Tue 26 Jan, 2016 10:59 pm

Mary was thrilled to be pregnant with Jesus.

I am sure she and her husband to be was just thrill over the take over of her womb.

I hope satan pays you well

It would be nice if an unreal being could write me a real check.

PS the story of a how the head angel would be able and willing to rebel again the all powerful and all knowing god and take half of the angels in heaven with him while he did so was the very first part of the Christian story at an early age that pin my bullshit needle all the way over when I first hear it.
Wed 27 Jan, 2016 09:30 am
More stupid arguments. Look I made my choice, you made your choice. And its obvious we are not going to wind up in the same place. I'm ok with that. How can you call it coercion? You haven't complied yet.

What I offered was not an argument; it was an observation. And I offered my observation in the hope that you might come to terms with the fact that you are a willing participant in the act of scaring children with tales of a great barbarian who will burn them alive in a place where they never die if they don't love and obey this barbarian. Shame on you!

Also, the length of time that your god gives you to make a choice has no bearing on whether or not it is using coercion. You are attempting to absolve your god of the crime of coercion by arbitrarily attaching a statute of limitation kind of thing onto the crime. This has already been pointed out to you by others.

Wed 27 Jan, 2016 09:42 am
I agree with Glennn.

The very fact that your God is throwing people into a lake of fire, and that he uses this threat to force people into submission, makes your God a cruel bully.

Your God is acting immorally. The fact that he may have the ability to do this does not make it right.
Wed 27 Jan, 2016 10:18 am
There is nothing more thrilling in the world than to find God blessing one.
Ofcourse you will never know that. Huh!
Wed 27 Jan, 2016 10:21 am
lol Your an idiot. Your the one claiming it to children and openly. I never tell children that. Your gross exaggeration and complaining is what reveals it to children. Wake up and look at your logic. It is straight from the devil. And you work for him.
Wed 27 Jan, 2016 10:24 am
lol Again with the gross exaggerations. This thread is not used to force anyone to do anything. It hasn't forced you yet. Why do you all let the devil use you with gross exaggerations.
Wed 27 Jan, 2016 10:35 am
There is nothing more thrilling in the world than to find God blessing one.
Ofcourse you will never know that. Huh!

You mean the 'god' that wiped out almost the whole human race at one point by drowning according to the bible?

Somehow I do not feel a need for such an evil creature blessing.
0 Replies
Wed 27 Jan, 2016 10:47 am
Does your God throw people into a lake of fire for not submitting to Him?

I don't think this is a gross exaggeration of what you are saying. And I think it is immoral to throw people into a lake of fire (for any reason).

0 Replies
Wed 27 Jan, 2016 10:49 am
Your the one claiming it to children and openly. I never tell children that.


To decide who goes down the eternal lake of fire and who goes to heaven. That is your only two choices. Now just think if you don't teach this to your children. It will be your fault your children go down to the eternal lake of fire.

You forgot you said that, didn't you? What is your god's penalty for lying?

This also brings us to the question of how your god can hold innocent children accountable for not knowing what they were never made aware of in the first place. Explain.
Wed 27 Jan, 2016 11:00 am
And if they don't obey me I chastise them. That's what true love is all about.

Yes, you chastise them so that they learn to not repeat mistakes. However, since those who are sent to Hell are never coming back, then what purpose does the agony of such a chastisement serve? It is exactly pain for the sake of pain. There is nothing loving about it.
Wed 27 Jan, 2016 12:09 pm
Your as perverted as they come. There is a time to teach them that. In their teens. But not to publicly make it an issue like your doing now. If its not a public issue like now. It can be handled simple. But when you bring it out with all your gross exaggerations it becomes a frightful thing.
Wed 27 Jan, 2016 12:11 pm
Your wrong. its a very loving thing to the obedient children. When they see God keep His Word. The way you twist and pervert everything it would take a very long time to count your demons.
Wed 27 Jan, 2016 12:50 pm
The way you twist and pervert everything it would take a very long time to count your demons.

Give the known misconducts of the christian god ,demons would seems harmless house pets by comparison.
Wed 27 Jan, 2016 01:01 pm
But when you bring it out with all your gross exaggerations it becomes a frightful thing.

You are forgetting who it was that began expounding on the horror of the lake of fire. Also, you are not willing to admit that you are the one who said that the horrors of the lake of fire should be taught to children. I quoted you saying it! Why are you still denying it?

And there need be no exaggerations when it comes to the effects of the eternal lake of fire that you speak of. I did not make the agony of burning alive for eternity a frightful thing, as such a thing is self-evident.

And you never answered my question concerning the reason for the eternal agony since no one is coming back to exercise their new-found lesson. What part of god is quenched by creating a place of eternal agony?

0 Replies
Wed 27 Jan, 2016 01:02 pm
ROFLOL Your an idiot.

Most people buy a house with the understanding that the can be recalled at any time. They agree that in twenty years if they miss a payment they will loose the house.

Most people buy a car on a bank note, that can be recalled at any time. If they miss a payment the car will be repo These are agreements.

God gives us a set of rules and says we can go to hell for that.. But if we repent He will forgive us. And we can be forgiven 490 times a day.

Now who is more merciful and forgiving man or God????
Wed 27 Jan, 2016 01:04 pm
We are talking about how terrible your God is.

You have said that God will throw people into a lake of fire (and you have made sure that we all understand that this means eternal torment... every bit as bad as possible). Am I wrong?

A God that throws children into a lake of fire is a horrible bully. Sometimes children are obedient. Sometimes children go their own way. If you torture your children, it is you who are being perverse (not them).

Torturing your children is not a moral act. Is this act of a cruel bully.

Wed 27 Jan, 2016 01:08 pm
But if we repent He will forgive us. And we can be forgiven 490 times a day.

An why should we forgive him as his deeds against innocent women and children for example are far worst then most of the gods that mankind had dream up in our history.
Wed 27 Jan, 2016 01:11 pm
BillRM wrote:

But if we repent He will forgive us. And we can be forgiven 490 times a day.

An why should we forgive him as his deeds against innocent women and children for example are far worst then most of the gods that mankind had dream up in our history.

Oooh! Ohhh! I know the answer to this one.

We should forgive him because if we don't we will be thrown into a burning lake of fire.

(Right SqueakyBro).
Wed 27 Jan, 2016 01:12 pm
Yes you are wrong. If you only pick bits and peases out of the bible you are perverting it. People can always repent and escape that destiny.
Man is much more cuel without God than they are with God. without God man does what you and that other idiot is doing. Working for the devil. You take the destiny for evil, horrible people and inflict it on all of us. You pervert and twist everything in an ugly way.
Wed 27 Jan, 2016 01:14 pm
Your an idiot. And a horrible person. You and your gross exaggerations. The innocent are never punished.

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