The point is, Glenn - The biblical God condemns noone.
We, accordingly, (Via free will) condemn oursevelves to eternal anguish.
Yet, via Jesus' teachings - The oppurtunity is given, via repentance, to rectify this.
To recognise ones' own negativities/perversions/immoralities etc allows the oppurtunity for alteration/reversal of such.
Control-mechanisms, such as christianity - induce such, by applying 'eternal damnation vs eternal reward' into the social construct.
If one's karma/frequency is either positive or negative - One exists in said state - An angry person emits anger - A happy person emits happiness..
In Gospel of Thomas (Non-accepted biblically) (Gnostic) Jesus states thus - If you bring out, that which is inside you (meaning goodness/positivity), it will save you.
If you do not, it will destroy you.
Being negative alienates others, unless similarly tuned, and creates negative social, familial, health extensions.
Being positive - the opposite...
We are our own creators - We learn from our physical existences and we return to our (etherealistic) existences better or worse off than previously (Non-linearly, btw).
So just be the best, least harmful and understanding version of YOU that you can - You WILL end up in a frequency-based realm/dimension befitting your integrity.
You can keep returning (physically) endlessly, if you so desire - to relearn, further refine or exist in a beings' body to understand aspects you lack, currently.
Once you acknowledge everything is your design - You may choose to move-up a dimension (There are 11, I hear). We (physicals) are resigned to this one (3rd) until death (physical).
So - 'All's well that ends well'
and 'Much ado about little'
All the best.