Sun 6 Sep, 2015 08:45 am
I believe the behaviors in the black community that you decry are all connected to what has happened to them here - and is STILL happening. I don't think it will change until we stand up and embrace them as equal shareholders in this country, and show we mean it by taking bold steps to stop institutional racism.

LOL have you taken note of who the current president of the US happen to be?

A man that I happen to had voted for two times as a matter of fact.

Institutional racism indeed!!!!!!!!!!

The current problems in the poor black community are mainly the fault of that community and the solutions need to come from that community or not at all.

As far as your and others attempts to blame the police for what is occurring that is a no starter and if the attacks rate on police keep climbing we might indeed see a future of no go areas for the police. Allowing the gangs to run the neighborhoods even more then they are doing now.

I assume you would be happy with that outcome as no matter how many young black men end up dead, as black lives matter only if it is a non-black that had done the killing.
Sun 6 Sep, 2015 11:10 am
You seem to attach a lot of exclamation points to your inference that you can't have a black president and institutional racism at the same time.

You are wrong. Imagine lots of exclamation points.

I didn't make any personal claims as to your happiness with bad outcomes for blacks. As yourself why you felt the need to say that to me.
Sun 6 Sep, 2015 12:11 pm
1 Marine vs. 30 Cops: "why are you hurting US citizens?" Imagine if all veterans stood up to cops like this! Story:

Twice a hero!

(a voice crying out in the wilderness)
0 Replies
Sun 6 Sep, 2015 12:16 pm
I'll just say this...
A person who really believes that a black president and institutional racism are mutually exclusive phenomena can't really be employing anything that could pass as critical thinking. Put another way, that person just isn't very bright.
Sun 6 Sep, 2015 12:24 pm
Black man pulled over by cop for air freshener dangling from mirror
0 Replies
Sun 6 Sep, 2015 12:38 pm
I'll give this one more attempt today.

Your grandfather didn't just have a rough time in WW2. He saw his friends blown up; he spent months in country, stressed beyond our comprehension that his next step may be on a landmine; or he may take a sniper bullet like three people in his company in the last month, and this heightened level of stress changed him at his core.

When he came home, all he'd have to hear was a car backfire or a peal of thunder, smell a certain humid green smell, and he'd start screaming, grab a kitchen knife, and chase your dad or his mom around. Noises triggered him for the rest of his life. One time, he held your dad at knife point and the cops fortunately made it to your house before your dad was killed.

Even though you dad didn't suffer in a war, his life was forever changed because the trauma that directly affected his dad also affected him. The same storm and abrupt noises that triggered granddad also became triggers for your dad. As he became older, he'd get inexplicably nervous and smoke during storms, long after his dad left home or died. Your dad became irrationally short-tempered and developed a drinking problem. He was plagued by anxiety. He was in and out of marriages because he didn't learn interpersonal skills in his home environment.

These things happen. PTSD doesn't just affect the person with the direct stress. They share it with their families.

I believe the depth of trauma suffered for 350 years by a race of people topped off by laws created just to **** with them that were in place for the next 100 years, topped off by a sneakier subset of mistreatments that continues today left indelible marks of varying depth on everyone who identifies as black in this country.

Can you see how that could be possible?
Sun 6 Sep, 2015 12:38 pm
You are one of the worst enemies for the welfare of our blacks citizens trying your best to paint a picture of police officers of all color as eager would be killers of black citizens.

No a black man could not peaceful approach police officers in the ghetto with out being likely killed or at best beaten and arrested is your nonsense.

Well a black man might be taking a risk by doing so if black hoodlums saw him but otherwise your statement is complete nonsense.

As I stated if you and others do convict a large percents of poor blacks that the police are their enemies instead of the gangs who cause families to sleep on the floor to try to avoid stray gang bullets, we are looking at a group of people we will just need to write off by setting up no go areas.

I would guess that would be your ideal world with black hoodlums controlling the black communities without fear of the police interfering.
Sun 6 Sep, 2015 12:40 pm
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Sun 6 Sep, 2015 12:52 pm
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Sun 6 Sep, 2015 12:54 pm
Why was this woman pulled over?
Sun 6 Sep, 2015 12:54 pm
My great, great, great grandfather was a doctor in the cavalry and fought as a union soldier, his "genes" taught me to spot a southern racist a mile away...

The ones most hurt were not the blacks but the whites racists who were taught they mattered more than a black person. Their white racist grandparents left a mark on them that is much more insidious than having been a slave.

Slaves suffered brutally but the real damage was done when these white racists had to face the scourge of racism that had been "born" into the mostly southern white people.

Slaves are subjected to hate by OTHERS, while racists have to live with the troubling and highly embarrassing fact that they have subjugated THEMSELVES with such a hideous ideology of racism!

Go ahead talk it out if you need to but realize who is really at fault here.

Black people can get over being once being treated as slaves but can white people get over being low life racists? I say the latter is a much harder burden to carry for generations...
Sun 6 Sep, 2015 12:59 pm
A person who really believes that a black president and institutional racism are mutually

Sure however when a very large percents of white voters are more then willing to vote for a black president the old days of wide spread support for racism is ending.

I remember as a young person reading a book by the title of "The Man" who plot was that the president and a large numbers of others in line for that office was killed and my god the next in line was a black man!!!!!!!!!

No way could a black man gain that office except by such a fluke in my life time was the then feeling of most people at the time.

Time are changing and institutional racism is for the most part in the rear view mirror.

An causing young black men to hate and fear the police and even attacked the police is not the way to end whatever racism that still exist.

In any case the main risk now for young black men future are sadly other young black men not white racists..
Sun 6 Sep, 2015 01:01 pm
I hope you're on medication, crazypants.
0 Replies
Sun 6 Sep, 2015 01:03 pm
I do agree that the fact that a black man can be elected president is a good sign that progress is being made.
0 Replies
Sun 6 Sep, 2015 01:09 pm
Why was this woman pulled over?

LOL I had been pull over for having one, just one of the two lights that light up my rear lic plate burned out.

It was in my opinion a bullshit reason to pull someone over but unlike the lady in question I did not give the two police officers a hard time and was shortly on my way without a ticket.

I to this day have no idea why they wish to pull me over, using the burn out bulb as an excused but it did not matter one way or another.

But you by promoting giving police a hard time for such silliness are going to be setting up more such sad outcomes for no good reason.
Sun 6 Sep, 2015 01:13 pm
Black people can get over being once being treated as slaves

No one alive today have been a slave in the US number one and almost everyone alive today have both slave owners and slaves in their family tree and that include whites as well as blacks.

Slavery was a fact of life for most of human history.

0 Replies
Sun 6 Sep, 2015 01:14 pm
The truth is I think we have some serious problems with law enforcement that require reform.

We should reward good cops, and replace bad cops, and carefully train all of them.

That cop didn't have a reason to pull her over or arrest her. She's dead because of his behavior.
Sun 6 Sep, 2015 01:22 pm
That cop didn't have a reason to pull her over or arrest her. She's dead because of his behavior.

They have a reason if perhaps not a "good" reason just as the cops who pulled me over had a reason if not a good reason in my opinion.

Her behaviors after being pulled over is why she was arrested the kind of behaviors that you seems to be promoting.

I very well might had ended up in a jail cell if I had rants and raves about one burn out bulb out of two lighting up my lic. plate was not valid reason to pull me over as she did about being pull over for no signaling.

Never even dawn on me to do so however.
Sun 6 Sep, 2015 01:28 pm
Obama Shatters Republican Fantasies By Posting Lower Unemployment Numbers Than Reagan

What is Reagan's excuse?
0 Replies
Sun 6 Sep, 2015 01:28 pm
She didn't rant or rave, she just didn't kiss ass.

I'm always worried when I'm pulled because in my opinion many cops are power-hungry and like the feel of that gun in their hands. I ALWAYS KISS ASS when I'm pulled. I shouldn't be afraid, and I should be able to voice mild disagreement like Sandra Bland did without worrying that the cop will use his power to unfairly arrest me or worse.

This is not a police state.

I've always supported cops, but I can tell there has been some change in the type of person attracted to law enforcement, and it scares me.

A lot of former service personnel from our wars work in LE. If the implication doesn't bring up any red flags, you're not thinking.

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