Fri 29 Jul, 2016 01:50 pm
White guilt does not require a conscience, it requires a weak constitution. I feel no guilt about my treatment of blacks because I've been nothing but friendly to blacks my entire life. I was married to a black woman for almost 20 years, my conscience is clear. The racism I see if from liberals who guilt blacks into voting as a group and if they don't vote the way liberals want them to, then they are attacked as "uncle toms" or good house slaves. That's the some of the most racist **** I have ever seen.
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 02:03 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
I am for the most part quite proud of white American culture. White American culture was formed thorough intercultural exchange.

I find black, Asian, brown and religious cultures very fascinating too.

It is white culture that wrote our US constitution.

Though that white culture back then had slaves and this slavery was an abomination... out of that negative experience came principles that no other nation had at the time and can compare to today.

So white culture learned of its gross inequalities by experience we grew and changed over a long time for the better.

This change allowed us to blend our races with all cultures.

Though there have been horrible massacres along the way white American people seem to have created a dream that all people can now partake and share.

Is that dream perfect yet? No and we have a long way to go.

White people assimilate Arabic numbers into our culture so we now have things like algebra, algorithms, allegories... all from Islamic countries.

All white people are taught these Islamic numbers and alphabet we are also taught where they came from. We are taught of fierce unparalleled warriors like the Mongols. And we are taught of Greek Gods and Confucius in school though we are predominantly a Christian nation (for now). Our days of the week are named after pagan Norse Gods.

We have tacos, Chinese food, Italian food and every other country's food and yes, with our own flair added to them.

Though I grew up in a predominantly white northern state I was taught many things from places all over the world from many cultures.

I remember when I was about 10 years old I was taught that the Chinese invented the first computer, the abacus. White people not only taught me about the abacus but also did not refrain from giving credit to the Chinese.

While growing up in school it was compulsory that I take a second language in high school. I was offered my choice of Spanish or French. Though my high school was poor and some years they did not offer a second language or a high school band.

That was okay there was a public library a half a mile away from my house in our tiny little town. They had free books I could borrow from every culture in the world.

Then there is entertainment.

One day I got in an argument with a friend.

She said that Rosanne Barr was not a racist because she had black and gay people in her shows.

I said maybe Rosanne isn't a racist I do not know what is in her heart but I said, are you aware that though we are, at this time, a white nation of predominantly white people we have laws in our congress that state that all of these TV shows have to hire people of other cultures and races and the laws stipulate the level of cultural integration.

My friend argues saying I was wrong and there was no such law.

I said if Rosanne did not depict other races and cultures in her show she could have gone to jail for breaking the a law.

My friend after talking to her husband about it and looking online found out I was right.

Then there is my Puerto Rican friend who came from Ponce Puerto Rico.
He told me that the northern part of Puerto Rico is for the most part friendly to white people but if you go in the south of Puerto Rico a white person takes a big risk of being murdered simply for being white. As a matter of fact the crime is so high many of the houses have steel bars on the windows and doors because of Puerto Ricans robbing each other.

That is not to say there are not parts of the white areas of New York City that are also the same.

I am proud per se of white culture. I am not proud of white racists and I am not proud of white criminals within our society.

If we white American have errantly shut out any culture I would like to know who and which cultures.

Though we were at war with Japan and a cold war with Russia I still remember Sulu And Chekov in Star Trek.

While I also remember a slew of King Fu movies coming from Asia at the time without a single white person in them.

I remember black stereotypes, perpetuated by certain comedians of color claiming that white people have no rhythm and can't dance.

It turns out there are a few black people who can't dance and have no ability to sing. Turns out white people do not have a monopoly on tone deafness.

White people have created the most diverse yet unified country in the world.

Though Mexico and South America are also multi cultural and have a large population of white people living amongst a predominantly dark skinned population.

And a person of ethnicity can walk down nearly any street in America and encounter a nasty white racist and be murdered for being black, Asian, gay etc... too.

The problem is not "white culture" the problem are racists, and every race has them, just as you can be a white person in Mexico or Puerto Rico and be murdered simply because you are white.

Stop blaming cultures and start blaming racists. Blaming cultures rather than individuals is generally a racist thing to do.
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 02:10 pm
Well you asked and I gave you the answer.

I had a black boyfriend when I was about 19 in Dallas Texas. We were not together long, but I loved him.
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 02:26 pm
Kind of hard to love someone from a difference race if you are a racist... which makes me laugh everytime someone says it to me.
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 02:33 pm
Well Donald Trump said "Blacks are lazy and only good for sex..."

So because Donald likes having sex with black woman does that make him not still a racist ****?

Your hypothesis does not really hold water.

Liberals think interracial sex should also require mutual respect!

Consider that one for a bit.
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 02:43 pm
Well Donald Trump said "Blacks are lazy and only good for sex..."

Do you even look up the stuff you write before you write it or do you just automattically think every negative thing you read about someone you hate is true?

Since the first comment you made is bullshit, the rest of the post is also bullshit.

Your hypothesis does not really hold water.

So being married to and in love with a black woman doesn't mean I'm not racist? I have 2 interracial children who mean the world to me. Once again, it's hard to be in love with someone from a different race if you are a racist.

That was my hypothesis, love not sex.
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 03:10 pm
Donald Trump said "Black people are lazy."


Baldimo, what is a lazy person good for?

Jumping hoops in the circus? no.

Going out and getting a high pressure job? no

Becoming president? no

Starting their own mom and pop store? no

Volunteer work at the soup kitchen? no

Prostitution, eating and stealing? BINGO!

TRUTH! A lazy person is only good for sex, eating and stealing.

Defend this creep, Donald Trump, and you are defending a RACIST!
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 03:20 pm
Did you not see the link I posted on snopes? He never said what you are claiming.
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 03:26 pm

Try this cob.

Edit. You might want to look at this Baldy. Since you only post things that bolster your opinions i figured it should be looked at closer.
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 03:30 pm
One mans book with no other confirmation... I guess we can take as fact all the negative books that are written about Hillary and Bill Clinton as well as Obama? Everything that is written about them that is negative must be true...
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 03:32 pm
The Washington Post has a story Wednesday about Donald Trump's standing with black Americans (summary: his standing is bad), which cites a crazy quote from a 1991 book written about Trump by former Trump Plaza casino COO John O'Donnell. Via Google Books, here's the relevant excerpt:

This quote has been floating around the internet for a while, and it should be noted that this is O'Donnell's recollection of what Trump said, not a direct quote in a news report or a transcript of a recording. On the other hand, this is Donald Trump we're talking about, and in 1999 Trump told Playboy that "the stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true" when speaking about O'Donnell's book generally.

Yes Baldimo, what Trump is reported as saying here, in his own words is, "probably true"...
0 Replies
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 03:38 pm
Major post, thank you.

0 Replies
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 03:38 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
When Malcolm X was asked how white people could be allies and accomplices with Black people in 1964, he responded:

“By visibly hovering near us, they are ‘proving’ that they are ‘with us.’ But the hard truth is this isn’t helping to solve America’s racist problem. The Negroes aren’t the racists. Where the really sincere white people have got to do their ‘proving’ of themselves is not among the black victims, but out on the battle lines of where America’s racism really is — and that’s in their home communities; America’s racism is among their own fellow whites. That’s where sincere whites who really mean to accomplish something have got to work.”
This part of the article I agree with.

Racism exists, and it is a white problem.
This part I completely and utterly disagree with - racism is everyones problem. Every race on earth has racist elements. To paint racism as a problem that only exists in one group, and not the other, is very blinkered.

Therefore, a more honest and accurate way to talk about racism –which requires both prejudice and systemic or institutional power over others
And yet again I disagree, because Racism just requires that one person treats another person differently based on their race. To define racism in such as way as to absolve minorities of racism, leaving the only possible racists the majority - is pure baloney. Again, every race on earth has racist elements in their ranks.

– is to call it what it is: white supremacy. White supremacy is a system of exploitation and oppression of people of color by white people for the purpose of maintaining a system of wealth, power, and privilege for white people.
This is a thread all on it's own, so I won't comment on this part.
We have to acknowledge openly that white supremacy exists in America. And white privilege exists. We all need to be able to recognize both to do anything about them, and unless we are actively using our white privilege to dismantle white supremacy, we are complicit in its preservation.
And here we come back to something I agree with the gist of again.

cicerone imposter
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 03:47 pm
Boy, are you out of the loop. Do some fact checking.

Here's one:

Many whites still believe Blacks are lazy and not intelligent.
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 04:01 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Thank you for the link. I did find it surprising.

The argument for structural racism is also a little clearer, and it's a good fight.

That doesn't change the fact that we shouldn't redefine racism so that it only applies to one group and not the other - again, racism exists amongst every race on earth. Absolving just one group of any possibility of racism actually increases divisiveness and prolongs division.

I presume that's where your comments were aimed. Or is there something else?

cicerone imposter
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 04:07 pm
No. We're talking about American racism. I experienced and know first hand about American racism. We were put into concentration camps during WWII. All our Constitutional rights were taken away based on racial bigotry.
The Japanese American 442nd Battalion were the most decorated during WWII and any war the US has been involved in. So nobody can tell me about US bigotry, and I understand too well the bigotry against Blacks even today. They serve more time in prison for the same crime as whites.
cicerone imposter
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 04:11 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Proof of my statement in the post above.
0 Replies
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 04:17 pm
@cicerone imposter,
No. We're talking about American racism. I experienced and know first hand about American racism. We were put into concentration camps during WWII. All our Constitutional rights were taken away based on racial bigotry.
I believe similar things happened here, in Australia. But all I have to go on for that, is a TV series that was set in WW2 during my childhood.

They serve more time in prison for the same crime as whites.
As I've mentioned numerous times - I have all the time in the world for the fight against injustice. We should always be even handed - whether it be in peoples posts, or in the actual justice system.
cicerone imposter
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 04:22 pm
I'm not familiar with Australia's racism, except I do know that the natives of the country were discriminated against.
Fri 29 Jul, 2016 04:37 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Ugh, it was much uglier than that. Even most Australians don't know that in Tasmania, our aboriginal population went from 250,000 (I think that was the starting number), to 12. I only found out in my adult years, watching a documentary. From my perspective, that's the very worst part of Australian history, but there was plenty of other systematic discrimination.

In 1971 the Federal Govt introduced the Racial Discrimination Act, which set things on the right path, but it has been, and still is, a long road for aboriginal Australians.

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