I notice you didn't cite this text, eh?
Anti-Zionism as Anti-Semitism
With the beginnlng of the intifada-the Palestinian uprising against Israel in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank-in December 1987, campus anti-Semites had a seemingly endless supply of material to justify their claims of "Zionism is racism" and "Zionist imperialism." Many of these anti-Israel statements were more than mere criticism of Israeli policy,
which would, of course, be legitimate; they were anti-Semitic because they questioned Israel's right to exist, singled out the Jewish state for harsh criticism while ignoring anti-Israel terrorism, condoned international Zionist conspiracies or reflected other double standards. Anti-Jewish sentiments were often mixed into anti-Israel or written pieces, showing that many of the critics were not seeking a political discussion , but were intent on spreading hateful stereotypes.
Anti-Zionism became an acceptable way to express anti-Semitic sentiments.
Anti-Israel statements also became socially acceptable material for college newspapers and speakers in the late 1980s. When Jewish students would attempt to protest editorials or lectures, they were sometimes accused of attempting to stifle the free exchange of ideas. For example, Kwame Ture (the former Stokely Carmichael), a Black nationalist figure, was often
applauded by large segments of students for regularly vilifying Zionism, Israel, and Judaism in frequent appearances at colleges and universities beginning in the mid-1980s. He coined one of his favorite phrases, "
The only good Zionist is a dead Zionist," at Columbia University in 1985, and used it regularly.
Quote: Americans of African descent are notorious for their antisemitism,
So now you're saying blacks are anti-Semitic, eh? Of course YOU would never accuse an entire race of "racism" would you. YOU don't do that.
And then you offer up this highly subjective and emotion-laden claim, which is, at a minimum, highly debatable, as FACT, eh?
Quote:The extremists of Zionism...are responsible for almost seventy years of bloody slaughter in Palestine.
The extreme zionists are 100% responsible for 70 years of bloody slaughter, eh? The extremist "anti-Zionist" factions had NOTHING to do with any violence that occurred in the last 70 years, right? Gee, this kinda appears to be a clear instance of "anti-semitism" as defined above thusly:
Quote:anti-Semitic because they...singled out the Jewish state for harsh criticism while ignoring anti-Israel terrorism
But wait....you SAID you weren't anti-Semitic, eh? Nice words, sho nuff.
By now, only Gawd would know how many times I have been accused of being "racist" at this site. But, of course, that's different than pointing out that someone might appear to be anti-Semitic, aint it? Prejudice against blacks is probably more widespread than prejudice against jews, hence more "popular," hence more acceptable, and hence it is not all that bad to display it. The majority might even give you an award (in private, of course), who knows?