Hundreds of Armed Right-Wing Militia Members Take Over Federal Building

Sun 17 Jan, 2016 10:57 am
So now you are going to ignore the Oregon law?

If someone has not returned the car when they are arrested, how do you know they were intending to return it?

However, the same culprit who drives off in another's car without permission and takes it across the country probably demonstrates a specific intent to permanently deprive the owner of the car and would be guilty of the more serious crime of car theft.
Failing to return the car shows intent under your quote. Being arrested before returning to the car meets that standard.
Sun 17 Jan, 2016 01:40 pm
parados wrote:

So now you are going to ignore the Oregon law?

If someone has not returned the car when they are arrested, how do you know they were intending to return it?

However, the same culprit who drives off in another's car without permission and takes it across the country probably demonstrates a specific intent to permanently deprive the owner of the car and would be guilty of the more serious crime of car theft.
Failing to return the car shows intent under your quote. Being arrested before returning to the car meets that standard.

Heh, Parry, you and Bobby never seem to be able to grasp the point, eh? You guys wanna go to law school, get hired on in the DA's office in Harney Co. Oregon, and try to get the charges changed out of the petty vengeance you're seeking, help yourselves.

I aint tryin to play DA here like you are. I made one simple point. He was NOT charged with theft. Ya don't like that? Go talk to the DA. I aint him, as you seem to think.

Or are y'all STILL tryin to maintain the false claim that he WAS charged with theft? If so, you're still wrong. Give it up.
0 Replies
Sun 17 Jan, 2016 01:53 pm
farmerman wrote:

and Lyndon Johnson who , as president said>
"Im gonna fight the Civil Rights Act- right up till the day I sign it"

Yeah, how could I forget to include in good ole LBJ, eh, Farmer? He was from Texas, not what we call the "deep south," but he was in tight with them pervs.
Sun 17 Jan, 2016 02:12 pm
Strange h0w some people wish to rewrite not only the laws but history such as LBJ getting the most civil right laws on the books then any other president in history.

Of course a white southern Texan president doing so do not fit into some racist blacks world views too well.
Sun 17 Jan, 2016 02:20 pm
BillRM wrote:

Strange h0w some people wish to rewrite not only the laws but history such as LBJ getting the most civil right laws on the books then any other president in history.

Of course a white southern Texan president doing so do not fit into some racist blacks world views too well.

If you knew LBJ's history, Bill, then you would know what I said is right. Apparently you don't. But, since you don't, it's kinda curious that you would claim that another person is "rewriting" it, eh? More sciolism?
Sun 17 Jan, 2016 02:25 pm
BillRM wrote:

Strange h0w some people wish to rewrite not only the laws but history such as LBJ getting the most civil right laws on the books then any other president in history.

Of course a white southern Texan president doing so do not fit into some racist blacks world views too well.

You realize that Layman didn't say anything about LBJ other than to agree with Farmerman, right? Last I new, Farmerman was not known to be a "racist black".

Please quit being a knee-jerk reactionary.
0 Replies
Sun 17 Jan, 2016 02:38 pm
If you knew LBJ's history, Bill, then you would know what I said is right.

It hard in fact very hard to rewrite history when you are dealing with a person who live through that period in time.
Sun 17 Jan, 2016 02:48 pm
It hard in fact very hard to rewrite history when you are dealing with a person who live through that period in time.

Indeed it is. But is that what you're trying to do? What is your point in saying this?

Do you claim to know LBJ's history with the Dixiecrats? If so, are you denying that LBJ fully supported and co-operated with them while in the senate?
Sun 17 Jan, 2016 03:06 pm
LOL it is once more true that LBJ had placed on the law books more civil right laws and voting rights laws then any other president in history.

Kind of making the job of portraying him as a good old southern boy amusingly hard.

Sun 17 Jan, 2016 03:11 pm
Kind of making the job of portraying him as a good old southern boy amusingly hard

Yes or no?:

Do you claim to know LBJ's history with the Dixiecrats? If so, are you denying that LBJ fully supported and co-operated with them while in the senate?
Sun 17 Jan, 2016 03:22 pm
LOL it is once more true that LBJ had placed on the law books more civil right laws and voting rights laws then any other president in history.

As a matter of elementary civics, Bill, you should know that the executive branch (e.g., President) does not create or pass the laws. The legislative branch (e.g., senators) does that.
cicerone imposter
Sun 17 Jan, 2016 03:25 pm
But the president must sign it for it to become law.
0 Replies
Sun 17 Jan, 2016 03:27 pm
I stand behind my statements concerning LBL actions as president and I do not care or know if he needed or not to play racial politics as a senator or not.

Any actions of his that ended up allowing him to be in the position to become president was worth while and to the benefits of both blacks and the whites who care about racial justice.

Sun 17 Jan, 2016 03:34 pm
LOL LBJ was well known to pressure lawmakers to the point of near arms breaking when he got behind a bill.

But after all he was white so you can not seems to grant him the credits that he had earned in the area of civil rights.

Reverse racism seems to be going on here.
0 Replies
Sun 17 Jan, 2016 03:35 pm
I do not care or know if he needed or not to play racial politics as a senator or not.

OK, fine, thanks for the admission. Now do you care to retract your charge that I was attempting to "rewrite history?"
Sun 17 Jan, 2016 03:53 pm
Now do you care to retract your charge that I was attempting to "rewrite history?"

Hell no as his records for civil right outshine any president we had have in office for at least a hundred years.

An your attempts to focus on a time period when he was not president in order to paint a false picture of him as being just a good old boy is sickening to me.

If he had been just a old boy, the civil rights laws of the 1960s would not had come into existence for the most part.
Sun 17 Jan, 2016 04:30 pm
BillRM wrote:

Now do you care to retract your charge that I was attempting to "rewrite history?"

Hell no

Exactly what I expected from you, Bill. You do this over and over. No matter how obviously wrong you are, factually and morally, you will NEVER admit it. You will continue to assert false statements regardless of the facts.

You cavalierly, without any basis whatsoever, accused me of dishonesty (rewriting history). You were wrong. You are wrong. You're the dishonest one here, and you repeatedly make that obvious. You have ZERO intellectual integrity.

Just keep on truckin in your solipsistic world where the facts are whatever you claim them to be and you are ALWAYS right, eh?
Sun 17 Jan, 2016 05:11 pm
I got you dial in to a fine degree as it would just killed you to admitted that a southern white man of that era had done more for the benefits of racial justice then all the black leadership of the 1960s was able to do all together.

You look at the fine details of LBJ life in order to show some very mild elements of racism while ignoring all the major anti-racism programs he set into motion as president.

Sorry that it would be painful for you to admitted that LBJ or any other southern white for that matter , are not given to be racists due to their skin color or their place of birth.
Sun 17 Jan, 2016 05:27 pm
Mon 18 Jan, 2016 05:10 am
For two decades in Congress Johnson was a reliable member of the Southern bloc, helping to stonewall civil rights legislation, such as anti-lynching bills.

Robert Parker, Johnson’s sometime chauffer, described in his memoir Capitol Hill in Black and White a moment when Johnson asked Parker whether he’d prefer to be referred to by his name rather than “boy,” “nigger” or “chief.” When Parker said he would, Johnson grew angry and said, “As long as you are black, and you’re gonna be black till the day you die, no one’s gonna call you by your goddamn name. So no matter what you are called, nigger, you just let it roll off your back like water, and you’ll make it. Just pretend you’re a goddamn piece of furniture.”


"During his first 20 years in Congress," Obama said, "he opposed every civil rights bill that came up for a vote, once calling the push for federal legislation a farce and a shame."

In his 1948 speech in Austin kicking off his Senate campaign, Johnson declared he was against Truman’s attempt to end the poll tax because, Johnson said, "it is the province of the state to run its own elections." Johnson also was against proposals against lynching.


Good ole LBJ, eh?

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