No. Is depicts a nude *fe*male...
makes me feel uncomfortable. how did she haul that sofa into the midst of wilderness and why is she nekkid on a velvet sofa? she'll just get it dirty. not sensible at all. i'm sure she was walking around barefoot and now she plops those feet on the sofa. nossa senora!
It's called "The Dream," dag.....duh.
You Taurus people are entirely too down to earth. We Librans would never look at a painting like that and think of moving furniture or cleaning upholstery. Perhaps this is the problem with your painting?
the prince wrote:No. Is depicts a nude *fe*male...
You cannot even appreciate the beauty of a female body, G?
Wait a minute! Fer Crissake, this painting is about psychology, it's not erotica!
dagmaraka wrote:makes me feel uncomfortable. how did she haul that sofa into the midst of wilderness and why is she nekkid on a velvet sofa? she'll just get it dirty. not sensible at all. i'm sure she was walking around barefoot and now she plops those feet on the sofa. nossa senora!
You funny thing, dag!
Pssst: I suspect it feels
very nice, being nekkid on a velvet sofa!
Must try that some time!
Try being nekkid on a leather sofa - it is even nicer.
Eva wrote:
You Taurus people are entirely too down to earth. We Librans would never look at a painting like that and think of moving furniture or cleaning upholstery. Perhaps this is the problem with your painting?
SO true! So Dag's a Taurean, eh? Food for thought.
Why nekkid and not naked? Is this like saying shoot for shi-t?
I think nakedness on leather sofas is most uncomfortable. A silken throw would be necessary on the velvet but would be slippery on the leather.
Another bright and beautiful morning here!
Hello Everybody!
It's been a are you? Happy, happy new year to all of you!
I've been busy lately at work, but I'm ok.
leather sofa, by golly! in the summer, when you're all sweaty and you stick to it like a lollipop to a rug. cringe.
dunno about nekkid, clary. i picked it up on this site, i just like the way it lookes typed. i'm a foreigner, what do i know? (how far can i take this excuse? far, it seems, very very far...)
i finished the darned painting!!! at 5 am, but i did. It's called One Flew of a Phoenix Over The Panelaky .... panelaky being the typical eastern european cement apartment buildings, a leftover from communism. they form whole cities sometimes, with hundreds of thousands of people living there. well, now back to my writing. ugh.
seats in the public transport in slovakia used to be made of this fake leather... in the summer, when one wears shorts or a skirt, one much sit very cautiously, otherwise you leave a small puddle of sweat that is highly visible and highly gross - especially if you're the one waiting for a seat to free up. no no no, you won't find me naked on a leather sofa anytime soon.
dagmaraka wrote:seats in the public transport in slovakia used to be made of this fake leather... in the summer, when one wears shorts or a skirt, one much sit very cautiously, otherwise you leave a small puddle of sweat that is highly visible and highly gross - especially if you're the one waiting for a seat to free up. no no no, you won't find me naked on a leather sofa anytime soon.
Yeah, we have that too, on some old hungarian's
Glad to know the word Panelaky, my son's Czech girlfriend's family live in one, I'll try it out on her!
panelak - singular, panelaky - many of em.
So it's Friday the 13th today & I'm about to head off to the dentist.
They gonna take that remaining tooth, msolga?
Good Heavens, Friday already? Good luck with the toothpuller, Olga, enjoy it!
Yes, Dagma, Lucie said her parents live in a panelak, no wonder she thinks sharing a tiny flat with my untidy son is fine!
gustavratzenhofer wrote:They gonna take that remaining tooth, msolga?
They're trying very hard to save it Gus. A bit touch & go ....
haha, msolga - my best friend is a dentist and she's having a party tonight that i'm gonna be attending. should i be worried? then again, i was born on the 13th and it was almost friday.
clary, it's a good humility exercise. whenever i catch myself feeling greedy or posessive, i think of people who live in a panelak all their life...