Unfit for Command

Reply Mon 23 Aug, 2004 02:55 pm
PDiddie wrote:
What is a Klintler?

A figment of an overheated, obsessive imagination...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Aug, 2004 06:52 pm
DontTreadOnMe wrote:

apparently a "klintler" is a democrat who stops tyrants from "murdering their own people" and then "liberates them and gives them democracy" even worse, a f***ing "klintler" does it someplace with no oil to speak of and ithout high troop losses. the bastard...

Bastards come in different flavors, i.e. evil bastards like slick Klintler and gnorant bastards who believe bullshit like that.

Milosevic and Serbia were totally innocent of the kinds of **** Klintler and Albright were accusing them of, and the whole world pretty much knows that by now.

Any sort of a thorough research will turn up the reality that the whole problem in Kosovo was always the Albanian Kosovars and not the Serbs. The present problems seemingly began with Milosevic rescinding the autonomy of the region in 1989. The truth is that he had no options, and that all other ethnic groups in Kosovo were being brutalized by the Albanian Kosovars:


Further readings and articles from the 80's tell much the same story:


What about before that? The truth is that, despite the endless villification and demonization which they came in for from the Clinton spin machine and the NATO propaganda arm, the Serbs are the closest thing there is to normal, rational, decent people in the balkans. They fought with the allies in WW-II and in fact held Hitler for seven months and sent him into Russia in the dead of winter rather than on schedule, but for which the whole world might be sporting swastikas now. They in fact saved 500 allied airmen who were shot down on raids over Ploesti and other targets in the region:


Needless to say, any allied airman who was ever shot down over one of the states surrounding Serbia was killed. The states surrounding Serbia all sided with Hitler, e.g.:


The Serbs paid a horrific price for all of this. Hundreds of thousands of them were murdered, many in Nazi-style death camps set up in the surrounding states.

The KLA in fact has turned out to be little more than a Balkans branch of Al Quaeda, and the whole world pretty much knows that by now as well.

This is the work of an evil, perverted bastard:


The missing infrastructure in Iraq is due to Saddam Hussein's spending infrastructure money on palaces. The infrastructure problems which Serbia is experiencing is due to the Klintler/Albright/WesleyClark policy of targetting things like the petrochemical plant at Pancevo and dumping hundreds of tons of toxic chemicals in the Danube river, hundreds of kilometers from any legitimate military target in Kosovo. Russians called that an act of international terrorism.
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Reply Mon 23 Aug, 2004 06:54 pm
Setting the Stage for 9/11


Tim Russert devoted an hour to interviewing former White House counterterrorism official Richard Clarke. But some controversial claims that go to the heart of Clinton's so-called "war on terrorism" were unchallenged. One was Clarke's claim that Clinton didn't bomb al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan because "there were lots of other things going on in the world…" Clarke claimed that Clinton "had the Middle East peace process close to an agreement. He was bombing in Serbia. He was bombing in Iraq. In retrospect, with 20/20 hindsight, people now understand that he should have bombed the camps [in Afghanistan]. I said so at the time."

Clarke didn't mention that Clinton's bombing in Serbia benefited Islamic extremists in Kosovo allied with Osama bin Laden. So Clinton couldn't bomb Islamic terrorists but he could bomb Christian Serbs? And Clarke defends this nonsensical policy? Those Islamic extremists were active again in March when they went on their own "ethnic cleansing" campaign against Serbs that remain in Kosovo. Many Serbs were killed, hundreds fled, and more Christian churches were destroyed.

How could Clinton bomb al Qaeda in Afghanistan while serving their interests in Kosovo? That's the question Tim Russert should have asked. Clarke also mentioned other problems faced by Clinton, such as "attempts to take over Bosnia during the jihad in Bosnia." Clinton "thwarted" this and other problems, Clarke insisted.

Clinton facilitated the jihad by approving shipments from Islamic Iran to Islamic radicals in Bosnia in 1994. At a hearing on this matter conducted by the House International Relations Committee, chairman Rep. Benjamin Gilman noted that the Clinton administration implemented this policy secretly, permitting Iran, "the world's leading terrorist state, a rogue state, to ship arms to Bosnia and thus gain a major foothold in the Balkans."

Then-vice chairman, Democrat Lee Hamilton, noted in the same hearing that Iran was the first Muslim country to recognize Bosnia, and that Bosnian leaders had traveled to Iran in 1991 and 1992 for assistance. The U.S. Ambassador to Germany, Charles Redman, told the hearing that Iranian deliveries of arms into Bosnia actually began in the summer and fall of 1992, that Iranian revolutionary guards were deployed in Bosnia in late 1992 to begin a training program for the Bosnian army, and that by 1993, "hundreds of revolutionary guard personnel were in Bosnia…" Clinton then put his stamp of approval on the operation.

But because the Clinton administration crafted a peace agreement for Bosnia, and because Iranian influence and personnel were said to have been eventually reduced there, Hamilton said that the Clinton policy of approving Iranian arms to Bosnia was wise and proper. This is the same Lee Hamilton, now retired, who is serving as vice-chairman of the 9/11 commission. Under Clinton, the U.S. joined Iran as a patron of the Bosnian regime. Clinton set the stage for 9/11 by supporting Islamic extremists in Bosnia and then Kosovo. That's the incredible story that Richard Clarke, Lee Hamilton and the media don't want to talk about.

Cliff Kincaid is the Editor of the AIM Report and can be reached at [email protected]
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Reply Mon 23 Aug, 2004 09:23 pm
swolf wrote:

Bastards come in different flavors, i.e. evil bastards like slick Klintler and gnorant bastards who believe bullshit like that.

ignorant bastards? like me? oh, you mean ignorant bastards like me that have friends in both the local serb and croate community that make regular visits back to the old country to see family members when they aren't in danger of being ethnically cleansed. gee, i gyess wgat they told me was just talking trash.

thanks for clearing that up..

Rolling Eyes
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Reply Mon 23 Aug, 2004 09:52 pm
Slick Klintler's 80-day bombing campaign over Serbia was the work of an evil, psychopathic bastard regardless of what any of your "friends" might be telling you. The opportunity for a totally new relationship with Russia was right there; it died in Klintler's bombing campaign.
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Reply Tue 24 Aug, 2004 01:28 am
So what's a Klintler again?
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Reply Tue 24 Aug, 2004 02:15 am
swolf wrote:
Slick Klintler's 80-day bombing campaign over Serbia was the work of an evil, psychopathic bastard regardless of what any of your "friends" might be telling you. The opportunity for a totally new relationship with Russia was right there; it died in Klintler's bombing campaign.

man... you gotta stop smokin' that ****. it's hurtin' you. bad...

totally new relationship with russia? i, for one would have thought that the millions, if not billions, of american dollars pumped into mokba would have done that. if not we always had levis to fall back on. at least until conservative corporate dick heads shipped the last factory off to japan. for the 100th anniversary, no less!

but hey, no worrys bro. we can count on bush's "close personal friendship" with "va-lad-mur" to save the day. why just look at how helpful that cute li'l russkie's been in iraq already. aw hell, he ain't so bad for an ol' kgb kommisar. and him an' dubya like the same toothpaste,too.
now we're talkin' 'bout bondin'!

my "friends", as you say, tell me what they tell me. they are from the former yugo.

howz 'bout you, cowboy?

here's what i love about folks, like you, that seem to put off the "back the president or you are un-patriotic" stuff;

you have no problem calling clinton a murderer or a liar, or the man who ruined america with a single stroke of his weaner. or even, ma gawd, an evil, psychopathic bastard.

bush attacks EVERYONE except the jerks that killed us, and you want to make him the messiah. duh!

here. let's have fun. get in the way back machine to dec. 7, 1941. george w. roosevelt is "THIS PRESIDENT". the prsident addresses the nation;

"ma fella 'murcans. this mornin' at about sevun uh-clock, we were attacked by the japanazis. uh horrble act o' weapons o' mass destructun that ahl be reminden ya 'bout in every gawl darn speech i give over the next few years."

"in rasponse to this act o' tearr'r, i have today order'd the invasion of mexico."

so. i guess it's only un-patriotic to dis the prez if he's a republican. i say that because, i've never heard a liberal or a democrat say that the president is "un-patriotic".

seems a little flip floppy to me...

but, people that have blind support for bush probably can't get past their hatred of carter, clinton, kerry and those damn kennedys long enough to notice, let alone think, about it.

is that neener neener enuf fer ya?

0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Aug, 2004 02:27 am
PDiddie wrote:
So what's a Klintler again?

don't ask me man, i's an igorant bastard. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Aug, 2004 02:35 am
by the way. Milosevic has been put up for the nobel peace prize, sainthood and the republican nomination for senate in illinois.
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Reply Tue 24 Aug, 2004 04:33 am
Oh come ON not another thread that went all Serbia slash Clinton on us! How often have we tackled Swolf on this? Its a fascinating topic, but fer chrissakes, does every thread with Swolf in it need to end up there?

This thread was perhaps the one thread, out of countless, on the SVFT thing that had pretty much the most complete info - now where did it go ..
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Reply Tue 24 Aug, 2004 04:42 am
The [Kerry] campaign Monday organized a conference call for reporters with three men who served with Mr. Kerry, one of whom had become visible over the weekend through a letter to the editor of his hometown newspaper, The Telluride Daily Planet, in Colorado.

In the letter, the man, Jim Russell, said that he had served on the Bay Hap River with Mr. Kerry the day he won his Bronze Star and that they had come under significant enemy fire as Mr. Kerry rescued Jim Rassmann. His account contradicted that of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, who have said there was not a major firefight. "Anyone who doesn't think that we were being fired upon must have been on a different river," Mr Russell wrote.

Rich Baker, who served in Mr. Kerry's Swift boat division, told reporters on the conference call that Mr. Kerry was the "most aggressive officer" in charge of the Swift boats and "extremely qualified" to serve as commander in chief.

Mr. Baker pointed out that at least two of the commanders now involved with Swift Boat Veterans for Truth had given Mr. Kerry glowing evaluations during his time in Vietnam. "With no disrespect to anyone out there, the whole Swift boat operation took courage and guts every time you stepped on those boats," Mr. Baker said. "But John Kerry was one step above the rest of us, in my opinion."

The third veteran, Rich McCann, noted that a photograph on the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth Web site and in its book, portrays him as neutral on the question of whether Mr. Kerry is "fit for command.'' But Mr. McCann said the group had not asked him whether he believes Mr. Kerry would be an effective commander in chief - and he does. "As I said it in 1969 and I'll say it again today,'' he said, "if I had to go up a river and come under fire, I'd want John Kerry to watch my back.''

Mr. Kerry, meanwhile, called another veteran from another war, former Senator Bob Dole of Kansas, to confront him for comments he made on Sunday on CNN. Speaking to the CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer, Mr. Dole, who for two decades has had a reputation as one of his party's most aggressive attackers, had argued that "there's got to be some truth to the group's charges.'' Mr. Dole, whose arm was severely injured when he served in World War II, had also questioned the severity of the injuries that led to Mr. Kerry's three Purple Hearts and said Mr. Kerry should apologize for his antiwar statements of the early 1970's.

But in another interview with CNN on Monday, he said of his discussion with Mr. Kerry, "He said he was disappointed.'' Mr. Dole added, "And I said, "John, I didn't mean to offend you.' But he said he added, " 'You know, George Bush is my guy.' "

The Swift boat group, meanwhile, was explaining a connection between it and Ms. Arceneaux. Records obtained by The New York Times also list Ms. Arceneaux as an officer of a political strategy company headed by William Dal Col, who has managed Republican campaigns.

She has also been an officer of several conservative organizations, whose other officers include Deborah Steelman, a Bush adviser on health care in 2000, and Sally Atwater, whose late husband, Lee, was an architect of the famous "Willie Horton'' attack advertisement against Michael S. Dukakis when he ran against President Bush's father in 1988.

Reached at her home in Virginia, Ms. Arceneaux would say only, "I'm just a vendor,'' and referred all other questions to a spokesman for the Swift boat group, Sean McCabe.

Mr. McCabe said the post office box was associated with Ms. Arceneaux because she was handling all of the group's accounting. He said she was hired because she had a specialty in "political compliance'' but did he not say who recommended her to the group.

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Reply Tue 24 Aug, 2004 05:29 am
DontTreadOnMe wrote:

you have no problem calling clinton a murderer or a liar, or the man who ruined america with a single stroke of his weaner. or even, ma gawd, an evil, psychopathic bastard.

bush attacks EVERYONE except the jerks that killed us, and you want to make him the messiah. duh!

I view 9-11 and poisoning the US senate office building with anthrax as acts of war and there is overwhelming evidence that Saddam Hussein was responsible for the anthrax part of the deal. The people who perpetrated all of that have suffered since and there has been no recurrance.

Moreover, the whole world pretty much knows how a democrat president would have reacted:




Or for that matter, how the French typically deal with that sort of thing, assuming a democrat president had somehow or other incorporated French aid in some sort of a kinder, gentler war on islammic terrorism, as the gigolo claims we should have done:

0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Aug, 2004 06:32 am
He's Toast.
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Reply Tue 24 Aug, 2004 06:33 am
He's Toast.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Aug, 2004 09:16 am
I view 9-11 and poisoning the US senate office building with anthrax as acts of war and there is overwhelming evidence that Saddam Hussein was responsible for the anthrax part of the deal.


We'd love to know what your standard reading list for a day might be. And we'd love to know how you might have formed your concepts of reasonable evidence, burden of proof, logical argument and fallacy. And we'd love to know how you manage to get through the long period from sunup to sundown without stepping into lurking lamposts and walls, and from stepping into any minimal revelation of the vacuous nature of your discourse.
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Reply Tue 24 Aug, 2004 09:25 am
by snapping one's fingers in series of threes while turning around counter-clockwise, one can, mysteriously it seems, not only avoid lurking lamposts but demmunists and suuthwestern elephants. I heard of this when I snuck into a "Rosicruicans for Bush" meeting behind the local Walgreen's Pharmancy last tuesday eve.
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Reply Tue 24 Aug, 2004 09:34 am
blatham wrote:
I view 9-11 and poisoning the US senate office building with anthrax as acts of war and there is overwhelming evidence that Saddam Hussein was responsible for the anthrax part of the deal.


And we'd love to know how you might have formed your concepts of reasonable evidence, burden of proof, logical argument and fallacy.

I've posted this once or twice before, nonetheless you appear not to have seen it:

The first case of anthrax after 9-11 (Bob Stevens) showed up within miles of where several hijackers stayed JUST BEFORE 9/11, a very unlikely coincidence considering that they could have stayed anywhere in the country.

The last previous case of anthrax in a human in the United States prior to 9-11 had been about 30 years prior to that.

There are other coincidences. For instance, the wife of the editor of the sun (where Stevens worked) also had contact with the hijackers in that she rented them the place they stayed.

Atta and the hijackers flew planes out of an airport in the vicinity and asked about crop dusters on more than one occasion. Indeed, Atta sought a loan to try and modify a crop duster.

Atta and several of the hijackers in this group also sought medical aid just prior to 9/11 for skin lesions that the doctors who saw them now say looked like anthrax lesions.

Basically, you either believe in the laws of probability or you don't. Anybody claiming that all these things were coincidences is either totally in denial or does not believe in modern mathematics and probability theory.

While the anthrax in question originally came from a US strain, it isn't too surprising that Iraq might have that strain since that strain was mailed to laboratories around the world years earlier.

Nonetheless, it was highly sophisticated, and went through envelope paper as if it weren't even there; many thought it to be not only beyond the capabilities of Hussein but of anybody else on the planet as well including us. Nonetheless, later information showed Husseins programs to be capable of such feats:



In a major development, potentially as significant as the capture of Saddam Hussein, investigative journalist Richard Miniter says there is evidence to indicate Saddam's anthrax program was capable of producing the kind of anthrax that hit America shortly after 9/11. Miniter, author of Losing bin Laden, told Accuracy in Media that during November he interviewed U.S. weapons inspector Dr. David Kay in Baghdad and that he was "absolutely shocked and astonished" at the sophistication of the Iraqi program.

Miniter said that Kay told him that, . That would make the former regime of Saddam Hussein the most sophisticated manufacturer of anthrax in the world." Miniter said there are "intriguing similarities" between the nature of the anthrax that could be produced by Saddam and what hit America after 9/11. The key similarity is that the anthrax is produced in such a way that "hangs in the air much longer than anthrax normally would" and is therefore more lethal.

Basically, the anthrax attack which followed 9/11 had Saddam Hussein's fingerprints all over it. It was particalized so finely it went right through envelop paper and yet was not weaponized (not hardened against antibiotics). It was basically a warning, saying as much as:


"Hey, fools, some of my friends just knocked your two towers down and if you try to do anything about it, this is what could happen. F*** you, and have a nice day!!"

There is no way an American who had had anything to do with that would not be behind bars by now. In fact the one American they originally suspected told investigators that if he'd had anything to do with that stuff, he would either have anthrax or have the antibodies from the preventive medicine in his blood and offered to take a blood test on the spot. That of course was unanswerable.

The basic American notion of a presumption of innocence is not meaningful or useful in cases like that of Saddam Hussein. Even the Japanese had the decency to have their own markings on their aircraft at Pearl Harbor; Nobody had to guess who did it. Saddam Hussein, on the other hand, is like the kid in school who was always standing around snickering when things went bad, but who could never be shown to have had a hand in anything directly. At some point, guys would start to kick that guy's ass periodically on general principles. Likewise, in the case of Saddam Hussein, the reasonable assumption is that he's guilty unless he somehow or other manages to prove himself innocent and, obviously, that did not happen.

At the time, the US military was in such disarray from the eight years of the Clinton regime that there was nothing we could do about it. Even such basic items as machinegun barrels, which we should have warehouses full of, were simply not there. Nonetheless, nobody should think they would get away with such a thing and, apparently, Hussein and his baathists didn't.

Bob Woodward's book "Bush at War" documents some of this:


'Cheney?s chief of staff, Scooter Libby, quickly questions the wisdom of mentioning state sponsorship. Tenet, sensitive to the politics of Capitol Hill and the news media, terminates any discussion of state sponsorship
with the clear statement:

"I'm not going to talk about a state sponsor."

'Vice President Cheney further drives the point home:


"It's good that we don't, because we're not ready to do anything about it."

Again, the Japanese had the decency to have the rising sun on their aircraft at Pearl Harbor. Given what we have to deal with in the case of the events of Autumn 01, including the anthrax attacks, in my view at least, the United States would have been fully justified in using nuclear weapons to remove the entire islammic world from this planet starting with Mecca and Medina on general principles. What the Bush administration has actually done, aside from being considerably more reasonable than that, is fully justified by the facts.

In the case of Saddam Hussein, in my view, the evidence that the 9-11 hijackers themselves were responsible for the anthrax attacks seems certain and, GIVEN THAT and given the quality and nature of the anthrax in question, there is no reasonable way to believe that anybody other than Hussein could have provided them with it or that they would have had any rational or reasonable motive to try to get it from anybody else.
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Reply Tue 24 Aug, 2004 09:35 am

Were they (please, Jesus!) picking up medication?
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Reply Tue 24 Aug, 2004 09:46 am

The information I posted regarding Clinton was intended to help you understand his true record against terrorism. Did you actually read any of it ?

From your reaction, I'm guessing that either you're not sincerely interested in rational, informed, respectful dialogue, or you're not capable of it.

In either case, I'll be off to other threads now. You take care of yourself, ok ?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Aug, 2004 10:38 am
angie wrote:

The information I posted regarding Clinton was intended to help you understand his true record against terrorism. Did you actually read any of it ?

Like I say, the idea that Slick Clinton ever did anything regarding terrorism other than exposing us to more of it than necessary is entirely ludicrous.
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