I'll Never Vote for Hillary Clinton

Finn dAbuzz
Sat 8 Oct, 2016 07:48 pm
I'll participate. Your charge is ridiculous.

You're a Hillary Lover -- and so it is all on you as respects what comes from the next four years.

You'll try, but I hope America won't buy that the last 12 years of failure is the responsibility of Bush.

Sat 8 Oct, 2016 08:28 pm
Quote Krumple:
If this is your mindset [not believing the claimed Emails because the it's pretty sure that Russia first got their hands on them], then how can you trust anything from any source? Unless you grant levity to a side you support?

It's like you would be admitting that both sides are corrupt. The establishment and the whistle blower are not trust worthy because both have an agenda.

First, Russia or it's self admitted agent, (Guccifer?) hacked the Emails. When somebody says they obtained something illegally, and there is no way to verify the hacked material is genuine, you are at the mercy of someone who admittedly has performed an illegal act.

Second, Russia clearly makes out better with Trump as President. Russia took over Eastern Europe after WWII and forced Eastern Europe into poverty while their Western European neighbors built a prosperous new era. Several uprisings were militarily put down. Then Russia went broke in 1991 and couldn't afford to keep Eastern Europe hostage anymore. Once free, the Eastern Europeans looked West and applied for the EU for economic development and NATO to make sure they don't get taken over by Russia again. Since that time, most of the breakaway Eastern European countries have economically outperformed Russia. Russia would not only like to take those countries back, or at least exert military pressure to draw them into Russia's economic influence, but dares not do it because these are NATO countries.

Hillary can be relied on to support NATO as it is, which has kept Russia's expansionist plans at bay since WWII. Trump has said that unless the other NATO countries pay up, he's cutting them loose from American defense and and also said he wants to "shake the rust off" American policy toward Russia by becoming closer to them and basing our policy toward them not by stopping expansionism, but by "mutual shared interests". Which apparently can mean that Russia is fee to roll the tanks into Warsaw as long as they give us a sweet deal economically to make it worth our while.

Given the fact that Putin faces a tough foe in Hillary on one hand, or a thoroughly corruptible dupe/pawn who will make Russia's expansionist dreams come true on the other, it is therefore not rational to trust any purloined Emails that have gone through Russian hands that have to do with Hillary, whom Russia hates. It is only rational to assume that Russia will make any changes or fabricate anything on those Emails to try to prevent Hillary from becoming president. Add to the fact that hacking isn't legit in the first place, and that Russia has an internet troll operation in St. Petersburg, Russia which concentrates on social media and down-talks the West and the US especially, and the idea of trusting those Emails being released seems all the more out of the question.
Sat 8 Oct, 2016 08:59 pm
Blickers wrote:

Quote Krumple:
If this is your mindset [not believing the claimed Emails because the it's pretty sure that Russia first got their hands on them], then how can you trust anything from any source? Unless you grant levity to a side you support?

It's like you would be admitting that both sides are corrupt. The establishment and the whistle blower are not trust worthy because both have an agenda.

First, Russia or it's self admitted agent, (Guccifer?) hacked the Emails. When somebody says they obtained something illegally, and there is no way to verify the hacked material is genuine, you are at the mercy of someone who admittedly has performed an illegal act.

Second, Russia clearly makes out better with Trump as President. Russia took over Eastern Europe after WWII and forced Eastern Europe into poverty while their Western European neighbors built a prosperous new era. Several uprisings were militarily put down. Then Russia went broke in 1991 and couldn't afford to keep Eastern Europe hostage anymore. Once free, the Eastern Europeans looked West and applied for the EU for economic development and NATO to make sure they don't get taken over by Russia again. Since that time, most of the breakaway Eastern European countries have economically outperformed Russia. Russia would not only like to take those countries back, or at least exert military pressure to draw them into Russia's economic influence, but dares not do it because these are NATO countries.

Hillary can be relied on to support NATO as it is, which has kept Russia's expansionist plans at bay since WWII. Trump has said that unless the other NATO countries pay up, he's cutting them loose from American defense and and also said he wants to "shake the rust off" American policy toward Russia by becoming closer to them and basing our policy toward them not by stopping expansionism, but by "mutual shared interests". Which apparently can mean that Russia is fee to roll the tanks into Warsaw as long as they give us a sweet deal economically to make it worth our while.

Given the fact that Putin faces a tough foe in Hillary on one hand, or a thoroughly corruptible dupe/pawn who will make Russia's expansionist dreams come true on the other, it is therefore not rational to trust any purloined Emails that have gone through Russian hands that have to do with Hillary, whom Russia hates. It is only rational to assume that Russia will make any changes or fabricate anything on those Emails to try to prevent Hillary from becoming president. Add to the fact that hacking isn't legit in the first place, and that Russia has an internet troll operation in St. Petersburg, Russia which concentrates on social media and down-talks the West and the US especially, and the idea of trusting those Emails being released seems all the more out of the question.

Okay lets say that everything you mention here is true, which I dont but Ill grant it for argument.

What would be the result if Putin hates hillary so much. Do you think if Hillary wins hes just going to say, "Oh well.."

Can you honestly say this wouldnt drag us into another war we cant afford? Or worse? Do you think Putin is going to just slump his shoulders and shuffle back to his lair defeated?

Why does the US government feel the need to police the entire world? Its american citizens who pay the price politicians stupid choices. Lives and money. I say if Trump is in bed with Putin it saves us from the threat of global nuclear devestation from making a bad choice. Or less, another war we cant afford. Is it really our responsibilty to save eastern europe?
Sat 8 Oct, 2016 09:07 pm
Blickers wrote:

When somebody says they obtained something illegally, and there is no way to verify the hacked material is genuine, you are at the mercy of someone who admittedly has performed an illegal act.

Sure there is. Hillary can release the "original" material. So I guess we are "at the mercy of someone who admittedly has performed an illegal act." Hillary Clinton.
Sat 8 Oct, 2016 09:13 pm
Aren't the Emails from the DNC server? How can Hillary release them?
0 Replies
Sat 8 Oct, 2016 09:17 pm
Quote Krumple:
What would be the result if Putin hates hillary so much. Do you think if Hillary wins hes just going to say, "Oh well.."

Can you honestly say this wouldnt drag us into another war we cant afford? Or worse? Do you think Putin is going to just slump his shoulders and shuffle back to his lair defeated?

Yep. What else can he do? He's overpowered and he doesn't want a war anyway. Hence the political move of maneuvering a dupe ineo the American presidency who'll let him do whatever he wants in Europe.

I say if Trump is in bed with Putin it saves us from the threat of global nuclear devestation

If Trump's in bed with Putin I want him out of the house. The White House, that is. And fer Chrissake burn the sheets.
0 Replies
Sat 8 Oct, 2016 09:17 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
For starters, four of thhpose last 12 years were bush's fault since he was pres thenn, remember? That wwas when the GOP killed the world rconomy. Which obamanomics gojt working again. Obama reduced uninsurednes by abot half which the GOPwas unable to do. The GOP Zhad totally failed durig Bush to retard Iran at al. Obama stopped them for trn years. Its no accidnt obama is now more than twice as favorablfe as Bush because hes done a hell of a lpt better job than the GOP,
Sat 8 Oct, 2016 09:27 pm
The GOP even without Trump. remarkably cosistently.screwed up whatever they touc hed. Why on earth should we trust them agaii

n especially eith theTrump albatross around the
ir necks.
0 Replies
Sat 8 Oct, 2016 10:04 pm
0 Replies
Sat 8 Oct, 2016 10:07 pm
not knowing what's happening in Aleppo means that you don't understand that party and its platform.

It also means he must not read news sites or much of anything.
0 Replies
Sat 8 Oct, 2016 10:09 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Quote Finn:
I'll participate. Your charge is ridiculous.
If you vote for a third party candidate with no hope of winning, you're giving up your chance of choosing which person will be president. You might be laying some groundwork for the next election, although it hasn't worked that way so far in America.

You're a Hillary Lover -- and so it is all on you as respects what comes from the next four years.
If it works out for Hillary the way it worked out for her husband, the Republicans will be jumping up and trying to take credit for all the good things that happened during her term.

You'll try, but I hope America won't buy that the last 12 years of failure is the responsibility of Bush.
The following chart is the GDP, inflation-adjusted, of the USA since 1950. The red circle is when the crash happened before Barack Obama took office. What I see is not failure. What I see is a big setback before Obama took office, then shaking it off and America resuming the march to prosperity. Any country with an economic crash would love to recover like we did.


0 Replies
Sat 8 Oct, 2016 10:24 pm
She's said a lot worse than that.....
0 Replies
Sun 9 Oct, 2016 01:02 am
Wikileaks publishes whatever it's given regardless of source, that doesn't mean it an organ of the Russians.

Assange has not committed any crimes regarding the leaks, and they did the world a service by pointing out atrocities committed by the American military. That's why he's holed up in the embassy.
0 Replies
Sun 9 Oct, 2016 11:07 am
Wikileaks, once again, proves what most suspected about corrupt Hillary Clinton. Trump was set up by the Clinton campaign with a lot of help from their aligned MSM. Set him up as a pied piper candidate, and then take him down with the Stern material right before the election.

Normal Hillary voters (not the complicit Koolaid bunch) are turning from her now that Wikileaks reveals exactly what she is.

Tonight should be epic.
Real Music
Sun 9 Oct, 2016 11:28 am
Normal Hillary voters (not the complicit Koolaid bunch) are turning from her now that Wikileaks reveals exactly what she is.

I have not yet seen any evidence of any Hillary voters turning from her after the latest WikiLeaks.
Sun 9 Oct, 2016 11:50 am
@Real Music,
Real Music wrote:

Normal Hillary voters (not the complicit Koolaid bunch) are turning from her now that Wikileaks reveals exactly what she is.

I have not yet seen any evidence of any Hillary voters turning from her after the latest WikiLeaks.

Evidence? Lash don't need no steenking evidence.
cicerone imposter
Sun 9 Oct, 2016 11:59 am
Hillary leads by five points.
0 Replies
Sun 9 Oct, 2016 12:47 pm
Well, considering that I've been right about most everything I've predicted through this shitshow, I think you should heed your betters.

Otherwise, we wait for the election.

Damn I love Wikileaks.
Sun 9 Oct, 2016 12:59 pm
Heed my betters? You "better" breathe into a paper bag or something, because you MUST be high. Didn't you predict Bernie was going to be the next president? Oh, you must not count that as part of the "shitshow". Babble on, nowhere girl.
Sun 9 Oct, 2016 01:28 pm
snood wrote:

Heed my betters? You "better" breathe into a paper bag or something, because you MUST be high. Didn't you predict Bernie was going to be the next president? Oh, you must not count that as part of the "shitshow". Babble on, nowhere girl.

Bernie would be the next president, as has been proven by DNC correspondences made public by Wikileaks, had the DNC and Hillary not cheated.


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