Part of me agrees with you completely and part of me objects. I'm plenty confused.
I still like Sanders best, but fear him not being elected. And somewhat fear the chaos re the government workings if he somehow is. On the other hand, Pope Francis is working change in a calcified situation state.
I like Biden second, think he could be elected, or could have been seriously possible pre the debate, and I would have been happy about that.
I still have displeasure with Hillary Clinton and still will vote for her if she is the candidate.
I'm not so sure Biden would be a spoiler. He might be an answer instead of a spoiler. Would Independents out in the cold vote for him more than would for Hillary? I have no idea, but maybe.
Part of this drama between myself and myself is that if Hillary Clinton annoys me in 72 ways now/already, it will only get worse. I don't like not liking the president. I've disagreed with many presidents off and on and highly disliked a few in my voting time, but the only one that I didn't find humanity in was Nixon - who of course turned out not to be an entirely bad egg.
In Hillary Clinton's case, I dislike or don't trust some fair number of her motivational views, but also dislike her personality (not that I'm queen of the May but I'm not running for president). I do wish Biden came in faster or will damned soon. The side of me that agrees with you, Snood, says maybe you're right. Stay tuned.