Wed 10 Aug, 2016 11:52 pm
DOJ reveals findings in critical Baltimore report
“There is reasonable cause to believe that BPD engages in a pattern of conduct that violates the constitution…” -- DOJ official Vanita Gupta on newly released report on Baltimore police practices.
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Wed 10 Aug, 2016 11:57 pm
How nice, you have never seen evidence of mistreatment of others. I'm older and my cheeks still burn with shame when I remember how things were in the 60's and in the 50's. My parochial school bused the entire 3rd grade class to Mount Vernon for a cultural experience. When the bus pulled into the parking lot I saw the very first and last sign announcing that 'no coloreds allowed'. I was a little white girl but my first thought was 'oh please don't let the black children see this sign'. But apparently the church officials knew better than to let those kids go on the trip' . I still am haunted that the children's parents paid the same tuition as our parents, but the 'colored' children were not welcome to visit a National Monument.
So once again Tony, congrats for not seeing racism. I suppose you just have not been aware of the slights so many 'minorities' endure. Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Wed 10 Aug, 2016 11:59 pm
Innocent Black Man Shot
A white man shot and killed a black man he called a "hoodlum."
Thu 11 Aug, 2016 12:05 am
Should this young man be locked up for 35 years for a non violent "crime?"

Pedophile senators get sent to the health spa prison for 4 years.
Thu 11 Aug, 2016 07:37 am
TheCobbler wrote:

Should this young man be locked up for 35 years for a non violent "crime?"

Pedophile senators get sent to the health spa prison for 4 years.

Uh... he would have only serve 35 years if he was found guilty on all counts and he served the sentences consecutively... Which rarely happens and in fact he got probation and community service... So what's the point of your post?
0 Replies
Thu 11 Aug, 2016 07:51 am
Lest we forget that blacks were not the only people who were subjected to Prejudice and discrimination during the first half of the 20th century in the United States... I'm also older and Sicilian and I can tell you that my parents were discriminated against when it came to what neighborhood they could live in or my sister who in the fifties when she was 10 years old would be stood up in front of the class and the teacher would say shall we pass Angie or fail her because she was Sicilian. I can remember as late as the late 1960s and early 1970s my father experiencing discrimination in the workplace for jobs he was competing for as a carpenter. Black people don't have a Monopoly on being discriminated against... But after the sixties they didn't seem to handle it very well or learn how to assimilate into society... They created their own problems after that.
Thu 11 Aug, 2016 07:59 am
But after the sixties they didn't seem to handle it very well or learn how to assimilate into society... They created their own problems after that.

Not quite true. Governments, especially those in the Democratic Party never provided a means for the poor, especially minorities, to escape poverty. The poor were held down by poor school systems and a system that rewarded not working. In a way, the system failed them.

In the early 20th century, there was no Gov't assistance programs like those today. You HAD to work or you did not survive.
Thu 11 Aug, 2016 08:21 am
woiyo wrote:

But after the sixties they didn't seem to handle it very well or learn how to assimilate into society... They created their own problems after that.

Not quite true. Governments, especially those in the Democratic Party never provided a means for the poor, especially minorities, to escape poverty. The poor were held down by poor school systems and a system that rewarded not working. In a way, the system failed them.

In the early 20th century, there was no Gov't assistance programs like those today. You HAD to work or you did not survive.

The point is that blacks were not the only race that were discriminated against and whatever assistance or programs existed at any given time were available to all to use or not to use. The only people to blame for the path that the black community took were themselves.
Thu 11 Aug, 2016 08:24 am

Traffic Stop Video Shows Everything You Need to Know About Korryn Gaines…


Remember Korryn Gaines? She’s the broad who used her kid as a meat shield while shooting at cops (see The Hard Truth About Korryn Gaines Shooting. What #BlackLivesMatter Won’t Tell You). She’s one of the most recent Black Lives Matter martyrs. Since her death, a few details (and videos) regarding her crappy mothering skills and mental instability have surfaced. Turns out there were a few screws loose in the ole noggin. Braids were a little too tight. Here’s a video of hers that BLM won’t be screening anytime soon…

A few things worth noting:

She was extremely paranoid and distrusted the police… without cause. Even her child says “He just was being nice!” referring to the policeman who was more than patient with her (6:32).
She refused to comply. Multiple times. When the cop asks her to exit the vehicle she says “I will not be getting out…” (10:27)
Korryn tells her 6-year-old child to FIGHT the police (7:07).
She even states “I promise you: you’re going to have to kill me,”over and over again. Spooky foreshadowing or crazy death wish? (6:59, 9:17) Let’s go with the latter.

Notice how this video only has 58k views? Yeah, that’s because the left is embarrassed by it. You can’t justify this sort of looney behavior. A hashtag won’t make it go away. This 20 minutes alone shows everything you need to know about the crapbucket that was Korryn Gaines. She was brainwashing her child, instilling fear and trauma into him by encouraging him to fear the police. To fight. She ordered him – just a tot – to endanger his own life. There’s a term for that sort of “parenting”… Child abuse.

By the way, this sort of thinking? The violence? It’s synonymous with Black Lives Matter for a reason. Refer to any BLM “protest.” Or member. While the left points the finger at Trump supporters and harps “Violence!” they put violence-inciting anti-cop groups on a pedestal. Because civility? Logic? Your own kid? Doesn’t matter. All can be sacrificed for the narrative.

0 Replies
Thu 11 Aug, 2016 09:56 am
Hey, Lester Maddox called and he wants you to return to the 50's era Georgia.
Thu 11 Aug, 2016 10:06 am
Of course anyone other than a black person who is critical of a black person especially when it's the truth is a racist and the only one who can comment on a black person as another black person... Only problem is they won't do it and those who might will be labeled an Uncle Tom... Thank you for your White liberal apologist opinion.
Thu 11 Aug, 2016 10:10 am
Thank you, I always love being complimented by a throw back worshiper of Jim Crow.
Thu 11 Aug, 2016 10:52 am
You are absolutely right. I am with you on this. Open the gates. No argument here.
0 Replies
Thu 11 Aug, 2016 11:05 am
That seriously sucks for the 1950's, and I see why you are spiteful. However, I had nothing to do with it. As you stated you saw the first and LAST sign. This is not happening now though. "White people are racists because **** happened in the 60's, 56 years ago", does not seem like a valid argument for why people like Sandra Bland and Mike Brown are seen as victims today. Laws have changed, times have changed, people have changed. A 30 year old black person does not deserve some kind of entitlement because of what happened before they were alive. I do not deserve to be a racist bigot because my skin is white and at some point in history a minority was slighted.
Thu 11 Aug, 2016 02:56 pm
glitterbag wrote:

Thank you, I always love being complimented by a throw back worshiper of Jim Crow.

Oh bullshit... Jim Crow my ass... I grew up in Upstate New York and remember as a teenager marching for civil rights when Dr. King was still alive... problem is after his death the black community didn't keep their eyes on the prize.
Thu 11 Aug, 2016 03:49 pm
Sure you did, you were the freeping poster boy of enlightenment.
Thu 11 Aug, 2016 03:55 pm
Tony, if you can't follow the conversation, ask someone to explain it to you. Also, look up spiteful in a real dictionary so you will use it properly in the future.
I am not calling you a racist, I think you are naive. You want things to be simple, everyone wants things to be simple, you're not unique.
Thu 11 Aug, 2016 06:50 pm
Haha you are on a good roll today! LOL
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Thu 11 Aug, 2016 07:10 pm
Glad you're trying to keep this forum on the right path.
Thu 11 Aug, 2016 11:29 pm
I don't believe it is simple though. I actually think it's a lot more complicated than some people make it out to be. There absolutely are racist cops. They exist. Some of them go to jail, some don't because just like every other type of criminal there is not always enough evidence to support a case against a racist cop. Painting a picture of an all white police force hunting down innocent black people for sport is just wrong. That is absolutely not true, most police are just out there doing their job, and police come in all colors. Every time a Black Lives Matter protest happens, some black people get angrier and angrier at white cops. More anger, more stupid stuff like arguing and fighting with police officers. Now police officers get more frustrated / scared of insane BLM supporters and more triggers are pulled. The trigger gets pulled, another protest, another mob of people who won't cooperate and are threatening towards cops (white cops), and white cops get put in bad situations where triggers get pulled again. Circle logic doesn't move people forward. That old saying about an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. All people are looking at is the colors anyway.

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