ehBeth wrote:
JPB wrote: but I don't intend to vote for HRC in November. I'll be happily voting for Gary Johnson, just like I did in 2012.
wondering if this is still the case
Good question. I'm wondering too. You can definitely scratch "happily" off of that statement. Nothing brings more information than more contact and exposure, which is why it's good that he's been in the media and should be in the debates. He's clearly uninformed on the international stage, which one could (should?) expect from a low-gov't Libertarian.
Mr B and I were discussing this very thing yesterday. I've never agreed with everything he's said or advocates, but given the choices of voting for Hillary who is currently given a 98.6% chance of carrying IL by Nate Silver's fivethirtyeight, voting for Trump (not in this lifetime), or voting for someone who may get enough support to lift an alternative party over the threshold for federal campaign financing support next go-round, I'm still leaning towards the later.
Also, if someone's litmus test is who should have access to the nuclear code, then I'd still go with Gary Johnson. Trump wants to use it, Hillary might use it, and Johnson never would, imo.
I'm definitely voting against both incumbent Rs who are running for Senate and House in my district, whereas I've voted for both of them in the past. I'm undecided on how/if I'll vote in the Presidential election.