neighbor’s eyewitness account over someone who knows nothing— who says they know nothing— but who would be *afraid* to discredit the most powerful resident of California.
Mon 31 Oct, 2022 07:01 am
Do you believe everything you read?
Mon 31 Oct, 2022 07:10 am
Only Mein Kampf.
0 Replies
Mon 31 Oct, 2022 07:55 am
No, but I’m becoming convinced you do.

I was driving with my grandson, nearing his home to drop him off when I heard the initial report. I was listening to NPR.

Paul Pelosi has been attacked. He made a 911 call, telling the dispatcher a man named David who is my friend is here…. (Don’t recall other comments attributed to him during this call.). The dispatcher sends a wellness check call, reading between the lines that something’s not kosher. A third individual answered the door. Pelosi and another man both clad in underwear were both holding on to a hammer. As police arrived, the younger man grabbed the hammer from Pelosi and attacked him. Police immediately grabbed the attacker.

It seemed completely illogical to me upon hearing the first legit news report.

I walked in to return my grandson and my son who doesn’t keep up with partisan politics immediately said, “Did you hear this story…. That makes no sense at all.”

It doesn’t.

Now, the official narrative changed to say there was no third person.

The official story cherry-picks associations with right wing politics and hides associations with left wing politics.

The official story makes even less sense. A malevolent Trump-fueled murder guy doesn’t allow bathroom breaks for calling 911. Paul Pelosi knew the guy’s name and said he was a friend to the dispatcher. Why did he call? To ward off a cop visit — because an alarm had been tripped? This makes NO sense.

But, you accept without question the most recent story offered by the msm?
Mon 31 Oct, 2022 09:30 am
I don't believe anything, Lash. There's always more to the story than the media puts out there. There's more to the story than any group or individual puts out there. I always wonder what the total truth is.

If you have six witnesses to an event, you have six versions of it. "It was a black sedan." "It was a dark green two-door." Etc.

I don't trust the media, politicians, or anyone with an agenda. Their statements remain in limbo. I wonder why some people believe and perpetuate what is being said when they don't know for sure the truth of things.

Someone sees their friend's husband hugging a woman and right away he's having an affair. Meanwhile, it's his cousin.
Mon 31 Oct, 2022 11:47 am
I wonder why some people believe and perpetuate what is being said when they don't know for sure the truth of things.

I could bring several of your opinions from other threads and gather them here. You prognosticate and think in pixels — as everyone else here does. I think you can answer your question as well as I can.

You don’t seem to realize how so many of your questions and statements to others apply so well to you.
Mon 31 Oct, 2022 12:16 pm
Lash wrote:

I could bring several of your opinions from other threads and gather them here. You prognosticate and think in pixels — as everyone else here does. I think you can answer your question as well as I can.


"...everyone else here"?

Lash wrote:

You don’t seem to realize how so many of your questions and statements to others apply so well to you.

That's generic - it can be applied to just about anybody.
Mon 31 Oct, 2022 01:03 pm
Very often the initial reports of breaking news stories are confused and we're used to corrections appearing in subsequent broadcasts or editions. So why not assume an air of skepticism? In this case the suspect and the victim are both alive and there will most likely be a trial. No doubt the defendant would be eager to divulge any prior friendship with Pelosi and it would be easily corroborated. Or possibly that whole story is false. So why not just wait and see rather than argue about it with insufficient evidence? And sure, there's nothing wrong with posting stories which differ from official accounts as Walter Hinteler did yesterday – those stories can sometimes be newsworthy in themselves when you ask who's making the claim, whether they stand to benefit, or who they wish to hurt. But I don't see why anyone's intelligence should be impugned because they don't buy into one or another version of a developing story.
Walter Hinteler
Mon 31 Oct, 2022 01:12 pm
hightor wrote:
So why not just wait and see rather than argue about it with insufficient evidence?
But, but ... that would prevent every conspiratorial speculation, and the literary outpourings of many would be stopped.
Walter Hinteler
Mon 31 Oct, 2022 01:17 pm
Federal prosecutors charged the man accused of breaking into the home of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with attempting to kidnap Ms. Pelosi and with assaulting a relative of a federal official, according to charging documents filed on Monday.
The swift action by the Justice Department in bringing federal charges — on the same day the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office was expected to file its own charges against Mr. DePape — reflects the Biden administration’s urgency in addressing what it sees as a politically motivated crime shortly before the 2022 midterm elections. There has been a surge in threats and attacks against figures of both political parties in recent years, and Ms. Pelosi, in particular, has long been the subject of vilification and threats.
Kidnapping and assault are usually charged under state laws by local authorities, but in certain circumstances they can become federal crimes.

If convicted, Mr. DePape would face a maximum of 20 years in prison for the attempted kidnapping of a federal official in the performance of official duties, and up to 30 years for assaulting an immediate member of a federal official’s family and inflicting a serious injury with a dangerous weapon.

Ms. Pelosi’s spokesman had no comment on the charges.

It was not immediately clear who is representing Mr. DePape in the case.

Federal law makes such an assault a federal crime when it is done “with the intent to impede, intimidate, or interfere with” the work of an official or “with intent to retaliate against” that person — a charge that stems from Mr. DePape’s attempts to find the speaker.

Mr. Pelosi remains in the intensive care unit of a San Francisco hospital, surrounded by his family, according to a person familiar with the situation.
0 Replies
Mon 31 Oct, 2022 02:35 pm
Thanks for underscoring my point.
You don’t seem to think it’s ok that I do it.

Mon 31 Oct, 2022 02:39 pm
Agree. Guessing and putting forward theories is the bulk of what is done here. The outrage over it is silly.
0 Replies

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