Mon 9 Nov, 2015 01:14 am
Campus tensions reached a boiling point during the Oct. 10 homecoming parade, when student protesters blocked the parade route by standing in front of a car containing Wolfe. The car inched forward and, according to communications professor Melissa Click, bumped into a protester. Wolfe did not speak to the protesters, and police took them off the street, threatening arrest.

Wolfe “allowed his driver to try to drive around us, even hit one of us,” said Shelbey Parnell, 20, a black studies major who participated in the demonstration. In an interview, she said police threatened protesters with pepper spray and pushed them, and Wolfe “did not intervene whatsoever.”

“His silence is violence,” she said.




Butler, a black graduate student, began his hunger strike Nov. 2, pledging to consume only water until Wolfe is removed. Grad students were already unhappy with Wolfe because of changes to their healthcare.

Mon 9 Nov, 2015 09:08 am


At stake is more than just pride for the struggling Southeastern Conference squad. If the football team’s boycott doesn’t end by Saturday, when Mizzou is scheduled to play Brigham Young University, the school won’t just forfeit the game; it will also automatically forfeit $1 million for breaking a contract between the two colleges. For MU, the total cost likely will be far higher.
Even if the football financial threat finally seems to have Wolfe and the protesters speaking the same language, however, it might be too late to save the university president’s position.

The university’s board of curators has called a special behind-closed-doors meeting on Monday morning, according to the Associated Press. Even if the board doesn’t fire him, Wolfe is under mounting pressure to resign.

On Sunday, the state’s top legislator on education called for Wolfe to step down.

“… It has become clear that the MU system leadership can no longer effectively lead and should step aside,” said Rep. Steve Cookson, Republican chairman of the Missouri House Committee on Higher Education, citing a string of alleged missteps by Wolfe, according to the Missouri Times.

“The lack of leadership Mizzou has been dealing with for months has finally reached the point of being a national embarrassment,” added state Rep. Caleb Jones, another Republican who represents Boone County, home to the university’s flagship Columbia campus. “It’s time for a change in leadership and start the healing process.”

Student mobilization against Wolfe also appears to be accelerating. Two graduate student groups at MU have called for walkouts this week in support of the protesters. The Steering Committee of the Forum on Graduate Rights and the Coalition of Graduate Workers have organized student walkouts for Monday and Tuesday to demand Wolfe’s resignation, according to the Associated Press.

And on Sunday night, a group of about 150 students gathered on campus to pray for Butler and call for Wolfe to step down.

0 Replies
Mon 9 Nov, 2015 01:51 pm
Well the other shoe had drop and the Missouri state university system is going to be under very tight PC control from now on.



Tim Wolfe, University of Missouri System President, Resigns

University of Missouri President Resigns
Publish Date November 9, 2015. Photo by Justin L. Stewart/Columbia Missourian, via Associated Press. Watch in Times Video »
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COLUMBIA, Mo. — Amid a wave of student and faculty protests over racial tensions that all but paralyzed its flagship campus here, the president of the University of Missouri system resigned Monday, urging everyone involved to “use my resignation to heal and start talking again.”
bobsal u1553115
Mon 9 Nov, 2015 01:53 pm
University of Missouri president leaves over race complaints
Source: AP


COLUMBIA, Mo. (AP) — The president of the University of Missouri system resigned Monday amid criticism of his handling of student complaints about race and discrimination.

President Tim Wolfe said Monday that his resignation is effective immediately. The announcement came at a special meeting of the university system's governing body, the Board of Curators.

The complaints came to a head over the weekend when at least 30 black football players announced they would not participate in team activities until Wolfe was removed or stepped down.

For months, black student groups have complained of racial slurs and other slights on the overwhelmingly white flagship campus of the state's four-college system. Frustrations flared during a homecoming parade Oct. 10 when black protesters blocked Wolfe's car, and he did not get out and talk to them. They were removed by police.

FULL story at link.

University of Missouri system President Tim Wolfe speaks on the phone in a room in University Hall on campus near late Sunday night, Nov. 8, 2015, in Columbia, Mo. Earlier in the afternoon, Wolfe released a statement pertaining to a future "systemwide diversity and inclusion strategy" for the UM System. The statement was the latest response to growing unrest at on the campus, ranging from graduate student rights to a lack of response over matters of race and discrimination. (Bea Costa-Lima/Missourian via AP)

Read more: http://bigstory.ap.org/article/e39861e9b88045bba25e28888dfa551c/university-missouri-protests-grow-after-athletes-jump
Mon 9 Nov, 2015 01:54 pm
Remember one of the great rallying cries of the left is that they HAVE to teach critical thinking skills. What's funny is that nothing that gets taught in those schools approaches "thinking skills" let alone "critical thinking skills". It's a left wing love fest and indoctrination fest is what it really is.
bobsal u1553115
Mon 9 Nov, 2015 01:54 pm
Missouri Faculty to Walk Out in Solidarity With Students
Source: ABC News

The Concerned Faculty group at the University of Missouri is to begin a two-day walkout today in support of student activists who say the school has done too little to address their concerns about racism and racial intolerance on campus.

"We, the concerned faculty of the University of Missouri, stand in solidarity with the Mizzou student activists who are advocating for racial justice on our campus and urge all MU faculty to demonstrate their support by walking out on Monday November 9 and Tuesday November 10, 2015 along with other allies such as the Forum on Graduate Rights," according to a statement released late Sunday night by The Concerned Faculty group.

"Faculty will meet at the Carnahan Quadrangle starting at 10am and will be present throughout the day to respond to student questions in the form of a teach in. Students are encouraged to check email for information from their professors."

It's unclear how many staff, if any, plan to walk out at the Columbia, Missouri, campus.

FULL story and video at link.

Read more: http://abcnews.go.com/US/missouri-faculty-staff-walk-students-solidarity-show/story?id=35068809
0 Replies
Mon 9 Nov, 2015 02:10 pm
Keep your seat belt on and take note of the very idea of a
free speech zones is interesting, as any public campus in the US should a totally a free speech zone under the bill or rights first amendment.

Now is the ACLU going to protected those non-pc speech rights one wonder.


Just three days after ‘Campus Free Expression Act’ OK’d, profs told to correct peers who use words that might offend others

Four pages of ‘inclusive terminology’ distributed at University of Missouri workplace diversity seminar

Just three days after it became unlawful in Missouri to restrict student speech to campus “free speech zones,” faculty at the University of Missouri-Columbia were advised to correct peers’ noninclusive language, otherwise known as politically incorrect terminology.

An administrator leading a workplace diversity seminar Friday told the 70 or so scholars and others in attendance that they should subtly correct peers who use vocabulary that some have deemed hurtful or offensive.

Attendees at the voluntary seminar were also given a four-page “inclusive terminology” document that instructs them on what words to use while interacting with others. The handout includes dozens of words and definitions deemed acceptable by campus leaders and diversity gurus.

“If you have a professor who you think might need a little bit of awareness, there are ways to bring that out to the person,” Amber Cheek, the university’s disability inclusion and ADA compliance manager, told the nearly standing-room-only crowd.

“Sometimes people gravitate away (from inclusive language),” Cheek added. “We all live in our own lives. We all live in our own cultural experiences … and there is always going to be a large group of people who don’t want to get out of that or who want to stay in their comfort zone. So – you have to draw them out. And sometimes the best way to do that is to pose your (chastisement) as, ‘Here is how to be a better coworker, here is how to be a better professor.’ And this is just one part of that.”

Cheek did not respond to an email from The College Fix seeking additional comment.

Friday’s event, titled “The Power of Words: Inclusive Language at Mizzou,” was meant to underscore the Chancellor Diversity Initiative. The overall message? Be on the lookout for language floating around on campus that could be perceived as potentially triggering.

“Since we strive for a culture of inclusion, here at Mizzou it is important that we are conscious of the language that we use in talking about or describing people,” a description of the event states. “This facilitated discussion will provide you with currently appropriate terminology …”

The administrative advice came just three days after students at Missouri’s public colleges were given a free pass to say whatever they want, wherever they want, through the Campus Free Expression Act.

Yet it remains to be seen how the spirit of that act – freedom of speech and expression – will play out in classrooms.

For example, a list of “Racial Microaggressions in Every Day Life” posted on the University of Mizzouri’s website in 2012 remains online today, one aspect of the public university’s effort to make the campus more “inclusive.”

The list is very similar to one used by University of California faculty leaders, and cites the following phrases as offensive microaggressions:

“America is the land of opportunity”

“There is only one race, the human race”

“America is a melting pot”

“Where are yo[/quote]
0 Replies
Mon 9 Nov, 2015 02:15 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
have complained of racial slurs

Yes indeed I read how some drunk walking by a group of black students used racial slurs directed toward them and there was flag that no one know who hung also.

Yes sir we have an emergency where the first amendment should not apply.
0 Replies
Mon 9 Nov, 2015 02:21 pm
It's a left wing love fest and indoctrination fest is what it really is.

Well the right wing have no better history in this nation with if black lists and witch hunts of communists in the 50s.

It just depend on who is in power at the moment who get to try to indoctrinated our next generation by trying to control what ideas can be expressed.
bobsal u1553115
Mon 9 Nov, 2015 02:21 pm
News & Politics
Read University of Missouri Protesters' List of Impressive Demands That Led to President's Resignation

Clear and concrete requests from a very focused protest effort.
November 9, 2015


The Legion of Black Collegians and and an alliance of students including members of the University football team associated who have launched and pushed the boycott at Missouri published a list of demands they want met. Read a good backgrounder on the events that led to the protests. President Tim Wolfe announced his resignation this morning. The following is their list of demands:

We demand that the University of Missouri System President, Tim Wolfe, writes a handwritten apology to the Concerned Student 1-­9-­5-0 demonstrators and holds a press conference in the Mizzou Student Center reading the letter. In the letter and at the press conference, Tim Wolfe must acknowledge his white male privilege, recognize that systems of oppression exist, and provide a verbal commitment to fulfilling Concerned Student 1-9-5-­0 demands. We want Tim Wolfe to admit to his gross negligence, allowing his driver to hit one of the demonstrators, consenting to the physical violence of bystanders, and lastly refusing to intervene when Columbia Police Department used excessive force with demonstrators.

II. We demand the immediate removal of Tim Wolfe as UM system president. After his removal a new amendment to UM system policies must be established to have all future UM system president and Chancellor positions be selected by a collective of students, staff, and faculty of diverse backgrounds.

III. We demand that the University of Missouri meets the Legion of Black Collegians' demands that were presented in 1969 for the betterment of the black community.

IV. We demand that the University of Missouri creates and enforces comprehensive racial awareness and inclusion curriculum throughout all campus departments and units, mandatory for all students, faculty, staff, and administration. This curriculum must be vetted, maintained, and overseen by a board comprised of students, staff, and faculty of color.

V. We demand that by the academic year 2017-2018, the University of Missouri increases the percentage of black faculty and staff campus-wide to 10%.

VI. We demand that the University of Missouri composes a strategic 10 year plan by May 1, 2016 that will increase retention rates for marginalized students, sustain diversity curriculum and training, and promote a more safe and inclusive campus.

VII. We demand that the University of Missouri increases funding and resources for the University of Missouri Counseling Center for the purpose of hiring additional mental health professionals -- particularly those of color, boosting mental health outreach and programming across campus, increasing campus-­wide awareness and visibility of the counseling center, and reducing lengthy wait times for prospective clients.

VIII. We demand that the University of Missouri increases funding, resources, and personnel for the social justices centers on campus for the purpose of hiring additional professionals, particularly those of color, boosting outreach and programming across campus, and increasing campus-­wide awareness and visibility.
Mon 9 Nov, 2015 02:29 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
IV. We demand that the University of Missouri creates and enforces comprehensive racial awareness and inclusion curriculum throughout all campus departments and units, mandatory for all students, faculty, staff, and administration. This curriculum must be vetted, maintained, and overseen by a board comprised of students, staff, and faculty of color.

My my a soviet type committee to made sure only approved ideas are allow to be express on campus and perhaps off campus on the internet for example by either students or staff.
bobsal u1553115
Mon 9 Nov, 2015 02:52 pm
My my a soviet type committee to made sure only approved ideas are allow to be express on campus and perhaps off campus on the internet for example by either students or staff.

My my, what a crock. Correction: what a racist crock!
0 Replies
Mon 9 Nov, 2015 03:23 pm
Thousands of influential Mizzou alumni couldn’t care less about social justice, racism or the protection of African-American students. They like football and tailgating every Saturday. And if firing Wolfe and addressing some racism gets them back in the parking lot with a beer and a brat watching black men run up and down a field this Saturday, so be it.

At the end of the day, there are lots of people who can serve as a college president, but there aren’t nearly as many who can break four tackles for a score on third and 7. Let’s just hope that other prominent college football teams see the power that was shown by the Missouri Tigers today: that if you stay organized and unified, you don’t have to just run the field; you can run your school.


Great, the last thing America needs is for university football programs to have even more power on campus than they have already.

Do you remember the days when University was mostly about education? Those were the days. Now they hire mostly itinerant lecturers rather than tenured professors to save money on the job they dont care about (educating undergrads) , and the blacks on the football team decide when the president needs to be shoved out when their victim identity is not scratched well enough by the university administration.,
Mon 9 Nov, 2015 03:49 pm
This Wolfe ouster is very interesting. I have no doubt that some established authors are will be pitching a book on this by the end of the week, with the villain most likely being the Board of Trusties.
Mon 9 Nov, 2015 04:58 pm
When the Missouri Tigers announced over the weekend that they would not practice, would not lift weights, would not watch film and will not play a game until Wolfe resigned, this exploded into a hot-button national story. National news organizations flocked to campus and set up shop, with live shots against a backdrop of a protestor tent city next to the school’s iconic columns. Not ideal optics for the school president to contend with.

And by mid-morning Monday in central Missouri, Wolfe was done contending. He was instead tendering his resignation.

No way that happens this fast without the leverage the football team provided. They were big men on campus, indeed. College athletes should feel empowered by what happened at Missouri – although with great power also comes great responsibility to use it wisely and appropriately.

As is so often the case, if you want to bring attention to your school, put the football team front and center. Usually that means serving as the social hub of the university, a unifying element for students and alums. In this case, it’s something far different.

But it was a stroke of PR genius by the Concerned Student 1950 protest group, and I’m heartened by the players’ willingness to get involved in a major campus issue. They’re not just there to run, lift weights and smash into student-athletes from rival schools; they should be learning about the larger world, testing their belief systems and, occasionally, challenging authority.

What’s happening at Mizzou right now should be viewed in the context of what happened recently in Ferguson, Mo., less than two hours from campus. This Civil War border state, with a complex and occasionally distressing racial history, has become a national petri dish for examining race relations. And good for the football players for actually paying attention and jumping into the dish.

(It’s also appropriately cynical to wonder whether this eruption of social conscience would have happened last year, when Missouri was 7-2 at this point and on its way to a second consecutive Southeastern Conference Eastern Division title. This year’s Tigers are mired in a four-game losing streak and in danger of not earning a bowl bid.)

I’m also impressed by the athletic administration’s response to what may be every college coach’s biggest fear – a player revolt. Coach Gary Pinkel, who was in high school in northern Ohio when four students were shot dead at Kent State and who went to college there, has publicly supported his players. So has athletic director Mack Rhoades.

They resisted any authoritarian urge to squash this nascent rebellion, scary as it must be from their vantage point. If anything, they’re going to the playbook Pat Fitzgerald employed at Northwestern last year when the Wildcats voted on whether to unionize: publicly support the movement as a great learning and bonding experience.


You wait, these already super privileged students will increasingly refuse to play unless they get their itches scratched by the university. Cute young feminists are as I type everywhere telling football players that it is time for them to refuse to play until the university does more to address the so called rape epidemic on campus.
Mon 9 Nov, 2015 06:18 pm
I took note that even fox did no interviews with any student that did not think that forcing the President out by way of blackmail by the football team was a good idea.

Either all 27 thousands plus students agree with what happen or the media did not care to cover any campus disagreement or students already fear speaking up.
Mon 9 Nov, 2015 07:00 pm
It’s important to note the extent to which this goes beyond campus racism. The past three months have seen campus fights over graduate student health care and Planned Parenthood.


Well good on Slate for including two sentences about the truth that what is happening at the university is a broad push from the students, especially the grad students, demanding more, to a large extent more money. But racism is the ticket, gotta turn this into a fight for victims as they make their political push to get more.

Kinda rare for journalists to even care to mention this, as it gets in the way of the progressive storyline very quickly.
Mon 9 Nov, 2015 09:10 pm
The intention, presumably, was to show strength and solidarity.

On the surface, Missouri's two most powerful athletics officials did that in a press conference here on Monday. Gary Pinkel, the football coach, talked of supporting his players. Mack Rhoades, the athletics director, talked of using an extraordinary last few days to improve life on campus.

But underneath all of that is a layer of fear, which is an awkward look for those used to power. The fear is here at the state's flagship university the same as it is growing at Kansas and Kansas State and every other school across the country in the billion dollar business of major college sports.

This is a major moment. College sports, or at least the power dynamics within college sports, will never be quite the same. Coaches and administrators can be divided into two categories: those who adjust the way they deal with athletes, and those who will struggle and even lose their jobs because they refuse.

That's the general sentiment from several college administrators and coaches who spoke for this column with the understanding their names would not be used.

From Washington to Miami, and from Maine to Hawaii, college athletes are watching the Heartland and seeing undeniable proof of the power they hold. A show of unity and strength from Mizzou's football players essentially forced Pinkel, the $4 million-per-year coach and most influential man on campus, to back their boycott, which ended when the MU system president and the Columbia campus chancellor each resigned two days later.

Two days.

In the context of university bureaucracy, that is like the flavor life of a piece of Dubble Bubble.

In two days, a group of college football players affected the change — largely symbolic, it should be noted, but still change — that student protests, faculty complaints, and a grown man starving himself could not.

Those in positions of power do not know how to react in the face of fear. Some of them freeze. It can be a terrifying experience to reach a place of decision-making, personnel management, and seven-figure salaries and then feel the ladder you used to make that climb shake.

This is what it's like to be an administrator or a coach at a major university right now.

The money generated by college sports has long given power to coaches, school administrators, chancellors and presidents, and in particular television network executives. But the events at Mizzou these last few days are clear proof that with the right cause, motivation, and unity, the real power rests with the athletes.

The purpose of this column is not to tell you what to think of the resignations of Missouri system president Tim Wolfe or chancellor Bowen Loftin, or anything about racism on college campuses or modern America. Those worthwhile discussions are being had in many places, among many passionate people.

The intent of this column is to tell you that all of this — the power of sports, the power of football players standing together for a cause, and the swift pace in which this happened — has many college administrators and coaches freaked out.

Because it's the athletes who make it all work, or not, and a college football team essentially tumbling a university's power structure is the clearest proof yet of the power they hold. Careers, donations, school pride, and often the viability of local businesses all depend on college athletes. They have enormous influence.

This has long been a sleeping giant, and the alarm is now going off.

As one high-ranking administrator put it, the power college athletes hold in threatening boycotts of games that generate millions at a time is akin to a hammer and nail. It can be used productively, as in the building of a house. Or it can be used destructively, as in tearing something down.

Four years ago, Ohio State president Gordon Gee said of football coach Jim Tressel, "I just hope he doesn't fire me." Now, it's the players who can influence whether powerful men keep their jobs.

In this specific instance at MU, the football players used their platform and influence to support a cause that cannot be tagged with selfish motives. Addressing racism — and there are other issues at play here, but racism is the most important and talked about — is a noble goal.

But what about the next cause?

That's where the fear comes in. The structure of college sports has by definition kept the power away from athletes, with few exceptions. Boycotts have been more whispers and rumors. Perhaps most famously, the 1991 UNLV basketball team has been said to have been close to boycotting or otherwise protesting the NCAA championship game.

Rhoades and Pinkel used the phrase "extraordinary circumstances" over and over on Monday, and downplayed this week's events as any sort of precedent. But that is out of their hands now, because as college athletes across the country see their power helping shake the leadership structure in Missouri, it stands to reason this is closer to the beginning than the end.

This is how it's always worked in America. Those with power use it.

The most obvious issue for college athletes to boycott over is compensation. The trend has long been going in that direction, particularly with the recent full cost of attendance allowances. In the wake of what happened here, those discussions will now be had in a much different context.

If college athletes are going to further use their influence, they would be wise to use their power wisely. Speaking out against racism, with no tangible or financial self interest, was always going to be applauded or at least condoned by most. If this is indeed the beginning of college athletes using their considerable power, they will face harder sells.

But in the meantime, smart administrators and coaches will be changing the way they deal with athletes, and putting in the time to build and strengthen relationships to help manage through hard times.

Because they don't know who or where will be next, only that there will be a who and where. The rules are changing. The huge money generated by college sports has long made this day inevitable. The winners will be the ones who best manage it.

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/sports/spt-columns-blogs/sam-mellinger/article43894332.html#storylink=cpy

I pretty much gave up on the American university awhile ago, but there is some measure of satisfaction that justice is being done, that the mistake of letting athletics get to be so important at what were supposed to be centers of education is finally exacting its full charge. Who knows, after the football players get everyone looking like they want and saying what they want maybe they will decide to do something useful.
Mon 9 Nov, 2015 09:17 pm
What the NCAA will be itching to do is to impose zero tolerance for political boycotts, but after they played politics by clubbing Penn St and a whole bunch of other times too they have no credibility. And they are now a lot weaker than they have been in a long time. I dont think they have the ability to get it done.
0 Replies
Mon 9 Nov, 2015 09:39 pm
I pretty much gave up on the American university awhile ago, but there is some measure of satisfaction that justice is being done, that the mistake of letting athletics get to be so important at what were supposed to be centers of education is finally exacting its full charge. Who knows, after the football players get everyone looking like they want and saying what they want maybe they will decide to do something useful

For the most part these 'student' athletics are far from the best and brightest of the student body and now as a group they now know they have the power to make changes at their whim to the universities they attend, while being completely ill equip to do so.

Could be another nail in the brick and mortar universities coffins. Like bookstores being replaced with online e-books and paper newspapers with news websites.

The cost of internet learning is now so low that universities like MIT are offering advance online courses for free to those who just have an interest in learning a subject and of course there are degree granting online universities also.
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