There are also anti-vaxxers who just don't believe the vaccinations work, or think it's being blown out of proportion, or who don't want to be told what to do who are otherwise normal and rational people. They're not extremists who think it's a hoax or there's a chip in it and whathaveyou.
My main issue is that I really dislike labels and labelling people instead of their behaviour. It disenfranchises people.
I'm fed up with them, too, and would like them to reconsider, but calling some of them out as misognysists and racists is not helpful. We can all concede there are some (m & r's) out there, but there's nothing we can do about it, and hectoring gets us nowhere.
I was just a little shocked that Trudeau came out with that. It's not his usual way of speaking. He could have made a forceful point without resorting to it, so I guess we'll just have to disagree.