Angel187 wrote:George, can you translate these? these are all tattoo ideas but I didn't want them in english because I don't want someone to just assume that they are just tatoos, because each one has a different meaning and memory to me. I just registered after finding this site tonight so I figured I would ask. If you could, please email me as well,
[email protected]
Pray for peace, train for war
Death Before Dishonor
He guides my steps as if to follow the path of righteousness
Never Quit, Never Die
Follow Me, Lets fight like Flight 93
Death Before Dishonor
Usually rendered in Latin by:
Potius mori quam foedare
(To die rather than to act dishonorably)
He guides my steps as if to follow the path of righteousness
Gressus meos quasi semitam recti sequi dirigit
Never Quit, Never Die
Nunquam Cede, Nunquam Morere (singular addressee)
Nunquam Cedite, Nunquam Morimini (plural addressee)
Follow Me, Lets fight like Flight 93
As I have no good way to translate "Flight 93", I would leave it in English.
Sequimini me, sicut Flight 93 pugnemus
Anyone else have a suggestion?