blatham wrote:
Quote:The people who want to protect nature from mankind at all costs are in the true sense of the word extremists as this is clearly not a generally held position by Americans.
But no such individuals exist. You should take the time to write a phrase or sentence that reflects the real world
Perhaps millions upon millions don't exist, but denying that any do is less in touch with the real world than anything I've written. Walter, in his post, seems to be explaining why they don't exist in America, which I think it's safe to assume, means he believes they do in Germany. Perhaps you should lecture
him on the facts of the real world.
Which brings me to the unfortunate fact that you seem to fixate on one or two sentences in what I post without bothering to consider the rest.
If, in this case, you had, you would have noticed the following and saved yourself the time spent in being redundant
Quote:I'm not arguing against the general concept of preserving wildlife and natural habitats, and any decisions made in this regard shouldn't be based on whether or the critters involved please human eyes, but somewhere between stopping any and all encroachment on developed land and carelessly rendering species extinct there is a balance to be struck.