Quote Builder:
Quote:You still don't get it, do ya? They want Dillary and Drumpf in the playoff.
Both the Republicans and the Russians, (the latter being the ones whose ideas you are pushing), want Bernie to be the Democratic nominee. That's why they have gone so easy on Bernie and say he's been so poorly treated by his own party.
The Republicans know that Hillary and Bill have taken every smear they've thrown at them since 1992 and came back to win. That's makes them scary to Republicans, since smear is all they've got going for them. The Russians know that Hillary stands for a strong defense generally, and a tight bond to NATO. Russians hate NATO, because NATO prevented Russia from taking over Western Europe as well as Eastern Europe after WWII, and is now preventing Russia from taking back Eastern Europe after Russia went bankrupt and had to let the Eastern Europeans go in 1991. Russia wants Eastern Europe back, NATO is in the way. And Trump wants to break up NATO. Russians love Trump, and hate Hillary.