Rising fascism in the US

Sat 9 Jul, 2022 04:55 pm
There's plenty of treasury advice in western countries around the world - that spending is necessary to your chances of staying out of a recession. Australia managed to stay out of the 2007 GFC induced recessions due to this policy.

Mind you, while no one likes them, recessions in themselves are a necessary part of the economic cycle (for many reasons. Search "why are recessions necessary")

Also, once you understand how interest rate manipulations by the central bank are meant to work, you will also realise that a close to zero interest rate is not good for the populace of a country (because the governments stimulate through lending, rather than interest rate cuts...meaning the people pay that lending back at a factor of maybe 10:1 <in the US> when compared to corporations. It does work on equal contribution to the federal treasury by the populace vs corporations, but has been moving ever more heavily in favour of corporations over the decades)

Frank Apisa
Sat 9 Jul, 2022 05:24 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

hightor wrote:

The covid-induced shock to the global economy is unprecedented in the past 70 years. Sure, in hindsight, it all looks so clear – but you know damn well what the reaction would have been had Powell started raising interest rates during the covid economic slowdown. [/quote}
The readily verifiable fact is that many experienced Economists including prominent former advisors to Democrat presidents were calling for FED action long before Powell began.

[quote-hightor"] This is the economic system you support and revere – the "business cycle"– which has been with us for a long time and inspired Marx's critical economic analysis. The cure is a recession. Quit acting so outraged – unless you direct your outrage against late-stage capitalism.
The recession now before us was demonstrably a direct result of unnecessary government spending and very stupid and poorly thought out actions talen immediately on taking office by President Biden.

Just what is "Late Stage Capitalism"? Are you then a reverent admirer of Marx' now thoroughly discredited economic theories? I'll concede that even after a century marked by human suffering, injustice and poverty resulting from concerted and sustained application of these theories - all in efforts to create "new socialist man" and a "workers paradise". that yielded only tyranny, suffering and poverty -- these discredited ideas are becoming again fashionable among some, unable to think clearly for themselves.

Nice try, George...but Hightor hit the nails on their heads.

Good to see you around...laboring to rationalize the misfortune right-wing America portends for our nation...and attempting to put the blame on the left.

BOTTOM LINE: If America continues to exist as the Republic it was meant to be (IT MAY NOT)...its future will more closely resemble what the left hopes for it...than what the right hopes it becomes.

And capitalism will continue to exist...but only if it makes adjustments suggested by socialism.

Stay healthy, George. Keep coming back. We miss you.
0 Replies
Sun 10 Jul, 2022 04:17 am
Recessions are NOT necessary.

Recessions are a result of greed at the top. And calls for more sacrifices at the bottom.


I literally want to hurt some governor or senator or congressman every time I hear the words, "In these difficult times." No, it's not a Manchurian Candidate trigger. I just hate that expression literally that much and hate the complete copout of for two years expecting people to put up with canned food at restaurants or bad service or long waits because everyone made the sacrifice but those at the top.

You have a recession because there are literally measures in place to prevent work (limits in people that can be in the building). You have a recession because you further limit customers to those who are masked and vaccinated, meaning staff is furloughed. Then when employees turn out not to want to be masked or vaccinated, you toss them and their jobs by the wayside. You cannot prove that this "disease" even exists (I have seen more sign of phytophotodermititis I currently suffer from than the vague symptoms listed under COVID), but you're okay with thousands or millions being out of work because they wouldn't cooperate with big statism. You have a recession even in the aftermath of COVID because some ppl are willing that economic restrictions stay in place even when ppl have largely stopped wearing masks.

No, these times AREN'T difficult. They're MADE difficult. And anyone blaming the right for things being difficult, **** you. They are more difficult because people won't talk across the political pew. They are more difficult because people at the top put the hamstring on people just trying to run a business. They are more difficult because small business owners like me ultimately gave up. It was too hard to advertise, too hard to travel, and I certainly couldn't pay anyone to help me.

Recessions are not necessary. Economic theorists think they lower inflation.
In a recession, the rate of inflation tends to fall. This is because unemployment rises moderating wage inflation.

But inflation is not caused by an excess of workers or great economy. Recession's just a tightening of market, and we had a recession during the height of COVID (nobody hiring), but we also had a shortage in goods. Steeper prices at restaurants, but often poorer quality food (it wasn't until people balked at the restrictions that I saw some measure of return to normalcy, before that, restaurants that we ate at often had non-fresh food. For example, prior to COVID, a plate of nachos would have real chili, but after that, it tended to be like the soy-based mix that comes out of a dispenser at 7/11. Not kidding, and they'd demand roughly 1.5x markup in price).

You see, recessions have nothing to do with inflation. Inflation is caused by shortages. Supply and demand. As supply decreases yet demand remains fixed, prices rise. You can have a recession and inflation at the same time.
Huh, a labor shortage is a recession, but isn't that interesting, you economists said...
In a recession, the rate of inflation tends to fall. This is because unemployment rises moderating wage inflation.

yet here inflation is happening.
And again.

I once read an article that basically tore apart all theories of inflation besides scarcity. Neither excess of money, nor excess of spending, nor excess of employed (sorry, recession doesn't help), nor government debt, nor anything but the shortage of supply chain created inflation. In fact the article cited Zimbabwe as a key example. So what happened in Zimbabwe?

Well, let's read up about it in Wikipedia.
From 1991 to 1996, the Zimbabwean ZANU–PF President Robert Mugabe embarked on an Economic Structural Adjustment Programme (ESAP) that had serious negative effects on Zimbabwe's economy. In the late 1990s, the government instituted land reforms intended to evict white landowners and place their holdings in the hands of black farmers. However, many of these "farmers" had no experience or training in farming. Many farms simply fell into disrepair or were given to Mugabe loyalists. From 1999 to 2009, the country experienced a sharp drop in food production and in all other sectors. The banking sector also collapsed, with farmers unable to obtain loans for capital development.

This should sound familiar. Why? Because Biden advocated for exactly this! Replace cureent farmers with untrained black farmers. Screw with food sources. No, it's not about them being black or racism. It's about no experience.

But we already had shortages due to screwy ststems in place during COVID, and instead of dropping them once Trump was out of office like a good little con artist job, he doubled down on this fraud. These difficult times are the "new normal."

Recessions are not necessary. Your theorists are wrong. And because they are wrong, actual people suffer. I know what a recession feels like, going from place to place trying to get hired. They told me the Great Recession were difficult times too. Bullshit. We cause difficult times. We make them worse by not standing against our corrupt leaders.
Sun 10 Jul, 2022 04:30 am
Recessions are NOT necessary.

No, not if you don't have an overheated economy.

Because Biden advocated for exactly this! Replace cureent farmers with untrained black farmers.

Bullshit. He advocated helping experienced back farmers avoid foreclosure.

But we already had shortages due to screwy ststems in place during COVID...

The system in place was the global supply chain.

...and instead of dropping them once Trump was out of office like a good little con artist job, he doubled down on this fraud.

Covid didn't disappear when Trump left office.
0 Replies
Sun 10 Jul, 2022 06:35 am
Recessions are NOT necessary.
I didn't find anything particularly wrong with what you wrote after this, though not all of it was correct. It was mostly correct...but it included only half the story - and by including only half the story, created a misleading impression. If you were talking only about inflation, you would be mostly correct / but for talking about Recession, it is not complete, and so in the end, incorrect.
0 Replies
Wed 13 Jul, 2022 12:19 pm

Tue 26 Jul, 2022 04:28 am
I find it quite bothering to be honest..
0 Replies
Thu 28 Jul, 2022 12:59 pm
"The current Republican party doesn't stand for anything. Their 2020 platform amounted to anything that Donald Trump said. They didn't even bother to write a platform. If you think about how strikingly authoritarian and cultish that is, because I don't think they believe in what they're selling...so they're answer is to suppress the vote, make it harder to vote, put in measures where the legislatures can simply decide who wins the electoral vote no matter what the will of the people may be in that particular state, and I think their goal is minority rule, less democracy, authoritarian measures that are meant to constrain individual freedom."


Real Music
Thu 28 Jul, 2022 06:35 pm
"The current Republican party doesn't stand for anything. Their 2020 platform amounted to anything that Donald Trump said. They didn't even bother to write a platform. If you think about how strikingly authoritarian and cultish that is, because I don't think they believe in what they're selling...so they're answer is to suppress the vote, make it harder to vote, put in measures where the legislatures can simply decide who wins the electoral vote no matter what the will of the people may be in that particular state, and I think their goal is minority rule, less democracy, authoritarian measures that are meant to constrain individual freedom."

I agree that this is what Donald Trump and the Republican Party is all about.
0 Replies
Fri 29 Jul, 2022 11:44 am
That interview with Tim Miller is extraordinarily valuable. Thank you!
Frank Apisa
Fri 29 Jul, 2022 11:48 am
blatham wrote:

That interview with Tim Miller is extraordinarily valuable. Thank you!

That guy is everywhere these days. Can't swing a cat without hitting him!

Always does come up with good nuggets.
Fri 29 Jul, 2022 01:08 pm
@Frank Apisa,
A very bright young man, that one.
0 Replies
Mon 1 Aug, 2022 10:14 am

More fake news for the Biden Establishment


Fact Check-The Atlantic did not publish a headline on ‘the quiet courage’ of Biden’s economy
By Reuters Fact Check

The Atlantic did not publish a headline referring to “the quiet courage” of U.S. President Joe Biden and the status of the economy under his administration. A fabricated screenshot circulating online has duped some viewers.

The edited screenshot was shared on social media after new data showed the U.S. economy had contracted for two quarters in a row (here).

The screenshot carries the following headline and sub-headline respectively: “The quiet Courage of Biden’s Negative Growth Economy” and “In an era of unchecked economic prosperity, one man had the moxie to pump the brakes to save us from ourselves.”

An iteration on Twitter gained at least 672 retweets as of the writing of this article (here). It was also posted by high profile accounts (here) (here), increasing its visibility.
0 Replies
Mon 1 Aug, 2022 05:49 pm
The Thom Hartmann Program

He describes the horrific, grizzly murder and dismemberment of a 12 year old girl in a kidnapping scheme by William Hickman in 1927.

Hickman was idolized by writer Ayn Rand stating: “Other people do not exist for him [Hickman], and he does not see why they should,” she [Ayn Rand] wrote, gushing that Hickman had “no regard whatsoever for all that society holds sacred, and with a consciousness all his own. He has the true, innate psychology of a Superman. He can never realize and feel ‘other people.’”

"What is good for me is right," a credo attributed to a prominent murderer, William Edward Hickman. "The best and strongest expression of a real man's psychology I have heard," Ayn wrote.

I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwH1ZNc_kNw
0 Replies
Tue 2 Aug, 2022 08:57 am
The US is bellying up to China, testing brinksmanship.
This is rather big news.
I think American oligarchs see that the people are verging on pushback against them—and they’re flipping the switch on their New World Order.

They provoked Russia with Ukraine. They’re provoking China with Pelosi and Taiwan.

I don’t think this genie is going back in the bottle.
Even if it does for a time, this is a bold step toward a new reality.
We will not like that reality.
Walter Hinteler
Tue 2 Aug, 2022 09:07 am
This rhetoric of the right-wing extremists to reinterpret the Russian war of aggression as brought about by the West and to blame the conflict in the Pacific less on Chinese sabre-rattling than on US foreign policy has been the custom here for some time.
Tue 2 Aug, 2022 10:27 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

This rhetoric of the right-wing extremists to reinterpret the Russian war of aggression as brought about by the West and to blame the conflict in the Pacific less on Chinese sabre-rattling than on US foreign policy has been the custom here for some time.

The far right and the far left in this country came to the same conclusions for different reasons.


Things just aren’t that black and white.


Meanwhile, the luminary of the American intellectual left, Noam Chomsky, has invoked former U.S. President Donald Trump as a model of level-headed geopolitical statesmanship for his opposition to arming Ukraine. Left-wing sources—such as Jacobin, New Left Review, and Democracy Now!—have hewed to a party line that blames NATO expansion for Russia’s invasion and opposes military aid to Ukraine.

Online, armies of left- and right-wing accounts find fault with Ukraine’s politics, policies, and president. In Congress, seven of the most fervent conservative Trump supporters voted alongside progressive champions Reps. Ilhan Omar and Cori Bush against banning Russian fossil fuels; even more surprisingly, Omar and Bush are joined by so-called squad members Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib as well as the far-right fringe of the Republican Party in opposing the U.S. government seizing Russian oligarchs’ assets.

All of these developments highlight a bizarre alliance between the two ends of the political spectrum. The question is: Why?
Tue 2 Aug, 2022 10:34 am
American left voices I listen to and largely agree with are mentioned in this article: https://news.yahoo.com/why-some-american-leftists-are-critical-of-us-assistance-to-ukraine-185013163.html

Title: Why some American leftists are critical of U.S. assistance to Ukraine
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Tue 2 Aug, 2022 10:46 am
For many years, "The Left" and the "AfD" have been driven by a common hatred of Western liberalism and "Americanism".
So we had two pro-Putin parties in Germany. ("Had", because the Left has meanwhile distanced itself from it after the Russian war of aggression, with a few exceptions).

Nowhere else than in their joint willingness to throw their weight behind Putin's neo-imperial claims does it become clearer that the supposed ideological antipodes AfD and Left Party have been in fact cut from the same cloth.
Interestingly, the AfD has not yet changed.
Tue 2 Aug, 2022 11:07 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Corbyn has completely isolated himself with his calls to stop arming Ukraine.

Even his old pals ardn't standing with him this time.

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