Heeven wrote:Crabby........
Good luck, Heeven. If you want a relaxing massage with exotic oils, just give me a call.
Me, I'm feeling apprehensive.
I have just noticed that it's the 10th April today, and every 10th of the month, a bright light appears in the sky and at precisely 2.47 A2k time, I get abduc....
My office just moved and the new rugs made my eyes itch and water ,phone system did not work or I could not follow the instructions.Other that that I had a good day as I got to walk to work instead of paying for transit .
I hope all who have all have colds recover soon
That was me Ellpus, snatching you out of the U.K., spiriting you across the waters to me.
I fully intend to get that exotic massage and deposit you back on Droitwich Manors steps without even knowing you were gone! The missus would have my head if she knew so I couldn't even take the risk YOU would be aware of our carry-ons once a month.
In a moment I will snap my fingers and you will wake up!
As I was saying, I am in a better mood today. Apparently the smile will not leave my face ... for some reason!
nimh wrote:Aw, MsOlga ... I feel for you, up here winter's just over (I hope for real, this time), and boy does that make me glad. Winters suck.
Thanks, nimh. You ol' fellow summer lover, you!
I'm glad
your winter's over.
yes....and ours is sneaking in.....
On Monday I was turning up the airconditioner because it was too hot. On Wed I was turning up the heating because it was too cold.
On Monday I was in Dubai. On Wed I was in London.
On Tuesday, I was in a plane,
........ted by little green men, and end up losing a week or two. Bloody strange!
A bit better today, after a couple of very stressed weeks. Phew.
I spent today working my way through a backlog of things that seriously needed to be done! (In fact, should have been done ages ago!) I feel more in control now. Well, sort of ....
About six months ago, my Mum started acting weird. I began to get phone calls form her where she would ask me to bring her home, even though she was at home at the time. She has lived in her place for about twenty years.
Over the coming weeks, the calls increased in frequency, ending up at an average of 25-30 per day. Wherever I was, she would somehow track me down and start ranting.
She is 84 and was widowed about three years ago. She has become quite frail over recent times, in body first, and now mind.
I raised the subject of her going into a more purpose built place on two occasions, and had my head bitten off both times. She is an ex nurse who used to work in old people's homes for much of her life, and has always said that she would never live in one.
So....after six months hell for both of us, I finally had had enough and went for a serious talk with her GP. He had also noticed her decline, and liaised with the local Social Services (mental health dept) in order for her to get some extra day to day support. A Social worker was allocated, who immediately realised that Mum needed a psychiatic assessment, as it was looking like she had altzheimers.
The assessment determined that she had dementia (the type brought on by vascular problems, apparently) and they again raised the subject of sheltered accommodation. More fireworks ensued.
I am the only sibling that lives in the area, the other four having buggered off to Oz (2), France (1) and Cornwall(1.... which is about 300 miles away).
In an effort to have a break from all this stuff, I took my wife away for a week to Malta, about 2 weeks ago. I had previously alerted Soc Services that I would be away, and they had arranged for daily help to go in twice a day to administer drugs, make sure she had eaten etc etc.
Anyhoo, while we were away, Mum was found out on the road in front of her house at about midnight (on two occasions) by her neighbours. She was wearing next to nothing and didn't know where she was. This wasn't the forst time, as I had been called over there several times for the same reason, about a month before.
Social sevices held an emergency meeting, and decided that Mum was now a danger to herself. When we got back from hols, an answerphone message was waiting, telling me that they were seeing Mum that very day, and they were going to persuade her to go into a local home for a two week "assessment".
She surprisingly agreed to this, and asked that it be me that takes her over there. When I arrived, we packed her things and set off in the car.
From the moment we set off, she turned funny and started saying that it was all my fault, and that I had arranged it all. I was basically a no-good son who was just dumping her.
That made me feel all warm inside, as you can imagine.
Well, she settled in quite quickly, and has apparently been playing the electric organ that they have there, getting all the others to sing along to old time tunes. Her dad (my grandad) was a very good pianist, and she learned it all from him. I was amazed that she remembered how to play, as she hasn't sat at a piano/organ for about twenty odd years.
The manager reported that she had a great sense of humour and was immersed in their activities most of the time. On the whole, she was enjoying all the company and really having a rare old time.
However, when I arrive on the scene, she very quickly becomes agitated and starts pleading with me to take her home.
The reports are that she is still wandering around in a confused state from about 4pm (funny, it's as if a switch is pressed in her brain....she is lucid all day, and then 4pm onwards.....totally a different person) and that a further assessment had been carried out. The agreement was that she could not really be allowed to look after herself, and that they would gradually see that she was gently "acclimatised" to the home, by giving her another six weeks on her "assessment". I have been assured that this is the usual way of doing things with independent minded people, and by the time a further six weeks is up, they have pretty much fitted into the routine of the home, that they start regading it as the norm.
She has already forgotten where she lived, and can't remember the rooms, her garden, and most surprisingly, her darling budgie (small bird, like a parakeet).
The snag is, she doesn't know about this further six week thingy yet.
I am due to visit her today, whereupon she will be told. I know what will happen. I will wear protective headgear.
Later on today, as it is obvious that she will be there permanently, I have to take her little bird over to the re-homing place at the RSPCA (we have a very efficient and crafty cat at home....no way can we look after a bird).
They are very good, and will either re-home it, or gradually re-introduce it to a flock of other little budgies, in a lovely big aviary where he can actually learn to fly at last.
I will still feel like a total **** though, handing him over and saying goodbye.
My next unenviable task will be to clear my mum's home out, as it is a Council place, and they will want it back as soon as possible.
THAT, I will not enjoy, one little bit. Still, it's better than having to tell her I've done it in a couple of weeks time, when she has finally realised that she's not coming home.
So, how am I feeling today?
Like a total and utter b*stard.
Ellpus, that's terrible. I really feel for you. To be the only one available to do all this (when there are four other siblings!) also seems quite unfair. And to be copping abuse from your mother, too! You poor thing. Here's a supportive hug for you >>>> ((((hug))))
I hope that makes you feel a wee bit stonger & up to the ordeal.
Me- in a word:COLD!!!! Brrr. Wet & windy today!
And a wee bit p'd off & rather perplexed. How come I'm suddenly getting emails on penis enlargement from some mystery source?

And why won't my email blocker block them?
I got a spuriouse commbank one the other day.
The first i've spam email ive had. Are you with "Large pool" Msolga.
I noted they have been pushing an antivirus download from their site. call me cynical but i did wonder.
Nope, dadpad, not with large pond. A smaller mob.
Strange, I've very rarely received spam, either. I don't visit the websites rumoured to cause these sorts of emails to happen. Not doing anything different at all. But usually blocking the sender stops 'em. Not this time.
I cried myself to sleep last night due to me realising I have no future, so I could be better.
Oh, material girl!
<pat, pat>
It isn't true, of course!
Thanks but I have issues I havnt even talked about on here.
Well I'm so sorry you're feeling so unhappy. Anything I can do to cheer you up?
Make me attractive and confident and not be so hung up about certain necessities in life.
Find me a well paid job that Id enjoy as well and Il buy you an ice cream.
OK, then!
I have my magic wand poised & ready to go! (Not that you need it for the "attractive", bit, I'm sure!)
When you say "ready" I'll grant you all you wish, material girl.