Lord E, I just caught up on this thread and want to send another hug your way. My mother faced a similar situation with my father, tending to him and caring for him as long as she could. He became ill with the flu and required hospitalization. The doctors there suggested the possibility of long-term care. It was a difficult decision for her, but the best one for both of them.
For the first couple weeks she carried a load of guilt for not having him at home, but by the end of the first month she said that her greatest guilt was in not feeling guilty. He continued to deteriorate and it was painful for her to watch and wait for his illness to be finished using his body. The person he was had passed on long before his disease did.
You've made a difficult decision, but it is truly the best decision for both of you.
(((( Lord E ))))
Yes, also just catching up... as an only child, these kinds of decisions are likely in my future, and I'm not looking forward to them.
Looks like your handling all of this extraordinarily well, Lord Ellpus; you seem to have done an excellent job of figuring out the right moment for her to make the move. Hugs.
Oh, LordE. Forgive me for not replying sooner. I still haven't caught up with everything since the Chicago trip. I'm so sorry you're having to go through all this. It's tough. But it sounds like you're handling everything marvelously.
You are being a Very Good Son. Yes, you are.
Clary wrote:Long time no post, sorry about that all and sundry and hoping you are all in fine fettle.
About time, too! Thought you'd forgotten us all for a minute there, Clary! :wink:
My fettle could be finer, but a sunny today (at last!) has improved my outlook hugely!
Oh, I've just come back to this and I see that there are replies I haven't acknowledged. I apologize for my rudeness, people. Thanks to all concerned, for your good advice and kind thoughts.
It's a case of three steps forward, and two back at the moment, but things are starting to work out, albeit slowly.
The thing I have to do now, is to sort out the stack of paperwork that goes with it all, and to answer all the official questions, I have to delve through stacks of my Mums personal papers, and try to find all the relevant information. I then have to get cracking on emptying out her home, which I'm not looking forward to at all.
The one thing I have to do, is get myself organised, and have made my mind up to start on this in a big way on Wednesday, when I start two days off.
Once again, many thanks to all.
Good luck with it, Ellpus! You're going to have to gird your loins to get through this! (You poor thing!

Me today? Tired & cranky! Who was the sadist who invented prefessional performance appraisal?
Sad after reading LE's story.
Annoyed as I seem to be procrastinating again.
msolga wrote:Me today? Tired & cranky! Who was the sadist who invented prefessional performance appraisal?

professional, I meant! (Jeez, Olga!!!)
How are you doing, Olgs? Long time no post from you! Visit my travel thread for a verbal snapshot. I may have to move on today, as my host's daughter might arrive and need the room!
(((LOrd E)))))
I am tired. Due to heavey rain, the trains got cancelled and it has taken me 1.5 hrs to get to work in over packed alternative route.
Ahh well, another 6 hrs to go and then I am off to Scotland to sit by the lochs and sip single malt for 4 days
Aberlour is the favourite tipple of my Indian host here... getting quite a taste for it myself. Happy travels!
Bloody pain in my left arm for a couple of days, so I've had enough and have made a doc's appointment for this morning.
I think I may have dislodged something, don't laugh, throwing a ball for my friend's dog!!
Typing one handed at the mo, not that you'd notice...
Tired. We left Bangkok this morning and are now in Udon Thani. Bangkok is great if you're a single guy who wants to immerse himself in the numerous pleasures available there. Or if you want to shop 'til you drop. When you're there out of necessity to take care of business that can't be dealt with anywhere else, it's big, noisy, dirty and crowded.
Clary wrote:How are you doing, Olgs? Long time no post from you! Visit my travel thread for a verbal snapshot. I may have to move on today, as my host's daughter might arrive and need the room!
I just visited your travel thread, Clary. Was this current, very extended trip away from home planned, or do you just decide sponteously which place you'll go to next .... whenever the spirit moves you? I'm quite envious.
Me? A bit blah. Got them ol' winter glumpskies, I'm afraid. And I just got my second cold in about 8 weeks. (Wish I could think of something exciting to tell you!

msolga wrote:You're going to have to gird your loins
I am wracking my brain trying to come up with a good come-back for this and I can't, my imagination is all over the shop.
Heeven wrote:msolga wrote:You're going to have to gird your loins
I am wracking my brain trying to come up with a good come-back for this and I can't, my imagination is all over the shop.
come on, Heeven! If you really, really try, I'm certain you can come up with something here!
Lord Ellpus wrote:Bloody pain in my left arm for a couple of days, so I've had enough and have made a doc's appointment for this morning.
I think I may have dislodged something, don't laugh, throwing a ball for my friend's dog!!
Typing one handed at the mo, not that you'd notice...
Saw Doc who sent me for an Xray. Nothing broken, just pulled my radial spatula or something. Currently in sling for about a week.
How does one pee, using only one hand ? Left handed....right hand free.
Ho hum, the bathroom floor is going to have a good time.
Glad the ball-throwing didn't do any further harm, harrumph, Lord.