Lash wrote:
You really missed an opportunity to bond with a like mind. You two are such twinsies!! JTT really is Izzythepush! Stop playing! LOL
I would bet a large sum of money that they are not. JTT was the classic case of someone who wanted and expected the US to act in total keeping with its noble aspirations, and was driven to deep cynicism and outrage when he learned it never had. That it never could was obviously something he couldn't accept. You may recall that he rarely if ever criticized other nations or governments even though he had to know that no matter how bad US actions have been there have been numerous nations throughout history guilty of just as bad or worse actions. He was by no means ignorant.
I could,of course, be wrong but I don't believe his obsessive disdain and criticism of both America and Americans was based on the visceral hatred that one might find in someone who felt they had been seriously wronged by the US, more a bitter disappointment.
Make no mistake, his connecting virtually every topic discussed to some US sin as well as the personal insults he leveled at everyone he didn't think was sufficiently on to American perfidy got old very fast. There was an enormous conceit evidenced In his posts which was what I found most irritating. It was if he thought he was on holy mission, doing his bit for Goodness and Light, by hectoring virtually everyone in this forum, however I never got the impression that his insults were spewed because of his own insecurity, because he found it fun, or because he was so filled with bitter bile that he had to let it out it it would kill him.
No, they are quite different characters. I sometimes wonder what ever happened to JTT. Most of the people in this forum seem to have lives outside of A2K, some may hate those lives and therefore try and spend as mucht time here as they can, but I always wondered what life JTT could have because it just didn't seem possible that he limited the expression of his obsession to here.
He actually had a "softer" side which only rarely was in evidence, and he was quite intelligent. If only he could have controlled his obsession he might have remained irritating at times, but he could have provided an interesting perspective on topics.