cicerone imposter
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 04:43 pm
I've been to Australia twice, and visited Port Douglas both times. I went to the Iron Bar on my first and second visits, and took some travel mates with me the second time. After having several drinks at the Iron Bar, we started walking around. I stopped at a shop and asked where the best bar in town was, and the clerk told me the Iron Bar. I know how to pick em! LOL
BTW, I don't know if anyone noticed, but my picture was taken by the Opera House in Sydney. It looks like a nun's hat.
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 04:51 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I did notice the photo of the Opera house, and now that you mention it, it does somewhat resemble a nun's hat.

I been to Cairns several times, but for some reason, never up to Port Douglas. Daintree River, Atherton Tablelands, Baron George etc. It's a very pretty part of the world.
cicerone imposter
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 05:35 pm
We visited Daintree Forest, and was provided lunch by a couple who settled there from New York. It rained cats and dogs when we were there.
We also went to the manmade island on the Great Barrier Reef and was a served lunch there.
0 Replies
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 07:20 pm
Any sort of guilt requires a conscience I would have thought.
0 Replies
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 08:59 pm
Baldimo wrote:

One mans book with no other confirmation... I guess we can take as fact all the negative books that are written about Hillary and Bill Clinton as well as Obama? Everything that is written about them that is negative must be true...

Here is your confirmation

In 1999 Trump told Playboy that "the stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true"

Now where is your confirmation on the right wing lies levied at Hillary?

You defend Trump when his own words say the book is true but you are silent when obvious slander is thrown at the Hillary Clinton that has been disproven by her own public testimony and by million dollar bipartisan investigations and the republican head of the FBI.

Even republicans defecting the party saying it was a deliberate GOP smear campaign against Hillary...

Now, Hillary's emails have been hacked by foreign dictators with Trump's fingerprints all over them.

Let's hear you come to his defense.
cicerone imposter
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 09:19 pm
When Trump encouraged our enemies to hack into Hillary's email, we should all understand his position is of a maniac. It certainly is not of a patriotic American.
0 Replies
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 10:23 pm
D.C. cop busted for threatening to shoot Michelle Obama

Let's hope he is put in an all black prison.

Not certain it is a white guy but... I doubt I will stand corrected.
0 Replies
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 10:33 pm
Hillary Clinton reminded the country it still “takes a village” to raise a family and a country. Take a look back at her famous speech from the 1996 DNC.

More on Hillary Clinton's journey to this historic night:
0 Replies
Sat 30 Jul, 2016 11:42 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
if i move to your country i´m the one adapting to your culture... if you move to my country you should be the one adapting to mine.... It´s not white culture it´s about getting integrated in the culture you chose to live in.... that has nothing to do with belittle immigrants culture or discriminating them at all of course...
0 Replies
Sat 30 Jul, 2016 11:50 pm
@cicerone imposter,
that´s because stupidity is still massively spread all over the world....
0 Replies
Sun 31 Jul, 2016 08:21 am
Kevin Sorbo Rips Apart The Black Lives Matter Movement

"... a bald-faced lie."
Charles Campbell
July 30, 2016 at 12:50pm

Going against the liberal narrative in Hollywood can be dangerous for one’s career. But veteran actor Kevin Sorbo doesn’t seem to care.

Sorbo went on his Facebook page Saturday to write about about the recent Democratic National Convention and its relationship with the Black Lives Matter movement.

Sorbo was upset, and confused, that one of the headliners at the DNC was the mother of Michael Brown, who was killed in Ferguson, Mo., after he assaulted a police officer. The BLM movement essentially sprung up from Brown’s killing, and the phrase “hands up, don’t shoot” was born.

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But as time went by, the narrative that Brown was innocent and had his hands up before he was shot was determined to be false. Still, the BLM movement persisted contrary to what the grand jury and Department of Justice decided.

“Within a few weeks of the ‘hands up, don’t shoot’ narrative being broadcast as fact from every media outlet, we saw the video of the ‘gentle giant’ (Brown) robbing a store and roughing up the clerk shortly before his encounter with Officer Wilson,” Sorbo said. “This was followed by extensive investigations by both a grand jury and a Department of Justice led by the most racist, anti-police attorney general we’ve ever had, Eric Holder. But even Holder’s Justice Department had to concede the whole ‘hands up don’t shoot’ story was a bald-faced lie.”

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The star of the TV series Hercules also mentioned that shooting deaths of law enforcement were up 78 percent so far — something he blamed on the rhetoric of BLM — and that being a police officer was far from easy, especially in high-crime neighborhoods where they are trying to prevent innocents from being gunned down by gangs.

“And it would be a lot easier without a group — officially supported by the Democrats — leading marches down city streets, chanting, ‘What do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want it? NOW!'”

Sorbo concluded his post by pointing out the hypocrisy of the media, which constantly asks Donald Trump to disavow David Duke, even though the two have never met. “But Hillary invites to her convention the mother of a man whose criminality destroyed a police officer’s life, tore the country apart and gave birth to a murderous cop-hating movement. Will a single reporter ask Hillary to disavow that?”
0 Replies
Sun 31 Jul, 2016 08:26 am

Statistical Ideas
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Black Lives Matter paradox
Update: this article was read over 85,000 times, and has had a hefty >250 social media engagements. The sequel article "Whose Lives Matter?" continues to be enjoyed by advisors on both sides. Thanks.

Given recent distressing killings between Blacks and police -in the past week - it is worth poring into the broad statistics that underlie homicides in this country, by race. The subject here has become far more emotional of late due to three reasons: (A) a lack of recent official national data covering homicides by race and by the police, (B) activists have somewhat diverted our attention away from the broader statistics and instead focused us on a few edited videos of murders under the premise that this is what all Whites are about, and (C) we have an election season where both sides of the aisle want a voice on this topic as it comports with their "broader" socioeconomic policies. It is as important to get the truth out there in terms of where the threat lies, as it is to be compassionate to the many thousands of murdered innocent Americans (of all stripes) each year but that happen disproportionately by one race. It is also worth reminding that the vast majority of initial deplorable headlines, about Blacks killed by police, have never later led to convictions by a balanced jury of peers who saw more concerning evidence than the (social) media showed you. Clearly there are some false positives, though there are far many more false negatives.

Let’s start by dissecting some headlines recently by both Former Mayor Giuliani, and also blogger Nate Silver. Both have made slightly different points, though both are factual in some sense, one is generally closer aligned to the broad statistics.
In the U.S. Blacks are killed at nearly 8x the rates of Whites. (based on this Silver is pointing to Rwanda, though bringing this up in this past week only conflates and misdiagnosis the situation)
Now let’s dig into these deaths, by race:
If you are Black, then you were nearly 9x as likely to have been killed by another Black versus by the police. And there was a very little chance at all that a White civilian killed you. (based on this Giuliani is wrong only in the accuracy of his stated probability, during a conversation about Black Lives Matter, but he is certainly close)
If you are instead White, then you were nearly 3x as likely to have been killed by another White versus by either the police or a Black civilian (this too would have supported Giuliani’s point, though he chose to never make it)
To drive home the point of where the threat is, something critical should be retold as we will below, that the 8x murder rate for Blacks versus Whites would rise to 8.5x if there were no police murders at all. (this reflects how much more impactful police killings are on White people then they truly have on Blacks)
Now in the past year of data there have been 5,556 homicides of Americans by members of their own race, or by police. The Washington Post and The Guardian have unofficial estimates, and I averaged their databases together. See the split of these murders, which are now precisely sized proportionally by the number of homicides in each of these four categories below.

We show this same information, charted chart two different ways so that the most crucial storyline can be reinforced. First we should state that while there are nearly 5.5x as many Whites as Blacks in the U.S., it is disquieting that Blacks still kill their own almost as much as Whites do (using the left chart above: 45% for the left portion versus 55% for the right portion)! Additionally, within the left-side’s number of Blacks killed, it’s actually a smaller portion are killed by police versus the similar comparison for Whites. This is despite the fact that Whites are living in lower-crime neighborhoods (and yes they too are under economic duress just as Blacks are) to begin with. If Whites are actually killing each other at a lower rate, it also must imply those neighborhood have less violent criminals! For more information, recheck the bullets highlighted above describing Former Mayor Giuliani’s comments.

Now when looking at who is committing these dire murders, it is clearly more often than not being done by “everyday” neighborhood civilians, and not by the police. We prove this by portioning the same 5,556 murders on the right chart above. We see that the right portion of that ride-side’s chart shows that civilian murders are nearly equal (47% are Blacks versus 53% are Whites). Yet the only 1 in 7 annual number of of all homicides are due to police (the left portion of the right-side’s chart) and not civilians. When the police kill, 2/3 of the time it is Whites being killed! We can ask where is the furor over that, when Whites don’t even account for >2/3 of the same-race civilian killings (as a reminder, it was only 53%)?

To be thorough, it is wistfully accurate that police too are victims of unnecessary murders by American civilians (these shootings are up >50% versus 2015's year-to-date statistic). This type of murder happens at 8% the level of civilians killed by police, and 1% of the overall 5,556 level of annual killings in total we’re discussing here. So this may appear to be a small number, but it is certainly not insignificant at all, to those we put to work in law enforcement. Who’s killing these police? We dejectedly note that relative to Whites, Black civilians kill police at an astonishing 4-5x (Blacks are the same ones who are killing each other at 8x the national rate and paradoxically expecting law enforcement to stop that, but then shriek when the police do). The Dallas sniper murders last week (and possibly the Baton Rouge killings today) have not done anyone favors, and numerically it will inexpugnably and instantaneously spike the number of police killed by Blacks, by ~15%! None of this is to say that we advocate any Blacks being stalked and hunted anywhere, but the broad information we hear in the media doesn't offer proof that this is what is happening nor proof of economic discrimination. It is also a gloomy reality that Black civilians are also killing Whites at a significantly higher rate than the other way around.

An impressive academic peer-reviewed paper, which I spent considerable time reviewing as the an editor, was well-referenced earlier this year (for example written up in the Wall Street Journal). It explores threat factors associated with police who shoot at a scene (including critical insights such as Black officers are >3x more likely to shoot versus Whites when both confronted as a team within the same situation). The author and the renowned American Statistical Association journal were a vital probability and statistics citation for the recently viral Harvard University/National Bureau of Economic Research economics working draft on police aggression (and showing that shooting isn’t even the largest component of police aggression to begin with!)

Here is the topical research article we made free:

To summarize, we have a tapestry of racial homicide information that demonstrates that within the U.S., Black lives are committing crimes at an awfully-high disproportionate rate (again we can isolate the Blacks-on-Blacks homicide numbers above). Additionally, Black civilians account for a disproportionately higher number of all murders of police, who do care about Black lives and are trying to reduce violent crimes in Black neighborhoods. And while police kill fewer Blacks than Whites, Black police are >3x likelier to shoot versus White police. Whites tend to murder anyone at a lower late, and this is despite the glorification in the media of a small fraction of incidences the don't represent the righteous struggle for many.

It is clear where the threat is where it comes to violent crimes, and so too why the recent movement against Whites is an awkward paradox. Whites certainly have their flaws and discriminations and certainly struggling to make ends meet just like everyone else, but we also see that Black lives do matter to Whites. And all innocent lives should matter. The question is, why do Black lives (or any innocent lives) not matter to Blacks who disproportionately murder? This makes the appeal that Whites don’t care about anything, hard to absorb.

Let’s put this all a little differently. If we were in a situation in America, where we had an equal proportions of Blacks as Whites, in this hypothetical the number of butchered Americans in the hands of Blacks would burgeon (and astonishingly by police would fall) uncontrollably and our entire society would be left effectively unbalanced. That would not be a stellar result

Whose Lives Matter?

by Tyler Durden
Jul 30, 2016 9:00 PM

Submitted by Salil Mehta via Statitiscal Ideas blog,

In our prior article we exposed that a murdered Black had a 90% chance of being killed by another Black (8x the rate of Whites being killed by another White). And a murdered Black had a 10% chance of being killed by police (usually Black police, and anyway it is at a high 2.5x the rate of Whites). We integrated recent popular academic research (some of which I peer-reviewed), and lastly we noted that for every 10 Blacks killed by police, 1 police was killed by a Black. We intend to explore these trends further, since after that article we saw more shooting deaths of police in Baton Rouge (and less covered by the media were deaths in Kansas City and Austin and just now in San Diego, plus this week near-deaths of multiple officers in both Indianapolis and Jefferson Parish). The debate about the 'killings' statistics between predominantly Blacks and police has brought up in the recent political conventions. It’s also worth noting from the onset that this all appears to be a system that has gotten out of control.

Police are ubiquitous in low income neighborhoods, and in these neighborhoods Blacks are killing disproportionately. This summer in particular is going to set records going back more than a decade (even if you remove mass terrorist shootings from the time series). There is a lack of social service safety nets for these multitude of decent Americans, and instead the government's Lottery is ironically a disgraceful sponge drawing away from these communities that need assistance most. I helped some of their neighborhoods rebuild, with economic assistance provided during the TARP bailout program. But now attaining lethal weapons is simply too easy. Blacks should know better, and the killings of these courageous public servants needs to stop. Innocent Americans are needlessly becoming victims with the idea that police lives don’t matter. They don’t matter to the point that the Black Lives Matter (BLM) -per the words of one of their three leaders- is now pushing to defund the police altogether. And White people certainly shouldn’t feel somehow guilty because a small fraction of them are crowded into the Top 1%. The rest of the White communities are going through as difficult a time as well, but just not as violently. Given our last article gained 90k reads, and >275 social media engagements, this follow-up seemed necessary to present a broader case (taking in comments from both sides) than merely the grim murder statistics that provide bad optics for Blacks. It is my hope that we learn from these most violent statistics, since this is also where data (difficult to come by) is just a tad easier to manually assimilate.

There is plenty of information circulating that homicides of civilians through some methods has gone down (our blog has discussed this as well). Overall police deaths have gone down (but through all means, including common causes such as simple working accidents or vehicle crashes). In the chart below we see that for the specific case of cold-blooded shooting of police to death, so far in 2016 this has gone up by about 60%, versus the YTD levels in previous years. It goes up, even as the month of July is not yet over. It goes up even if we don’t count the Dallas and Baton Rouge killings at all. And it is nearly a 1 standard deviation event, implying that recent killings are either purposefully too high in response to BLM, or because we simply have a rise in disobedient killings anyway, and likely both. Disturbingly, the police are the only sub-population being killed at an increasing rate over time! And while in recent years about 55% of these murders were done by Blacks (who represent 13% of the U.S. population); and in 2016 this surged to a goliath three-quarters of police murdered by Blacks throughout 2016. This evidence of the uptick in police being killed by Blacks is statistically significant at >95%.

Such a spike in police being killed is enough discourage otherwise good, decent Americans from taking up this noble public service. We all rely on the police at some point in our lives. We ask them to work in our most dangerous cities, and they are mostly good officers (of course a few bad ones well). The anecdotal shootings of Blacks that are edited and glorified on social media are still terrible tragedies and bad optics for communities that feel the police are intervening in their progress to live a healthy and productive life. I do agree that black lives matter. Most Americans should agree with that as well. There are many, many extraordinary ones among our colleagues, friends, and -in my case- my students. But they also agree that over time so too matters the lives of everyone else, including children, vulnerable women, police and everyday Whites in the same tender socio-economic status.

We live in a country where there is too much overall homicide (nearly 6 thousand annually). And at the racial intersection we also have Black officers more likely to shoot Whites than White officers are to shoot Blacks. But behind all of these statistics we all must work together and have a clear sense of responsibility to each another. We share this country, and rise and fall together. With hope, we will spend more time brightly raising each other up as fellow countrymen, rather than finding it easy to speak hateful words of one another (which then slides into killing one another).
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Sun 31 Jul, 2016 11:55 am
If you think black lives matter share this.

Sun 31 Jul, 2016 01:52 pm
@reasoning logic,
You got that right.
Mon 1 Aug, 2016 04:49 am
The 911 Call That Prompted Police To Shoot An Unarmed Therapist Pokes Holes In The Police Narrative

Last week, a police officer shot therapist Charles Kinsey as he tried to help his patient, Arnaldo Rios, who’d strayed from a local group home. Police have defended the shooting by saying they got a 911 call warning them that Rios had a gun and was dangerous. Now, they’ve released the 911 call — and it pokes some key holes in the police narrative.

The 911 caller, an unidentified woman, told police the man looked “mentally ill” and that he may not be carrying a gun at all.

Cellphone video of the moments leading up to the shooting showed Kinsey with his arms raised in the air, pleading with police not to fire their weapons. Kinsey explained that he and Rio, who was holding a toy truck, were unarmed. SWAT officer Jonathan Aledda shot his gun anyway, hitting Kinsey in the leg.

The president of the local police union later defended Aledda by saying he was actually trying to protect Kinsey and shoot Rios, the unarmed patient.

“There’s this guy in the middle of the road, and he has what appears to be a gun,” the caller told the dispatcher. “He has it to his head, and there’s a guy there trying to talk him out of it.”

When asked to describe the men in detail, the caller responded, “He’s a Spanish guy, young kid. Spanish guy with gray shorts and gray pants. The guy that’s trying to talk him out of it is green shirt and black shorts. But I think the Spanish guy looks like a mentally ill person. I don’t know if it’s a gun. But he has something the shape of a gun, so just be careful.”
Mon 1 Aug, 2016 05:29 am
revelette2 wrote:

The 911 Call That Prompted Police To Shoot An Unarmed Therapist Pokes Holes In The Police Narrative

Last week, a police officer shot therapist Charles Kinsey as he tried to help his patient, Arnaldo Rios, who’d strayed from a local group home. Police have defended the shooting by saying they got a 911 call warning them that Rios had a gun and was dangerous. Now, they’ve released the 911 call — and it pokes some key holes in the police narrative.

The 911 caller, an unidentified woman, told police the man
looked “mentally ill” and that he may not be carrying a gun at all.

Cellphone video of the moments leading up to the shooting showed Kinsey with his arms raised in the air, pleading with police not to fire their weapons. Kinsey explained that he and Rio, who was holding a toy truck, were unarmed. SWAT officer Jonathan Aledda shot his gun anyway, hitting Kinsey in the leg.

The president of the local police union later defended Aledda by saying he was actually trying to protect Kinsey and shoot Rios, the unarmed patient.

“There’s this guy in the middle of the road, and he has what appears to be a gun,” the caller told the dispatcher. “He has it to his head, and there’s a guy there trying to talk him out of it.”

When asked to describe the men in detail, the caller responded, “He’s a Spanish guy, young kid. Spanish guy with gray shorts and gray pants. The guy that’s trying to talk him out of it is green shirt and black shorts. But I think the Spanish guy looks like a mentally ill person. I don’t know if it’s a gun. But he has something the shape of a gun, so just be careful.”

So apparently the title of this article is absolutely completely wrong... In fact it doesn't poke holes in the officer story it bolsters his story. And let's remember that the officer in route to the call does not hear the actual 9-1-1 call he only hears what the dispatcher says and I'm sure the dispatcher was erring on the side of caution by saying that it appears as though the individual may have a gun to his head and tring to commit suicide. That is the misconception that the officer was living under when he viewed the scene from a distance and from behind cover. And because of black lives matters and the Ambush attacks on police a tragic accident occurs.
Mon 1 Aug, 2016 05:35 am
You really do have comprehension problems. Either that or you've some sort of mental problem that causes your brain to reject facts that do not fit with your own prejudices.

The racist cop shot an unarmed black man who had his hands in the air then his racist buddies lied to cover up the facts. That's what happened, and it's blindingly obvious to anyone who isn't a racist.
Mon 1 Aug, 2016 05:58 am
The cop is only a racist to fanatics like you who have absolutely no proof as to the officers feelings towards the black community. If the police officer who pulled the trigger had been black is he also a racist? You have no concept of who is a racist or what a racist is. Your knee-jerk reactions are indicative of your ignorance and immaturity and lack of critical thinking skills. Unless you know the officer personally and have spoken to him about his views on black people or have evidence to show that he's demonstrated racist beliefs you are totally full of crap in your assessment which apparently is based on nothing more than your fanatical and totally unreasoned beliefs... which makes you the racist . And that apparently sums up most all of your responses on this site. So you're the one that's always calling for proof now I'm calling for yours where's the proof that this officer is a racist because if your only proof is your say-so the concept of put up or shut up should never be invoked by you again.
Mon 1 Aug, 2016 06:03 am
He shot an unarmed man who had his hands in the air. Of course he's a racist, and that's why racists like you support him.
bobsal u1553115
Mon 1 Aug, 2016 06:08 am
Just wait, in a moment or two goooooey's is going to deny the officer fired off three rounds and when the victim asks why he was shot, that the officer replied, "I don't know."

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