Heyy!!!! It's the only state where they don't have prior knowledge of me - give a bird a break would ya?
Good thread. I'm OK today. Not better, not worse. Just OK.
Better than I've been in months.
Huge weight off my shoulders here at work. Feel like I'm sitting up straighter, and breathing easier too.
from my horoscope today
Quote:A delivery of some kind that you were expecting to come from far away might be delayed, eBeth , causing you to wonder if it might have been lost. It hasn't - it's just delayed. Unfortunately, there's not much you can do but wait.
if I'd seen this earlier today, I'd have had an easier morning.
I was waiting for an announcement that my supervisor had been shown the door. Tap tap tap. Tap tap tap.
Ding Dong. The witch is dead.
<inhaling and exhaling freely again>
Very good thread.
Today I am feeling pretty well. I am almost well rested and would have been more so if one of my cats didn't start headbutting me at 5am.

My pain levels are tolerable, I went for a very enjoyable drive with my sweetie this afternoon and tonight it is dinner out and an evening stroll as the sun goes down.
All in all, not too darn shabby methinks.
Ooh, good news, Beth.
I'm doing a gig that requires me to invite people to the site for me to get my paycheck... I HATE that. But I went ahead and invited the required number. Fine. Done. Then I had a little niggling doubt and went and double-checked the wording -- it says "successfully invite," which I thought meant, like, use valid emails, but then elsewhere it says "get 15 people to join", which is different. And last day of the promotion is today, so if I don't get enough people to join, I get nada. So I have to invite more people. Which I hate.
Oh well.
That sounds like a scam, Soz.
Did you have some editing work to do too, or was this like a telemarketing kind of thing?
ehBeth wrote:from my horoscope today
Quote:A delivery of some kind that you were expecting to come from far away might be delayed, eBeth , causing you to wonder if it might have been lost. It hasn't - it's just delayed. Unfortunately, there's not much you can do but wait.
if I'd seen this earlier today, I'd have had an easier morning.
I was waiting for an announcement that my supervisor had been shown the door. Tap tap tap. Tap tap tap.
Ding Dong. The witch is dead.
<inhaling and exhaling freely again>
This calls for champagne, ehBeth!
Lord Ellpus wrote:TRA-LA-LA!!
Today.....just this minute in fact......I AM OVER THE BLOODY MOON!
My son has just phoned, to say that he has received his University results, and that he achieved a "2.1" Degree in Marine Biology.
He is now fully entitled to wear a white coat, grow a beard and fiddle with various sea creatures.
This 2.1 now means that he has been accepted into the Masters Degree intake that he has been aiming for.
More champagne, please waiter!
That's wonderful, Lord Ellpus! He's obviously a chip off the ol' block! :wink:
Clary wrote:Hope your cold is better today, Olga!
It's actually gotten worse, Clary!

In a minute I'll get dressed & head off to the shops for a fresh truckload of tissues, more aspirin & lemons, etc, etc ... But it's the sneezing that's getting me down. Violent, repetitive, wild sneezing! I feel as though my (very red) nose is going to fly off!
nimh wrote:Good thread. I'm OK today. Not better, not worse. Just OK.
Just OK, nimh? Time to go out & buy some more plants for your balcony, then! You'd be an expert by now, yes?
Lady J wrote:... Today I am feeling pretty well. I am almost well rested and would have been more so if one of my cats didn't start headbutting me at 5am.

My pain levels are tolerable, I went for a very enjoyable drive with my sweetie this afternoon and tonight it is dinner out and an evening stroll as the sun goes down.
All in all, not too darn shabby methinks.
Indeed, J! Sounds pretty good to me!
sozobe wrote:... And last day of the promotion is today, so if I don't get enough people to join, I get nada. So I have to invite more people. Which I hate.
Oh well.
Hope you made it Sozobe!
I know how you feel, though. I did one marketing stint for a school publicity campaign a few years back. Good days when I felt very lucky

& bad, bad days when nothing I said could do the trick!
Good luck!
Bella Dea wrote:... fell down some stairs. Doing laundry. Must mean I should stop having to do the laundry right?
Absolutely, Bella!
No more laundry for you! You lucky woman!
J_B wrote:...I'm unbelievably frustrated. I've been trying to lose 10 stubborn pounds since January. Just 10 pounds!!! What's so hard about losing 10 lbs? I fear that as I approach 50 my body has taken on a mind of it's own and all the tricks, efforts and hard work in the world aren't going to change anything. Frustrating, incredibly frustrating.
Hang in there, J_B!
Are you on a special diet?
Ah, today is not the best day to describe my self.
Move along, shhhhusssss, shhhhhusssshhhh.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, I see, osso.
Please return tomorrow, then & report on the improvement!
I don't think I made it. Oh well.
Meanwhile, I had a terrible night. Started fine, but then the fire alarm went off and woke everyone up, way up. OK, "terrible" is overstating, because it was just the fire alarm -- it didn't like the humidity was the best we could figure -- and it could've been a lot worse. And sozlet got back to sleep fairly quickly. But E.G. was wide awake and keeping me awake with his hyperness and I really really wanted to get back to sleep! Finally did, after like hours.
While sleeping had terrible, detailed, epic dream about being -- somewhere, vaguely New Yorkish or Washingon DCish, but it had a west coast (this could be NYC or something), and I was in some sort of official building (that's the Washington DCish part, maybe the White House?) and I was working there and suddenly it was overtaken by Afghanis. :-? In dream-logic, they were definitely Afghanis. Anyway, the imagery that has stuck with me is the sun setting behind an oncoming mob, pouring through very wide doors. I was myself, even though working here, and had to get to sozlet. There was much more -- we found her, (we? E.G. was around I'm pretty sure, and at some point I joined forces with some Afghani women -- this thing was epic, really), we retreated to this house way inland (see, couldn't be NY, NY -- the coast was to the west, and we went east, inland), and when I woke up, the entire skyline of where we retreated from was black with roiling smoke.
Handy collection of fears, eh? It's a bit embarrassing -- Arab terrorists are my boogeyman? how cliche! -- but one thing I came away with when I woke up is it's so easy for us over here, out of the line of fire. An inkling of what it's like to actually see all of that smoke and destruction, and have it be happening at home. Obviously there is 9/11 in there too, writ large, and that was at "home", but still different from the feeling I mean.
Uh, so anyway. That's how I am today.