Technically, I don't think anyone won the popular vote just yet. I think there are still votes to count. The last time I checked, HRC was ahead by a little more than 200,000 votes, but while this is a big number if it was in dollars on a check made out to me, it is less than two tenths of a percent of the total votes cast. O.17% to be precise.
I understand how Clinton supporters feel today, and that they want to take solace anywhere they can find it, but it's not like she crushed him in the popular vote but the Electoral College stole the election from her. This has been our system for a very long time and it could have been changed if the American people thought it was a big enough deal to do so. They never have.
I think Dems should imagine how they would feel if the roles were reversed: "There goes Trump and his supporters whining about a rigged system whenever something doesn't go his way!"
With all the talk there has been about how the EC map favored Clinton, and how narrow Trump's path to victory was, I don't think I heard anyone belly aching about the Electoral College.
The results sure don't spell "MANDATE" for the new president and that's a good thing, but if anybody makes the argument that his victory isn't legitimate because he didn't win the popular vote, they are just being crybaby sore losers.